CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % image name symbol name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.0066 Xorg miTrapezoids 4 0.0132 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 25 0.0826 Xorg miGlyphs 30244 99.8976 Xorg CompositePicture 420 5.3490 Xorg damageComposite 29513 97.4766 libfb.so fbComposite 420 1.3872 Xorg damageComposite [self] 103 0.3402 Xorg damageReportPostOp 96 0.3171 libfb.so .plt 42 0.1387 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 25 0.0826 libfb.so image_from_pict 22 0.0727 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_unref 21 0.0694 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 19 0.0628 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 9 0.0297 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_composite 7 0.0231 Xorg miCompositeSourceValidate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.2646 Xorg damagePolySegment 1 0.2646 Xorg damageGlyphs 1 0.2646 Xorg damageChangeGC 1 0.2646 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 1 0.2646 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 1 0.2646 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 1 0.2646 Xorg CreatePicture 1 0.2646 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 1 0.2646 Xorg CompositeRects 1 0.2646 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 1 0.2646 Xorg miValidatePicture 1 0.2646 Xorg miRectsToRegion 1 0.2646 Xorg GetScratchPixmapHeader 1 0.2646 Xorg AllocatePixmap 1 0.2646 Xorg ProcPolySegment 1 0.2646 Xorg dixLookupGC 1 0.2646 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 2 0.5291 Xorg damageValidateGC 2 0.5291 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 2 0.5291 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 2 0.5291 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 2 0.5291 Xorg miCompositeRects 2 0.5291 Xorg miRegionDestroy 2 0.5291 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 2 0.5291 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 2 0.5291 Xorg PictureFindFilter 3 0.7937 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds 4 1.0582 Xorg miDestroyPicture 4 1.0582 Xorg ValidateGC 4 1.0582 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 4 1.0582 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 4 1.0582 Xorg SetPictureFilter 4 1.0582 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 5 1.3228 Xorg FreeResource 5 1.3228 Xorg AddResource 6 1.5873 Xorg miRegionCreate 6 1.5873 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 7 1.8519 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 8 2.1164 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 9 2.3810 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 10 2.6455 Xorg FreePicture 10 2.6455 Xorg miColorRects 11 2.9101 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 11 2.9101 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 13 3.4392 Xorg _CallCallbacks 15 3.9683 Xorg CallCallbacks 17 4.4974 Xorg miCompositeSourceValidate 18 4.7619 Xorg damageReportPostOp 21 5.5556 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 21 5.5556 Xorg damageComposite 22 5.8201 Xorg CompositePicture 29 7.6720 Xorg miGlyphs 34 8.9947 Xorg ValidatePicture 38 10.0529 Xorg Dispatch 393 5.0051 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 393 100.000 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.1133 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 1 0.1133 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids 1 0.1133 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 2 0.2265 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 2 0.2265 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 20 2.2650 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 24 2.7180 Xorg main 37 4.1903 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 46 5.2095 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 169 19.1393 Xorg Dispatch 232 26.2741 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 348 39.4111 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 389 4.9542 Xorg XaceHook 435 49.2639 Xorg CallCallbacks 389 44.0544 Xorg XaceHook [self] 59 6.6818 Xorg _CallCallbacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0.8021 Xorg damageGlyphs 371 99.1979 Xorg miGlyphs 374 4.7631 Xorg miGlyphExtents 374 100.000 Xorg miGlyphExtents [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0032 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 1 0.0032 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 13 0.0417 Xorg damageGlyphs 90 0.2884 Xorg miCompositeRects 1101 3.5276 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 14282 45.7595 Xorg miTrapezoids 15723 50.3765 Xorg miGlyphs 361 4.5976 Xorg CompositePicture 30244 96.8862 Xorg damageComposite 520 1.6658 Xorg ValidatePicture 361 1.1565 Xorg CompositePicture [self] 22 0.0705 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 22 0.0705 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 20 0.0641 libfb.so fbComposite 17 0.0545 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 10 0.0320 Xorg damageReportPostOp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 5.2941 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 322 94.7059 Xorg FindGlyph 340 4.3301 Xorg FindGlyphRef 340 100.000 Xorg FindGlyphRef [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18107 