]> git.cworth.org Git - apitrace/blob - dispatch/glproc.py
cli: Fix invalid option message.
[apitrace] / dispatch / glproc.py
1 ##########################################################################
2 #
3 # Copyright 2010 VMware, Inc.
4 # All Rights Reserved.
5 #
6 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8 # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9 # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10 # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 #
13 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 #
23 #
24 ##########################################################################/
27 """Generated an header, glproc.hpp, which does pretty much what GLEW does, but
28 covers all the functions we support.
29 """ 
32 from dispatch import Dispatcher
33 import specs.stdapi as stdapi
34 from specs.glapi import glapi
35 from specs.glxapi import glxapi
36 from specs.wglapi import wglapi
37 from specs.cglapi import cglapi
38 from specs.eglapi import eglapi
39 from specs.glesapi import glesapi
42 # See http://www.opengl.org/registry/ABI/
43 public_symbols = set([
44     # GL 1.2 and ARB_multitexture
45     "glAccum",
46     "glAlphaFunc",
47     "glAreTexturesResident",
48     "glArrayElement",
49     "glBegin",
50     "glBindTexture",
51     "glBitmap",
52     "glBlendFunc",
53     "glCallList",
54     "glCallLists",
55     "glClear",
56     "glClearAccum",
57     "glClearColor",
58     "glClearDepth",
59     "glClearIndex",
60     "glClearStencil",
61     "glClipPlane",
62     "glColor3b",
63     "glColor3bv",
64     "glColor3d",
65     "glColor3dv",
66     "glColor3f",
67     "glColor3fv",
68     "glColor3i",
69     "glColor3iv",
70     "glColor3s",
71     "glColor3sv",
72     "glColor3ub",
73     "glColor3ubv",
74     "glColor3ui",
75     "glColor3uiv",
76     "glColor3us",
77     "glColor3usv",
78     "glColor4b",
79     "glColor4bv",
80     "glColor4d",
81     "glColor4dv",
82     "glColor4f",
83     "glColor4fv",
84     "glColor4i",
85     "glColor4iv",
86     "glColor4s",
87     "glColor4sv",
88     "glColor4ub",
89     "glColor4ubv",
90     "glColor4ui",
91     "glColor4uiv",
92     "glColor4us",
93     "glColor4usv",
94     "glColorMask",
95     "glColorMaterial",
96     "glColorPointer",
97     "glCopyPixels",
98     "glCopyTexImage1D",
99     "glCopyTexImage2D",
100     "glCopyTexSubImage1D",
101     "glCopyTexSubImage2D",
102     "glCullFace",
103     "glDeleteLists",
104     "glDeleteTextures",
105     "glDepthFunc",
106     "glDepthMask",
107     "glDepthRange",
108     "glDisable",
109     "glDisableClientState",
110     "glDrawArrays",
111     "glDrawBuffer",
112     "glDrawElements",
113     "glDrawPixels",
114     "glEdgeFlag",
115     "glEdgeFlagPointer",
116     "glEdgeFlagv",
117     "glEnable",
118     "glEnableClientState",
119     "glEnd",
120     "glEndList",
121     "glEvalCoord1d",
122     "glEvalCoord1dv",
123     "glEvalCoord1f",
124     "glEvalCoord1fv",
125     "glEvalCoord2d",
126     "glEvalCoord2dv",
127     "glEvalCoord2f",
128     "glEvalCoord2fv",
129     "glEvalMesh1",
130     "glEvalMesh2",
131     "glEvalPoint1",
132     "glEvalPoint2",
133     "glFeedbackBuffer",
134     "glFinish",
135     "glFlush",
136     "glFogf",
137     "glFogfv",
138     "glFogi",
139     "glFogiv",
140     "glFrontFace",
141     "glFrustum",
142     "glGenLists",
143     "glGenTextures",
144     "glGetBooleanv",
145     "glGetClipPlane",
146     "glGetDoublev",
147     "glGetError",
148     "glGetFloatv",
149     "glGetIntegerv",
150     "glGetLightfv",
151     "glGetLightiv",
152     "glGetMapdv",
153     "glGetMapfv",
154     "glGetMapiv",
155     "glGetMaterialfv",
