]> git.cworth.org Git - apitrace/blob - opengl32.py
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[apitrace] / opengl32.py
1 ##########################################################################
2 #
3 # Copyright 2008-2009 VMware, Inc.
4 # All Rights Reserved.
5 #
6 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8 # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9 # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10 # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 #
13 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 #
23 #
24 ##########################################################################/
27 from wglapi import wglapi
28 from trace import Tracer
31 public_symbols = set([
32         "glAccum",
33         "glAlphaFunc",
34         "glAreTexturesResident",
35         "glArrayElement",
36         "glBegin",
37         "glBindTexture",
38         "glBitmap",
39         "glBlendFunc",
40         "glCallList",
41         "glCallLists",
42         "glClear",
43         "glClearAccum",
44         "glClearColor",
45         "glClearDepth",
46         "glClearIndex",
47         "glClearStencil",
48         "glClipPlane",
49         "glColor3b",
50         "glColor3bv",
51         "glColor3d",
52         "glColor3dv",
53         "glColor3f",
54         "glColor3fv",
55         "glColor3i",
56         "glColor3iv",
57         "glColor3s",
58         "glColor3sv",
59         "glColor3ub",
60         "glColor3ubv",
61         "glColor3ui",
62         "glColor3uiv",
63         "glColor3us",
64         "glColor3usv",
65         "glColor4b",
66         "glColor4bv",
67         "glColor4d",
68         "glColor4dv",
69         "glColor4f",
70         "glColor4fv",
71         "glColor4i",
72         "glColor4iv",
73         "glColor4s",
74         "glColor4sv",
75         "glColor4ub",
76         "glColor4ubv",
77         "glColor4ui",
78         "glColor4uiv",
79         "glColor4us",
80         "glColor4usv",
81         "glColorMask",
82         "glColorMaterial",
83         "glColorPointer",
84         "glCopyPixels",
85         "glCopyTexImage1D",
86         "glCopyTexImage2D",
87         "glCopyTexSubImage1D",
88         "glCopyTexSubImage2D",
89         "glCullFace",
90 #       "glDebugEntry",
91         "glDeleteLists",
92         "glDeleteTextures",
93         "glDepthFunc",
94         "glDepthMask",
95         "glDepthRange",
96         "glDisable",
97         "glDisableClientState",
98         "glDrawArrays",
99         "glDrawBuffer",
100         "glDrawElements",
101         "glDrawPixels",
102         "glEdgeFlag",
103         "glEdgeFlagPointer",
104         "glEdgeFlagv",
105         "glEnable",
106         "glEnableClientState",
107         "glEnd",
108         "glEndList",
109         "glEvalCoord1d",
110         "glEvalCoord1dv",
111         "glEvalCoord1f",
112         "glEvalCoord1fv",
113         "glEvalCoord2d",
114         "glEvalCoord2dv",
115         "glEvalCoord2f",
116         "glEvalCoord2fv",
117         "glEvalMesh1",
118         "glEvalMesh2",
119         "glEvalPoint1",
120         "glEvalPoint2",
121         "glFeedbackBuffer",
122         "glFinish",
123         "glFlush",
124         "glFogf",
125         "glFogfv",
126         "glFogi",
127         "glFogiv",
128         "glFrontFace",
129         "glFrustum",
130         "glGenLists",
131         "glGenTextures",
132         "glGetBooleanv",
133         "glGetClipPlane",
134         "glGetDoublev",
135         "glGetError",
136         "glGetFloatv",
137         "glGetIntegerv",
138         "glGetLightfv",
139         "glGetLightiv",
140         "glGetMapdv",
141         "glGetMapfv",
142         "glGetMapiv",
143         "glGetMaterialfv",
144         "glGetMaterialiv",
145         "glGetPixelMapfv",
146         "glGetPixelMapuiv",
147         "glGetPixelMapusv",
148         "glGetPointerv",
149         "glGetPolygonStipple",
150         "glGetString",
151         "glGetTexEnvfv",
152         "glGetTexEnviv",
153         "glGetTexGendv",
154         "glGetTexGenfv",
155         "glGetTexGeniv",
156         "glGetTexImage",
157         "glGetTexLevelParameterfv",
158         "glGetTexLevelParameteriv",
159         "glGetTexParameterfv",
160         "glGetTexParameteriv",
161         "glHint",
162         "glIndexMask",
163         "glIndexPointer",
164         "glIndexd",
165         "glIndexdv",
166         "glIndexf",
167         "glIndexfv",
168         "glIndexi",
169         "glIndexiv",
170         "glIndexs",
171         "glIndexsv",
172         "glIndexub",
173         "glIndexubv",
