]> git.cworth.org Git - cworth.org/blob - src/exa/i965/emulating_speedups/EXA-emulate-speedups/intel_drv.callgraph
[cworth.org] / src / exa / i965 / emulating_speedups / EXA-emulate-speedups / intel_drv.callgraph
1 CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated)
2 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000
3 samples  %        image name               symbol name
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   12        0.0975  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync
6   12296    99.9025  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
7 7321     86.5162  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
8   7321     59.4816  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing [self]
9   4426     35.9604  libc-2.5.so              gettimeofday
10   509       4.1355  Xorg                     GetTimeInMillis
11   27        0.2194  Xorg                     .plt
12   23        0.1869  Xorg                     __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
13   1         0.0081  anon (tgid:17647 range:0xb7f8c000-0xb7f8d000) (no symbols)
14   1         0.0081  Xorg                     SmartScheduleTimer
15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   13039    100.000  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync
17 630       7.4450  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
18   12296    94.0996  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
19   630       4.8213  intel_drv.so             I830Sync [self]
20   75        0.5740  Xorg                     GetTimeInMillis
21   45        0.3444  intel_drv.so             __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
22   21        0.1607  intel_drv.so             .plt
23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 126       1.4890  intel_drv.so             I830EXASolid
25   126      97.6744  intel_drv.so             I830EXASolid [self]
26   3         2.3256  libexa.so                exaGetPixmapOffset
27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 98        1.1581  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync
29   13039    98.9978  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
30   98        0.7441  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync [self]
31   17        0.1291  intel_drv.so             __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
32   12        0.0911  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
33   5         0.0380  intel_drv.so             .plt
34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35   17       27.4194  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync
36   45       72.5806  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
37 86        1.0163  intel_drv.so             __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
38   86       100.000  intel_drv.so             __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self]
39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 51        0.6027  intel_drv.so             i965_composite
41   51       100.000  intel_drv.so             i965_composite [self]
42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 39        0.4609  intel_drv.so             I830EXAPrepareSolid
44   39       86.6667  intel_drv.so             I830EXAPrepareSolid [self]
45   6        13.3333  libexa.so                exaGetPixmapOffset
46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47   5        19.2308  intel_drv.so             I830EXASync
48   21       80.7692  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
49 36        0.4254  intel_drv.so             .plt
50   36       100.000  intel_drv.so             .plt [self]
51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 29        0.3427  intel_drv.so             i830_done_composite
53   29       100.000  intel_drv.so             i830_done_composite [self]
54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 27        0.3191  intel_drv.so             i965_check_composite
56   27       100.000  intel_drv.so             i965_check_composite [self]
57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 16        0.1891  intel_drv.so             i965_prepare_composite
59   16       100.000  intel_drv.so             i965_prepare_composite [self]
60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 1         0.0118  intel_drv.so             I830EXADoneCopy
62   1        100.000  intel_drv.so             I830EXADoneCopy [self]
63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 1         0.0118  intel_drv.so             I830EXADoneSolid
65   1        100.000  intel_drv.so             I830EXADoneSolid [self]
66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 1         0.0118  intel_drv.so             I830EXAPrepareCopy
68   1        100.000  intel_drv.so             I830EXAPrepareCopy [self]
69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70   27       100.000  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
71 0              0  Xorg                     .plt
72   0              0  Xorg                     .plt [self]
73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74   75       12.8425  intel_drv.so             I830Sync
75   509      87.1575  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
76 0              0  Xorg                     GetTimeInMillis
77   0              0  Xorg                     GetTimeInMillis [self]
78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79   1        100.000  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
80 0              0  Xorg                     SmartScheduleTimer
81   0              0  Xorg                     SmartScheduleTimer [self]
82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83   23       100.000  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
84 0              0  Xorg                     __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
85   0              0  Xorg                     __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self]
86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87   1        100.000  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
88 0              0  anon (tgid:17647 range:0xb7f8c000-0xb7f8d000) (no symbols)
89   0              0  anon (tgid:17647 range:0xb7f8c000-0xb7f8d000) (no symbols) [self]
90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91   4426     100.000  intel_drv.so             I830WaitLpRing
92 0              0  libc-2.5.so              gettimeofday
93   0              0  libc-2.5.so              gettimeofday [self]
94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95   3        33.3333  intel_drv.so             I830EXASolid
96   6        66.6667  intel_drv.so             I830EXAPrepareSolid
97 0              0  libexa.so                exaGetPixmapOffset
98   0              0  libexa.so                exaGetPixmapOffset [self]
99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------