100.000 Xorg damageGlyphs 339 4.3174 Xorg miGlyphs 15723 86.8098 Xorg CompositePicture 661 3.6495 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 371 2.0484 Xorg miGlyphExtents 339 1.8717 Xorg miGlyphs [self] 219 1.2091 Xorg CreatePicture 185 1.0214 Xorg FreePicture 175 0.9662 Xorg miModifyPixmapHeader 135 0.7454 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 101 0.5576 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 54 0.2981 Xorg ValidateGC 31 0.1712 Xorg ValidatePicture 29 0.1601 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 25 0.1380 Xorg damageComposite 20 0.1104 Xorg GetScratchPixmapHeader 14 0.0773 Xorg GetScratchGC 6 0.0331 Xorg FreeScratchGC 4 0.0221 Xorg FreeScratchPixmapHeader 3 0.0166 libfb.so fbCreatePixmapBpp 2 0.0110 Xorg ChangePicture 2 0.0110 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 2 0.0110 libfb.so .plt 2 0.0110 Xorg miCreatePicture 2 0.0110 libfb.so fbPolyFillRect 2 0.0110 Xorg miDestroyPicture 1 0.0055 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 1 0.0055 Xorg damageValidateGC 1 0.0055 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip 1 0.0055 Xorg Xfree 1 0.0055 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0.4950 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 21 3.4653 Xorg ProcFreeGC 169 27.8878 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 413 68.1518 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 321 4.0881 Xorg FreeResource 321 52.9703 Xorg FreeResource [self] 163 26.8977 Xorg FreePicture 36 5.9406 Xorg Xfree 34 5.6106 Xorg dixDestroyPixmap 15 2.4752 Xorg FreeGC 13 2.1452 Xorg FlushClientCaches 5 0.8251 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 4 0.6601 Xorg Hash 4 0.6601 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 3 0.4950 libc-2.5.so free 2 0.3300 Xorg .plt 2 0.3300 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip 2 0.3300 Xorg miDestroyPicture 2 0.3300 Xorg damageDestroyClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 8.2452 Xorg ValidatePicture 434 91.7548 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 295 3.7570 Xorg miValidatePicture 295 62.3679 Xorg miValidatePicture [self] 154 32.5581 Xorg miRegionCreate 7 1.4799 Xorg miIntersect 6 1.2685 Xorg miTranslateRegion 5 1.0571 Xorg miRegionInit 3 0.6342 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_intersect 1 0.2114 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.2114 Xorg Xalloc 1 0.2114 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_translate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.5455 Xorg main 268 97.4545 Xorg Dispatch 260 3.3113 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 260 94.5455 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient [self] 10 3.6364 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 3 1.0909 libc-2.5.so memmove 2 0.7273 Xorg _XSERVTransSocketRead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 15.7333 Xorg XaceHook 316 84.2667 Xorg CallCallbacks 234 2.9801 Xorg _CallCallbacks 234 62.4000 Xorg _CallCallbacks [self] 102 27.2000 Xorg SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess 26 6.9333 Xorg SecurityCheckExtAccess 13 3.4667 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 7.3394 Xorg GetScratchPixmapHeader 27 12.3853 Xorg damageGlyphs 175 80.2752 Xorg miGlyphs 218 2.7764 Xorg miModifyPixmapHeader 218 100.000 Xorg miModifyPixmapHeader [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57166 100.000 Xorg main 177 2.2542 Xorg Dispatch 46117 80.6678 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 10310 18.0342 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 268 0.4688 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 177 0.3096 Xorg Dispatch [self] 169 0.2956 Xorg XaceHook 38 0.0665 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 25 0.0437 Xorg CallCallbacks 17 0.0297 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 11 0.0192 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 11 0.0192 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 8 0.0140 Xorg GetExtensionEntry 5 0.0087 Xorg WaitForSomething 3 0.0052 libc-2.5.so memmove 2 0.0035 Xorg ProcPolySegment 2 0.0035 Xorg ProcChangeGC 2 0.0035 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 1 0.0017 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 1 0.0017 Xorg ProcFreeGC 1 0.0017 Xorg ProcessInputEvents 1 0.0017 libc-2.5.so __errno_location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 100.000 Xorg damageComposite 168 2.1396 Xorg miCompositeSourceValidate 168 52.0124 Xorg miCompositeSourceValidate [self] 138 42.7245 Xorg miSpriteSourceValidate 17 5.2632 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 100.000 Xorg miCompositeSourceValidate 163 2.0759 Xorg miSpriteSourceValidate 163 100.000 Xorg miSpriteSourceValidate [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.3413 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids 10 1.7065 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 14 2.3891 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 17 2.9010 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 33 5.6314 Xorg dixLookupGC 36 6.1433 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 42 7.1672 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 44 7.5085 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 49 8.3618 