]> git.cworth.org Git - apitrace/blob - glproc.py
the filename is stored in the trace
[apitrace] / glproc.py
1 ##########################################################################
2 #
3 # Copyright 2010 VMware, Inc.
4 # All Rights Reserved.
5 #
6 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8 # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9 # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10 # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 #
13 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 #
23 #
24 ##########################################################################/
27 """Generated an header, glproc.hpp, which does pretty much what GLEW does, but
28 covers all the functions we support.
29 """ 
32 import stdapi
33 from dispatch import Dispatcher
34 from glapi import glapi
35 from glxapi import glxapi
36 from wglapi import wglapi
39 # See http://www.opengl.org/registry/ABI/
40 public_symbols = set([
41         "glAccum",
42         "glAlphaFunc",
43         "glAreTexturesResident",
44         "glArrayElement",
45         "glBegin",
46         "glBindTexture",
47         "glBitmap",
48         "glBlendFunc",
49         "glCallList",
50         "glCallLists",
51         "glClear",
52         "glClearAccum",
53         "glClearColor",
54         "glClearDepth",
55         "glClearIndex",
56         "glClearStencil",
57         "glClipPlane",
58         "glColor3b",
59         "glColor3bv",
60         "glColor3d",
61         "glColor3dv",
62         "glColor3f",
63         "glColor3fv",
64         "glColor3i",
65         "glColor3iv",
66         "glColor3s",
67         "glColor3sv",
68         "glColor3ub",
69         "glColor3ubv",
70         "glColor3ui",
71         "glColor3uiv",
72         "glColor3us",
73         "glColor3usv",
74         "glColor4b",
75         "glColor4bv",
76         "glColor4d",
77         "glColor4dv",
78         "glColor4f",
79         "glColor4fv",
80         "glColor4i",
81         "glColor4iv",
82         "glColor4s",
83         "glColor4sv",
84         "glColor4ub",
85         "glColor4ubv",
86         "glColor4ui",
87         "glColor4uiv",
88         "glColor4us",
89         "glColor4usv",
90         "glColorMask",
91         "glColorMaterial",
92         "glColorPointer",
93         "glCopyPixels",
94         "glCopyTexImage1D",
95         "glCopyTexImage2D",
96         "glCopyTexSubImage1D",
97         "glCopyTexSubImage2D",
98         "glCullFace",
99 #       "glDebugEntry",
100         "glDeleteLists",
101         "glDeleteTextures",
102         "glDepthFunc",
103         "glDepthMask",
104         "glDepthRange",
105         "glDisable",
106         "glDisableClientState",
107         "glDrawArrays",
108         "glDrawBuffer",
109         "glDrawElements",
110         "glDrawPixels",
111         "glEdgeFlag",
112         "glEdgeFlagPointer",
113         "glEdgeFlagv",
114         "glEnable",
115         "glEnableClientState",
116         "glEnd",
117         "glEndList",
118         "glEvalCoord1d",
119         "glEvalCoord1dv",
120         "glEvalCoord1f",
121         "glEvalCoord1fv",
122         "glEvalCoord2d",
123         "glEvalCoord2dv",
124         "glEvalCoord2f",
125         "glEvalCoord2fv",
126         "glEvalMesh1",
127         "glEvalMesh2",
128         "glEvalPoint1",
129         "glEvalPoint2",
130         "glFeedbackBuffer",
131         "glFinish",
132         "glFlush",
133         "glFogf",
134         "glFogfv",
135         "glFogi",
136         "glFogiv",
137         "glFrontFace",
138         "glFrustum",
139         "glGenLists",
140         "glGenTextures",
141         "glGetBooleanv",
142         "glGetClipPlane",
143         "glGetDoublev",
144         "glGetError",
145         "glGetFloatv",
146         "glGetIntegerv",
147         "glGetLightfv",
148         "glGetLightiv",
149         "glGetMapdv",
150         "glGetMapfv",
151         "glGetMapiv",
152         "glGetMaterialfv",
153         "glGetMaterialiv",
154         "glGetPixelMapfv",
155         "glGetPixelMapuiv",
156         "glGetPixelMapusv",
157         "glGetPointerv",
158         "glGetPolygonStipple",
159         "glGetString",
160         "glGetTexEnvfv",
161         "glGetTexEnviv",
162         "glGetTexGendv",
163         "glGetTexGenfv",
164         "glGetTexGeniv",
165         "glGetTexImage",
166         "glGetTexLevelParameterfv",