174         "glInitNames",
175         "glInterleavedArrays",
176         "glIsEnabled",
177         "glIsList",
178         "glIsTexture",
179         "glLightModelf",
180         "glLightModelfv",
181         "glLightModeli",
182         "glLightModeliv",
183         "glLightf",
184         "glLightfv",
185         "glLighti",
186         "glLightiv",
187         "glLineStipple",
188         "glLineWidth",
189         "glListBase",
190         "glLoadIdentity",
191         "glLoadMatrixd",
192         "glLoadMatrixf",
193         "glLoadName",
194         "glLogicOp",
195         "glMap1d",
196         "glMap1f",
197         "glMap2d",
198         "glMap2f",
199         "glMapGrid1d",
200         "glMapGrid1f",
201         "glMapGrid2d",
202         "glMapGrid2f",
203         "glMaterialf",
204         "glMaterialfv",
205         "glMateriali",
206         "glMaterialiv",
207         "glMatrixMode",
208         "glMultMatrixd",
209         "glMultMatrixf",
210         "glNewList",
211         "glNormal3b",
212         "glNormal3bv",
213         "glNormal3d",
214         "glNormal3dv",
215         "glNormal3f",
216         "glNormal3fv",
217         "glNormal3i",
218         "glNormal3iv",
219         "glNormal3s",
220         "glNormal3sv",
221         "glNormalPointer",
222         "glOrtho",
223         "glPassThrough",
224         "glPixelMapfv",
225         "glPixelMapuiv",
226         "glPixelMapusv",
227         "glPixelStoref",
228         "glPixelStorei",
229         "glPixelTransferf",
230         "glPixelTransferi",
231         "glPixelZoom",
232         "glPointSize",
233         "glPolygonMode",
234         "glPolygonOffset",
235         "glPolygonStipple",
236         "glPopAttrib",
237         "glPopClientAttrib",
238         "glPopMatrix",
239         "glPopName",
240         "glPrioritizeTextures",
241         "glPushAttrib",
242         "glPushClientAttrib",
243         "glPushMatrix",
244         "glPushName",
245         "glRasterPos2d",
246         "glRasterPos2dv",
247         "glRasterPos2f",
248         "glRasterPos2fv",
249         "glRasterPos2i",
250         "glRasterPos2iv",
251         "glRasterPos2s",
252         "glRasterPos2sv",
253         "glRasterPos3d",
254         "glRasterPos3dv",
255         "glRasterPos3f",
256         "glRasterPos3fv",
257         "glRasterPos3i",
258         "glRasterPos3iv",
259         "glRasterPos3s",
260         "glRasterPos3sv",
261         "glRasterPos4d",
262         "glRasterPos4dv",
263         "glRasterPos4f",
264         "glRasterPos4fv",
265         "glRasterPos4i",
266         "glRasterPos4iv",
267         "glRasterPos4s",
268         "glRasterPos4sv",
269         "glReadBuffer",
270         "glReadPixels",
271         "glRectd",
272         "glRectdv",
273         "glRectf",
274         "glRectfv",
275         "glRecti",
276         "glRectiv",
277         "glRects",
278         "glRectsv",
279         "glRenderMode",
280         "glRotated",
281         "glRotatef",
282         "glScaled",
283         "glScalef",
284         "glScissor",
285         "glSelectBuffer",
286         "glShadeModel",
287         "glStencilFunc",
288         "glStencilMask",
289         "glStencilOp",
290         "glTexCoord1d",
291         "glTexCoord1dv",
292         "glTexCoord1f",
293         "glTexCoord1fv",
294         "glTexCoord1i",
295         "glTexCoord1iv",
296         "glTexCoord1s",
297         "glTexCoord1sv",
298         "glTexCoord2d",
299         "glTexCoord2dv",
300         "glTexCoord2f",
301         "glTexCoord2fv",
302         "glTexCoord2i",
303         "glTexCoord2iv",
304         "glTexCoord2s",
305         "glTexCoord2sv",
306         "glTexCoord3d",
307         "glTexCoord3dv",
308         "glTexCoord3f",
309         "glTexCoord3fv",
310         "glTexCoord3i",
311         "glTexCoord3iv",
312         "glTexCoord3s",
313         "glTexCoord3sv",
314         "glTexCoord4d",
315         "glTexCoord4dv",
316         "glTexCoord4f",
317         "glTexCoord4fv",
318         "glTexCoord4i",
319         "glTexCoord4iv",
320         "glTexCoord4s",
321         "glTexCoord4sv",
322         "glTexCoordPointer",
323         "glTexEnvf",
324         "glTexEnvfv",
325         "glTexEnvi",
326         "glTexEnviv",
327         "glTexGend",
328         "glTexGendv",
329         "glTexGenf",
330         "glTexGenfv",
331         "glTexGeni",
332         "glTexGeniv",
333         "glTexImage1D",
334         "glTexImage2D",
335         "glTexParameterf",
336         "glTexParameterfv",
337         "glTexParameteri",
338         "glTexParameteriv",