156     "glGetMaterialiv",
157     "glGetPixelMapfv",
158     "glGetPixelMapuiv",
159     "glGetPixelMapusv",
160     "glGetPointerv",
161     "glGetPolygonStipple",
162     "glGetString",
163     "glGetTexEnvfv",
164     "glGetTexEnviv",
165     "glGetTexGendv",
166     "glGetTexGenfv",
167     "glGetTexGeniv",
168     "glGetTexImage",
169     "glGetTexLevelParameterfv",
170     "glGetTexLevelParameteriv",
171     "glGetTexParameterfv",
172     "glGetTexParameteriv",
173     "glHint",
174     "glIndexMask",
175     "glIndexPointer",
176     "glIndexd",
177     "glIndexdv",
178     "glIndexf",
179     "glIndexfv",
180     "glIndexi",
181     "glIndexiv",
182     "glIndexs",
183     "glIndexsv",
184     "glIndexub",
185     "glIndexubv",
186     "glInitNames",
187     "glInterleavedArrays",
188     "glIsEnabled",
189     "glIsList",
190     "glIsTexture",
191     "glLightModelf",
192     "glLightModelfv",
193     "glLightModeli",
194     "glLightModeliv",
195     "glLightf",
196     "glLightfv",
197     "glLighti",
198     "glLightiv",
199     "glLineStipple",
200     "glLineWidth",
201     "glListBase",
202     "glLoadIdentity",
203     "glLoadMatrixd",
204     "glLoadMatrixf",
205     "glLoadName",
206     "glLogicOp",
207     "glMap1d",
208     "glMap1f",
209     "glMap2d",
210     "glMap2f",
211     "glMapGrid1d",
212     "glMapGrid1f",
213     "glMapGrid2d",
214     "glMapGrid2f",
215     "glMaterialf",
216     "glMaterialfv",
217     "glMateriali",
218     "glMaterialiv",
219     "glMatrixMode",
220     "glMultMatrixd",
221     "glMultMatrixf",
222     "glNewList",
223     "glNormal3b",
224     "glNormal3bv",
225     "glNormal3d",
226     "glNormal3dv",
227     "glNormal3f",
228     "glNormal3fv",
229     "glNormal3i",
230     "glNormal3iv",
231     "glNormal3s",
232     "glNormal3sv",
233     "glNormalPointer",
234     "glOrtho",
235     "glPassThrough",
236     "glPixelMapfv",
237     "glPixelMapuiv",
238     "glPixelMapusv",
239     "glPixelStoref",
240     "glPixelStorei",
241     "glPixelTransferf",
242     "glPixelTransferi",
243     "glPixelZoom",
244     "glPointSize",
245     "glPolygonMode",
246     "glPolygonOffset",
247     "glPolygonStipple",
248     "glPopAttrib",
249     "glPopClientAttrib",
250     "glPopMatrix",
251     "glPopName",
252     "glPrioritizeTextures",
253     "glPushAttrib",
254     "glPushClientAttrib",
255     "glPushMatrix",
256     "glPushName",
257     "glRasterPos2d",
258     "glRasterPos2dv",
259     "glRasterPos2f",
260     "glRasterPos2fv",
261     "glRasterPos2i",
262     "glRasterPos2iv",
263     "glRasterPos2s",
264     "glRasterPos2sv",
265     "glRasterPos3d",
266     "glRasterPos3dv",
267     "glRasterPos3f",
268     "glRasterPos3fv",
269     "glRasterPos3i",
270     "glRasterPos3iv",
271     "glRasterPos3s",
272     "glRasterPos3sv",
273     "glRasterPos4d",
274     "glRasterPos4dv",
275     "glRasterPos4f",
276     "glRasterPos4fv",
277     "glRasterPos4i",
278     "glRasterPos4iv",
279     "glRasterPos4s",
280     "glRasterPos4sv",
281     "glReadBuffer",
282     "glReadPixels",
283     "glRectd",
284     "glRectdv",
285     "glRectf",
286     "glRectfv",
287     "glRecti",
288     "glRectiv",
289     "glRects",
290     "glRectsv",
291     "glRenderMode",
292     "glRotated",
293     "glRotatef",
294     "glScaled",
295     "glScalef",
296     "glScissor",
297     "glSelectBuffer",
298     "glShadeModel",
299     "glStencilFunc",
300     "glStencilMask",
301     "glStencilOp",
302     "glTexCoord1d",
303     "glTexCoord1dv",
304     "glTexCoord1f",
305     "glTexCoord1fv",
306     "glTexCoord1i",
307     "glTexCoord1iv",
308     "glTexCoord1s",