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 56 9.5563 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 63 10.7509 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 95 16.2116 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 125 21.3311 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 156 1.9868 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 348 59.3857 Xorg XaceHook 156 26.6212 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType [self] 60 10.2389 Xorg Hash 11 1.8771 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 11 1.8771 Xorg CallCallbacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.2092 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 2 0.4184 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 4 0.8368 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 11 2.3013 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 25 5.2301 Xorg Dispatch 435 91.0042 Xorg XaceHook 129 1.6429 Xorg CallCallbacks 316 66.1088 Xorg _CallCallbacks 129 26.9874 Xorg CallCallbacks [self] 15 3.1381 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 9 1.8828 Xorg SecurityCheckExtAccess 9 1.8828 Xorg SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0.5155 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 3 0.5155 Xorg CompositeRects 22 3.7801 Xorg CompositePicture 554 95.1890 Xorg ValidatePicture 128 1.6302 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 434 74.5704 Xorg miValidatePicture 128 21.9931 Xorg ValidateOnePicture [self] 11 1.8900 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 8 1.3746 Xorg miRegionCreate 1 0.1718 Xorg miIntersect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.8000 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 1 0.8000 Xorg damageCopyArea 2 1.6000 Xorg miColorRects 2 1.6000 Xorg damageGlyphs 6 4.8000 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 17 13.6000 Xorg CompositePicture 42 33.6000 Xorg damageComposite 54 43.2000 Xorg damageReportPostOp 122 1.5537 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 122 97.6000 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef [self] 3 2.4000 libfb.so fbGetWinPrivateIndex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 0.0634 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 18911 99.9366 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 117 1.4901 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 18254 96.4493 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 384 2.0290 Xorg FindGlyph 125 0.6605 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 117 0.6182 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs [self] 21 0.1110 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 18 0.0951 Xorg FindGlyphRef 2 0.0106 Xorg Hash 2 0.0106 Xorg XaceHook 2 0.0106 Xorg damageGlyphs 1 0.0053 Xorg ValidatePicture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 8.1081 Xorg CallCallbacks 102 91.8919 Xorg _CallCallbacks 111 1.4137 Xorg SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess 111 100.000 Xorg SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.0417 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 1 1.0417 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 1 1.0417 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 2 2.0833 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 2 2.0833 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 2 2.0833 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 3 3.1250 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 3 3.1250 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 4 4.1667 Xorg FreeResource 8 8.3333 Xorg AddResource 9 9.3750 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 60 62.5000 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 96 1.2226 Xorg Hash 96 100.000 Xorg Hash [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.1391 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 4 0.5563 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 7 0.9736 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 31 4.3115 Xorg miGlyphs 58 8.0668 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 98 13.6300 Xorg CompositeRects 520 72.3227 Xorg CompositePicture 92 1.1717 Xorg ValidatePicture 554 77.0515 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 92 12.7955 Xorg ValidatePicture [self] 39 5.4242 Xorg miValidatePicture 34 4.7288 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1628 Xorg PictureFindFilter 7 8.1395 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 78 90.6977 Xorg PictureGetFilterId 86 1.0953 Xorg CompareISOLatin1Lowered 86 100.000 Xorg CompareISOLatin1Lowered [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.7094 Xorg miColorRects 17 14.5299 Xorg ProcChangeGC 98 83.7607 Xorg ChangeGC 85 1.0825 Xorg dixChangeGC 85 72.6496 Xorg dixChangeGC [self] 20 17.0940 Xorg damageChangeGC 7 5.9829 Xorg damageChangeClip 5 4.2735 Xorg miBSCheapChangeGC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 0.0325 Xorg main 46117 99.9675 Xorg Dispatch 77 0.9806 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 45678 99.0116 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 232 0.5029 Xorg XaceHook 77 0.1669 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc [self] 25 0.0542 Xorg GetExtensionEntry 18 0.0390 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 15 