167         "glGetTexLevelParameteriv",
168         "glGetTexParameterfv",
169         "glGetTexParameteriv",
170         "glHint",
171         "glIndexMask",
172         "glIndexPointer",
173         "glIndexd",
174         "glIndexdv",
175         "glIndexf",
176         "glIndexfv",
177         "glIndexi",
178         "glIndexiv",
179         "glIndexs",
180         "glIndexsv",
181         "glIndexub",
182         "glIndexubv",
183         "glInitNames",
184         "glInterleavedArrays",
185         "glIsEnabled",
186         "glIsList",
187         "glIsTexture",
188         "glLightModelf",
189         "glLightModelfv",
190         "glLightModeli",
191         "glLightModeliv",
192         "glLightf",
193         "glLightfv",
194         "glLighti",
195         "glLightiv",
196         "glLineStipple",
197         "glLineWidth",
198         "glListBase",
199         "glLoadIdentity",
200         "glLoadMatrixd",
201         "glLoadMatrixf",
202         "glLoadName",
203         "glLogicOp",
204         "glMap1d",
205         "glMap1f",
206         "glMap2d",
207         "glMap2f",
208         "glMapGrid1d",
209         "glMapGrid1f",
210         "glMapGrid2d",
211         "glMapGrid2f",
212         "glMaterialf",
213         "glMaterialfv",
214         "glMateriali",
215         "glMaterialiv",
216         "glMatrixMode",
217         "glMultMatrixd",
218         "glMultMatrixf",
219         "glNewList",
220         "glNormal3b",
221         "glNormal3bv",
222         "glNormal3d",
223         "glNormal3dv",
224         "glNormal3f",
225         "glNormal3fv",
226         "glNormal3i",
227         "glNormal3iv",
228         "glNormal3s",
229         "glNormal3sv",
230         "glNormalPointer",
231         "glOrtho",
232         "glPassThrough",
233         "glPixelMapfv",
234         "glPixelMapuiv",
235         "glPixelMapusv",
236         "glPixelStoref",
237         "glPixelStorei",
238         "glPixelTransferf",
239         "glPixelTransferi",
240         "glPixelZoom",
241         "glPointSize",
242         "glPolygonMode",
243         "glPolygonOffset",
244         "glPolygonStipple",
245         "glPopAttrib",
246         "glPopClientAttrib",
247         "glPopMatrix",
248         "glPopName",
249         "glPrioritizeTextures",
250         "glPushAttrib",
251         "glPushClientAttrib",
252         "glPushMatrix",
253         "glPushName",
254         "glRasterPos2d",
255         "glRasterPos2dv",
256         "glRasterPos2f",
257         "glRasterPos2fv",
258         "glRasterPos2i",
259         "glRasterPos2iv",
260         "glRasterPos2s",
261         "glRasterPos2sv",
262         "glRasterPos3d",
263         "glRasterPos3dv",
264         "glRasterPos3f",
265         "glRasterPos3fv",
266         "glRasterPos3i",
267         "glRasterPos3iv",
268         "glRasterPos3s",
269         "glRasterPos3sv",
270         "glRasterPos4d",
271         "glRasterPos4dv",
272         "glRasterPos4f",
273         "glRasterPos4fv",
274         "glRasterPos4i",
275         "glRasterPos4iv",
276         "glRasterPos4s",
277         "glRasterPos4sv",
278         "glReadBuffer",
279         "glReadPixels",
280         "glRectd",
281         "glRectdv",
282         "glRectf",
283         "glRectfv",
284         "glRecti",
285         "glRectiv",
286         "glRects",
287         "glRectsv",
288         "glRenderMode",
289         "glRotated",
290         "glRotatef",
291         "glScaled",
292         "glScalef",
293         "glScissor",
294         "glSelectBuffer",
295         "glShadeModel",
296         "glStencilFunc",
297         "glStencilMask",
298         "glStencilOp",
299         "glTexCoord1d",
300         "glTexCoord1dv",
301         "glTexCoord1f",
302         "glTexCoord1fv",
303         "glTexCoord1i",
304         "glTexCoord1iv",
305         "glTexCoord1s",
306         "glTexCoord1sv",
307         "glTexCoord2d",
308         "glTexCoord2dv",
309         "glTexCoord2f",
310         "glTexCoord2fv",
311         "glTexCoord2i",
312         "glTexCoord2iv",
313         "glTexCoord2s",
314         "glTexCoord2sv",
315         "glTexCoord3d",
316         "glTexCoord3dv",
317         "glTexCoord3f",
318         "glTexCoord3fv",
319         "glTexCoord3i",
320         "glTexCoord3iv",
321         "glTexCoord3s",
322         "glTexCoord3sv",
323         "glTexCoord4d",