339         "glTexSubImage1D",
340         "glTexSubImage2D",
341         "glTranslated",
342         "glTranslatef",
343         "glVertex2d",
344         "glVertex2dv",
345         "glVertex2f",
346         "glVertex2fv",
347         "glVertex2i",
348         "glVertex2iv",
349         "glVertex2s",
350         "glVertex2sv",
351         "glVertex3d",
352         "glVertex3dv",
353         "glVertex3f",
354         "glVertex3fv",
355         "glVertex3i",
356         "glVertex3iv",
357         "glVertex3s",
358         "glVertex3sv",
359         "glVertex4d",
360         "glVertex4dv",
361         "glVertex4f",
362         "glVertex4fv",
363         "glVertex4i",
364         "glVertex4iv",
365         "glVertex4s",
366         "glVertex4sv",
367         "glVertexPointer",
368         "glViewport",
369         "wglChoosePixelFormat",
370         "wglCopyContext",
371         "wglCreateContext",
372         "wglCreateLayerContext",
373         "wglDeleteContext",
374         "wglDescribeLayerPlane",
375         "wglDescribePixelFormat",
376         "wglGetCurrentContext",
377         "wglGetCurrentDC",
378         "wglGetDefaultProcAddress",
379         "wglGetLayerPaletteEntries",
380         "wglGetPixelFormat",
381         "wglGetProcAddress",
382         "wglMakeCurrent",
383         "wglRealizeLayerPalette",
384         "wglSetLayerPaletteEntries",
385         "wglSetPixelFormat",
386         "wglShareLists",
387         "wglSwapBuffers",
388         "wglSwapLayerBuffers",
389         "wglSwapMultipleBuffers",
390         "wglUseFontBitmapsA",
391         "wglUseFontBitmapsW",
392         "wglUseFontOutlinesA",
393         "wglUseFontOutlinesW",
394 ])
396 class WglTracer(Tracer):
398     def get_function_address(self, function):
399         #print 'DebugBreak();'
400         if function.name in public_symbols:
401             return '__GetProcAddress("%s")' % (function.name,)
402         else:
403             print '        if (!pwglGetProcAddress) {'
404             print '            pwglGetProcAddress = (PwglGetProcAddress)__GetProcAddress("wglGetProcAddress");'
405             print '            if (!pwglGetProcAddress)'
406             print '                Log::Abort();'
407             print '        }'
408             return 'pwglGetProcAddress("%s")' % (function.name,)
410     def wrap_ret(self, function, instance):
411         if function.name == "wglGetProcAddress":
412             print '    if (%s) {' % instance
413             for f in wglapi.functions:
414                 ptype = self.function_pointer_type(f)
415                 pvalue = self.function_pointer_value(f)
416                 print '        if (!strcmp("%s", lpszProc)) {' % f.name
417                 print '            %s = (%s)&%s;' % (instance, function.type, f.name);
418                 print '        }'
419             print '    }'
422 if __name__ == '__main__':
423     print
424     print '#define _GDI32_'
425     print
426     print '#include <windows.h>'
427     print '#include <tchar.h>'
428     print '#include <GL/gl.h>'
429     print '#include "glext.h"'
430     print '#include "wglext.h"'
431     print
432     print '#include "log.hpp"'
433     print '#include "glhelpers.hpp"'
434     print
435     print '#ifndef PFD_SUPPORT_DIRECTDRAW'
436     print '#define PFD_SUPPORT_DIRECTDRAW 0x00002000'
437     print '#endif'
438     print '#ifndef PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION'
439     print '#define PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION 0x00008000'
440     print '#endif'
442     print '#define GLAPIENTRY __stdcall'
443     print
444     print '#ifdef __MINGW32__'
445     print ''
446     print 'typedef struct _WGLSWAP'
447     print '{'
448     print '    HDC hdc;'
449     print '    UINT uiFlags;'
451     print ''
452     print '#define WGL_SWAPMULTIPLE_MAX 16'
453     print ''
454     print '#endif'
455     print
456     print 'extern "C" {'
457     print '''
458 static HINSTANCE g_hDll = NULL;
460 static PROC
461 __GetProcAddress(LPCSTR lpProcName)
462 {
463     if (!g_hDll) {
464         char szDll[MAX_PATH] = {0};
466         if (!GetSystemDirectoryA(szDll, MAX_PATH)) {
467             return NULL;
468         }
470         strcat(szDll, "\\\\opengl32.dll");
472         g_hDll = LoadLibraryA(szDll);
473         if (!g_hDll) {
474             return NULL;
475         }
476     }
478     return GetProcAddress(g_hDll, lpProcName);
479 }
481     '''
482     tracer = WglTracer()
483     tracer.trace_api(wglapi)
484     print
485     print '} /* extern "C" */'