############################################################################# # # Copyright 2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################# import os import os.path import sys opts = Options('config.py') opts.Add(BoolOption('debug', 'build debug version', 'no')) opts.Add(PathOption('dxsdk', 'DirectX SDK installation dir', os.environ.get('DXSDK_DIR', 'C:\\DXSDK'))) opts.Add(EnumOption('MSVS_VERSION', 'Microsoft Visual Studio version', None, allowed_values=('7.1', '8.0', '9.0'))) env = Environment( options = opts, ENV = os.environ) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ 'WIN32', '_WINDOWS', '_UNICODE', 'UNICODE', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE', '_CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS', 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN', '_USRDLL', ('_WIN32_WINNT', '0x0501'), # minimum required OS version ]) if env['debug']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_DEBUG']) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG']) env['PDB'] = '${TARGET.base}.pdb' cflags = [ '/W4', # warning level ] if env['debug']: cflags += [ '/Od', # disable optimizations '/Oy-', # disable frame pointer omission ] else: cflags += [ '/Ox', # maximum optimizations '/Os', # favor code space ] cflags += [ '/Oi', # enable intrinsic functions '/GF', # enable read-only string pooling '/MT', ] env.Append(CFLAGS = cflags) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = cflags) env.Prepend(LIBS = [ 'kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', ]) Export('env') SConscript('zlib/SConscript') env.Append(CPPPATH = [ os.path.join(env['dxsdk'], 'Include'), ]) conf = Configure(env) has_d3d9 = conf.CheckCHeader('d3d9.h') has_d3d8 = conf.CheckCHeader('d3d8.h') has_d3d7 = conf.CheckCHeader('ddraw.h') env = conf.Finish() if has_d3d7: env.Command( target = 'ddraw.cpp', source = ['ddraw.py', 'd3d.py', 'd3dtypes.py', 'd3dcaps.py', 'windows.py', 'base.py'], action = 'python $SOURCE > $TARGET', ) ddraw = env.SharedLibrary( target = 'ddraw', source = [ 'ddraw.def', 'ddraw.cpp', 'log.cpp', ] ) env.Default(ddraw) if has_d3d8: env.Command( target = 'd3d8.cpp', source = ['d3d8.py', 'd3d8types.py', 'd3d8caps.py', 'windows.py', 'base.py'], action = 'python $SOURCE > $TARGET', ) d3d8 = env.SharedLibrary( target = 'd3d8', source = [ 'd3d8.def', 'd3d8.cpp', 'log.cpp', ] ) env.Default(d3d8) if has_d3d9: env.Command( target = 'd3d9.cpp', source = ['d3d9.py', 'd3d9types.py', 'd3d9caps.py', 'windows.py', 'base.py'], action = 'python $SOURCE > $TARGET', ) d3d9 = env.SharedLibrary( target = 'd3d9', source = [ 'd3d9.def', 'd3d9.cpp', 'log.cpp', ] ) env.Default(d3d9) env.Command( target = 'opengl32.cpp', source = ['opengl32.py', 'gl.py', 'windows.py', 'base.py'], action = 'python $SOURCE > $TARGET', ) opengl32 = env.SharedLibrary( target = 'opengl32', source = [ 'opengl32.def', 'opengl32.cpp', 'log.cpp', ] ) env.Default(opengl32) env.Tool('packaging') zip = env.Package( NAME = 'apitrace', VERSION = '0.3', PACKAGEVERSION = 0, PACKAGETYPE = 'zip', LICENSE = 'lgpl', SUMMARY = 'Tool to trace Direct3D & OpenGL API calls from applications.', SOURCE_URL = 'http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~jrfonseca/apitrace/', source = [ 'README', 'COPYING', 'COPYING.LESSER', 'd3d8.dll', 'd3d9.dll', 'apitrace.xsl', 'apitrace.css', 'xml2txt.py', ], ) env.Alias('zip', zip)