324         "glTexCoord4dv",
325         "glTexCoord4f",
326         "glTexCoord4fv",
327         "glTexCoord4i",
328         "glTexCoord4iv",
329         "glTexCoord4s",
330         "glTexCoord4sv",
331         "glTexCoordPointer",
332         "glTexEnvf",
333         "glTexEnvfv",
334         "glTexEnvi",
335         "glTexEnviv",
336         "glTexGend",
337         "glTexGendv",
338         "glTexGenf",
339         "glTexGenfv",
340         "glTexGeni",
341         "glTexGeniv",
342         "glTexImage1D",
343         "glTexImage2D",
344         "glTexParameterf",
345         "glTexParameterfv",
346         "glTexParameteri",
347         "glTexParameteriv",
348         "glTexSubImage1D",
349         "glTexSubImage2D",
350         "glTranslated",
351         "glTranslatef",
352         "glVertex2d",
353         "glVertex2dv",
354         "glVertex2f",
355         "glVertex2fv",
356         "glVertex2i",
357         "glVertex2iv",
358         "glVertex2s",
359         "glVertex2sv",
360         "glVertex3d",
361         "glVertex3dv",
362         "glVertex3f",
363         "glVertex3fv",
364         "glVertex3i",
365         "glVertex3iv",
366         "glVertex3s",
367         "glVertex3sv",
368         "glVertex4d",
369         "glVertex4dv",
370         "glVertex4f",
371         "glVertex4fv",
372         "glVertex4i",
373         "glVertex4iv",
374         "glVertex4s",
375         "glVertex4sv",
376         "glVertexPointer",
377         "glViewport",
378         "wglChoosePixelFormat",
379         "wglCopyContext",
380         "wglCreateContext",
381         "wglCreateLayerContext",
382         "wglDeleteContext",
383         "wglDescribeLayerPlane",
384         "wglDescribePixelFormat",
385         "wglGetCurrentContext",
386         "wglGetCurrentDC",
387         "wglGetDefaultProcAddress",
388         "wglGetLayerPaletteEntries",
389         "wglGetPixelFormat",
390         "wglGetProcAddress",
391         "wglMakeCurrent",
392         "wglRealizeLayerPalette",
393         "wglSetLayerPaletteEntries",
394         "wglSetPixelFormat",
395         "wglShareLists",
396         "wglSwapBuffers",
397         "wglSwapLayerBuffers",
398         "wglSwapMultipleBuffers",
399         "wglUseFontBitmapsA",
400         "wglUseFontBitmapsW",
401         "wglUseFontOutlinesA",
402         "wglUseFontOutlinesW",
404     "glXGetProcAddressARB",
405     "glXGetProcAddress",
406 ])
409 class GlDispatcher(Dispatcher):
411     def header(self):
412         print '#ifdef RETRACE'
413         print '#  ifdef WIN32'
414         print '#    define __getPrivateProcAddress(name) wglGetProcAddress(name)'
415         print '#  else'
416         print '#    define __getPrivateProcAddress(name) glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte *)(name))'
417         print '#  endif'
418         print '#  define __abort() OS::Abort()'
419         print '#else /* !RETRACE */'
420         print '#  ifdef WIN32'
421         print '#    define __getPrivateProcAddress(name) __wglGetProcAddress(name)'
422         print '     static inline PROC __stdcall __wglGetProcAddress(const char * lpszProc);'
423         print '#  else'
424         print '#    define __getPublicProcAddress(name) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, name)'
425         print '#    define __getPrivateProcAddress(name) __glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte *)(name))'
426         print '     static inline __GLXextFuncPtr __glXGetProcAddressARB(const GLubyte * procName);'
427         print '#  endif'
428         print '#  define __abort() Trace::Abort()'
429         print '#endif /* !RETRACE */'
430         print
432     def is_public_function(self, function):
433         return function.name in public_symbols
436 if __name__ == '__main__':
437     print
438     print '#ifndef _GLPROC_HPP_'
439     print '#define _GLPROC_HPP_'
440     print 
441     print '#include "glimports.hpp"'
442     print '#include "os.hpp"'
443     print
444     print
445     dispatcher = GlDispatcher()
446     dispatcher.header()
447     print '#ifdef WIN32'
448     print
449     dispatcher.dispatch_api(wglapi)
450     print '#else /* !WIN32 */'
451     print
452     dispatcher.dispatch_api(glxapi)
453     print '#endif /* !WIN32 */'
454     print
455     dispatcher.dispatch_api(glapi)
456     print
457     print '#endif /* !_GLPROC_HPP_ */'
458     print