309     "glTexCoord1sv",
310     "glTexCoord2d",
311     "glTexCoord2dv",
312     "glTexCoord2f",
313     "glTexCoord2fv",
314     "glTexCoord2i",
315     "glTexCoord2iv",
316     "glTexCoord2s",
317     "glTexCoord2sv",
318     "glTexCoord3d",
319     "glTexCoord3dv",
320     "glTexCoord3f",
321     "glTexCoord3fv",
322     "glTexCoord3i",
323     "glTexCoord3iv",
324     "glTexCoord3s",
325     "glTexCoord3sv",
326     "glTexCoord4d",
327     "glTexCoord4dv",
328     "glTexCoord4f",
329     "glTexCoord4fv",
330     "glTexCoord4i",
331     "glTexCoord4iv",
332     "glTexCoord4s",
333     "glTexCoord4sv",
334     "glTexCoordPointer",
335     "glTexEnvf",
336     "glTexEnvfv",
337     "glTexEnvi",
338     "glTexEnviv",
339     "glTexGend",
340     "glTexGendv",
341     "glTexGenf",
342     "glTexGenfv",
343     "glTexGeni",
344     "glTexGeniv",
345     "glTexImage1D",
346     "glTexImage2D",
347     "glTexParameterf",
348     "glTexParameterfv",
349     "glTexParameteri",
350     "glTexParameteriv",
351     "glTexSubImage1D",
352     "glTexSubImage2D",
353     "glTranslated",
354     "glTranslatef",
355     "glVertex2d",
356     "glVertex2dv",
357     "glVertex2f",
358     "glVertex2fv",
359     "glVertex2i",
360     "glVertex2iv",
361     "glVertex2s",
362     "glVertex2sv",
363     "glVertex3d",
364     "glVertex3dv",
365     "glVertex3f",
366     "glVertex3fv",
367     "glVertex3i",
368     "glVertex3iv",
369     "glVertex3s",
370     "glVertex3sv",
371     "glVertex4d",
372     "glVertex4dv",
373     "glVertex4f",
374     "glVertex4fv",
375     "glVertex4i",
376     "glVertex4iv",
377     "glVertex4s",
378     "glVertex4sv",
379     "glVertexPointer",
380     "glViewport",
382     # GLX 1.3 and GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
383     "glXChooseVisual",
384     "glXCreateContext",
385     "glXDestroyContext",
386     "glXMakeCurrent",
387     "glXCopyContext",
388     "glXSwapBuffers",
389     "glXCreateGLXPixmap",
390     "glXDestroyGLXPixmap",
391     "glXQueryExtension",
392     "glXQueryVersion",
393     "glXIsDirect",
394     "glXGetConfig",
395     "glXGetCurrentContext",
396     "glXGetCurrentDrawable",
397     "glXWaitGL",
398     "glXWaitX",
399     "glXUseXFont",
400     "glXQueryExtensionsString",
401     "glXQueryServerString",
402     "glXGetClientString",
403     "glXGetCurrentDisplay",
404     "glXChooseFBConfig",
405     "glXGetFBConfigAttrib",
406     "glXGetFBConfigs",
407     "glXGetVisualFromFBConfig",
408     "glXCreateWindow",
409     "glXDestroyWindow",
410     "glXCreatePixmap",
411     "glXDestroyPixmap",
412     "glXCreatePbuffer",
413     "glXDestroyPbuffer",
414     "glXQueryDrawable",
415     "glXCreateNewContext",
416     "glXMakeContextCurrent",
417     "glXGetCurrentReadDrawable",
418     "glXQueryContext",
419     "glXSelectEvent",
420     "glXGetSelectedEvent",
421     "glXGetProcAddressARB",
422     "glXGetProcAddress",
424     # WGL
425     #"glDebugEntry",
426     "wglChoosePixelFormat",
427     "wglCopyContext",
428     "wglCreateContext",
429     "wglCreateLayerContext",
430     "wglDeleteContext",
431     "wglDescribeLayerPlane",
432     "wglDescribePixelFormat",
433     "wglGetCurrentContext",
434     "wglGetCurrentDC",
435     "wglGetDefaultProcAddress",
436     "wglGetLayerPaletteEntries",
437     "wglGetPixelFormat",
438     "wglGetProcAddress",
439     "wglMakeCurrent",
440     "wglRealizeLayerPalette",
441     "wglSetLayerPaletteEntries",
442     "wglSetPixelFormat",
443     "wglShareLists",
444     "wglSwapBuffers",
445     "wglSwapLayerBuffers",
446     "wglSwapMultipleBuffers",
447     "wglUseFontBitmapsA",
448     "wglUseFontBitmapsW",
449     "wglUseFontOutlinesA",
450     "wglUseFontOutlinesW",
452 ])
454 # EGL 1.4
455 public_symbols.update([
456    "eglBindAPI",
457    "eglBindTexImage",
458    "eglChooseConfig",
459    "eglCopyBuffers",
460    "eglCreateContext",
461    "eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer",
462    "eglCreatePbufferSurface",
463    "eglCreatePixmapSurface",
464    "eglCreateWindowSurface",
465    "eglDestroyContext",
466    "eglDestroySurface",
467    "eglGetConfigAttrib",
468    "eglGetConfigs",
469    "eglGetCurrentContext",
470    "eglGetCurrentDisplay",
471    "eglGetCurrentSurface",
472    "eglGetDisplay",
473    "eglGetError",
474    "eglGetProcAddress",
475    "eglInitialize",
476    "eglMakeCurrent",
477    "eglQueryAPI",
478    "eglQueryContext",
479    "eglQueryString",
480    "eglQuerySurface",
481    "eglReleaseTexImage",
482    "eglReleaseThread",
483    "eglSurfaceAttrib",
484    "eglSwapBuffers",
485    "eglSwapInterval",
486    "eglTerminate",
487    "eglWaitClient",
488    "eglWaitGL",
489    "eglWaitNative",
490 ])
492 class GlDispatcher(Dispatcher):
494     def header(self):
495         print '''
496 #if defined(_WIN32)
497 extern HMODULE _libGlHandle;
498 #else
499 extern void * _libGlHandle;
500 #endif
502 void * _getPublicProcAddress(const char *procName);
503 void * _getPrivateProcAddress(const char *procName);
504 '''
506     def isFunctionPublic(self, module, function):
507         return function.name in public_symbols or function.name.startswith('CGL')
509     def failFunction(self, function):
510         # We fake this when they are not available
511         if function.name in ('glGetObjectLabel', 'glGetObjectPtrLabel'):
512             print r'    if (length != 0) *length = 0;'
513             print r'    if (label != 0 && bufSize > 0) *label = 0;'
514             return
515         if function.name in ('glGetDebugMessageLog', 'glGetDebugMessageLogARB'):
516             print r'    if (sources != 0) *sources = 0;'
517             print r'    if (types != 0) *types = 0;'
518             print r'    if (ids != 0) *ids = 0;'
519             print r'    if (severities != 0) *severities = 0;'
520             print r'    if (lengths != 0) *lengths = 0;'
521             print r'    if (messageLog != 0 && bufsize > 0) *messageLog = 0;'
522             return
523         if function.name in ('glGetDebugMessageLogAMD'):
524             print r'    if (categories != 0) *categories = 0;'
525             print r'    if (ids != 0) *ids = 0;'
526             print r'    if (severities != 0) *severities = 0;'
527             print r'    if (lengths != 0) *lengths = 0;'
528             print r'    if (message != 0 && bufsize > 0) *message = 0;'
529             return
531         Dispatcher.failFunction(self, function)
534 if __name__ == '__main__':
535     print
536     print '#ifndef _GLPROC_HPP_'
537     print '#define _GLPROC_HPP_'
538     print 
539     print '#include "glimports.hpp"'
540     print '#include "os.hpp"'
541     print
542     dispatcher = GlDispatcher()
543     print
544     dispatcher.header()
545     print
546     dispatcher.dispatchModule(eglapi)
547     print
548     print '#if defined(_WIN32)'
549     print
550     dispatcher.dispatchModule(wglapi)
551     print
552     print '#elif defined(__APPLE__)'
553     print
554     dispatcher.dispatchModule(cglapi)
555     print
556     print '#elif defined(HAVE_X11)'
557     print
558     dispatcher.dispatchModule(glxapi)
559     print
560     print '#endif'
561     print
562     dispatcher.dispatchModule(glapi)
563     print
564     dispatcher.dispatchModule(glesapi)
565     print
567     print '#endif /* !_GLPROC_HPP_ */'
568     print