0.0325 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 13 0.0282 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 13 0.0282 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 12 0.0260 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 12 0.0260 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 9 0.0195 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 8 0.0173 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 8 0.0173 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx 6 0.0130 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 4 0.0087 Xorg CallCallbacks 3 0.0065 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 1 0.0022 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 3.2746 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 384 96.7254 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 75 0.9552 Xorg FindGlyph 322 81.1083 Xorg FindGlyphRef 75 18.8917 Xorg FindGlyph [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.6993 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 2 1.3986 Xorg miColorRects 2 1.3986 Xorg damageGlyphs 7 4.8951 Xorg damageCopyArea 10 6.9930 Xorg CompositePicture 18 12.5874 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 103 72.0280 Xorg damageComposite 71 0.9042 Xorg damageReportPostOp 71 49.6503 Xorg damageReportPostOp [self] 54 37.7622 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 18 12.5874 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3.0769 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 4 6.1538 Xorg miColorRects 7 10.7692 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 12 18.4615 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 40 61.5385 Xorg miRenderColorToPixel 65 0.8278 Xorg Ones 65 100.000 Xorg Ones [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.2037 Xorg damageGlyphs 3 0.6110 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 8 1.6293 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 10 2.0367 Xorg miCompositeRects 219 44.6029 Xorg miGlyphs 250 50.9165 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 59 0.7514 Xorg CreatePicture 223 45.4175 Xorg AllocatePicture 172 35.0305 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 59 12.0163 Xorg CreatePicture [self] 25 5.0916 Xorg ChangePicture 6 1.2220 Xorg PictureGetFilterId 2 0.4073 Xorg miChangePicture 2 0.4073 Xorg Xalloc 1 0.2037 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.2037 Xorg miCreatePicture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.5155 Xorg damageGlyphs 5 1.2887 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 7 1.8041 Xorg miCompositeRects 26 6.7010 Xorg miTrapezoids 163 42.0103 Xorg FreeResource 185 47.6804 Xorg miGlyphs 58 0.7387 Xorg FreePicture 113 29.1237 Xorg miDestroyPicture 93 23.9691 Xorg Xfree 89 22.9381 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 58 14.9485 Xorg FreePicture [self] 15 3.8660 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip 10 2.5773 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 4 1.0309 Xorg miRegionDestroy 4 1.0309 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 2 0.5155 libc-2.5.so free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 4.4534 Xorg Dispatch 236 95.5466 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 58 0.7387 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 90 36.4372 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 58 23.4818 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap [self] 51 20.6478 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 30 12.1457 Xorg AddResource 7 2.8340 Xorg LegalNewID 6 2.4291 libfb.so fbCreatePixmapBpp 3 1.2146 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 1 0.4049 Xorg XaceHook 1 0.4049 libfb.so fbGetScreenPrivateIndex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.0989 Xorg miGlyphs 4 2.1978 Xorg FreePicture 176 96.7033 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 56 0.7132 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 119 65.0273 libfb.so fbDestroyPixmap 56 30.6011 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap [self] 6 3.2787 Xorg Xfree 2 1.0929 libfb.so .plt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 5.5556 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds 51 94.4444 Xorg miLineFixedX 54 0.6877 Xorg __divdi3 54 100.000 Xorg __divdi3 [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 0.1450 Xorg CompositeRects 5509 99.8550 Xorg miCompositeRects 54 0.6877 Xorg miColorRects 4865 88.1820 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 216 3.9152 Xorg ValidateGC 108 1.9576 Xorg ChangeGC 87 1.5769 Xorg GetScratchGC 65 1.1782 Xorg miRenderColorToPixel 54 0.9788 Xorg miColorRects [self] 30 0.5438 Xorg miRegionCreate 25 0.4531 Xorg damageChangeClip 18 0.3263 Xorg FreeScratchGC 11 0.1994 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_copy 10 0.1813 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 7 0.1269 Xorg damageValidateGC 5 0.0906 Xorg miRegionCopy 4 0.0725 Xorg Ones 3 0.0544 Xorg Xalloc 2 0.0363 Xorg dixChangeGC 2 0.0363 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 2 0.0363 Xorg damageReportPostOp 1 0.0181 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 1 0.0181 Xorg miRegionInit 1 0.0181 libfb.so fbPolyFillRect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.8095 Xorg miCompositeRects 14 13.3333 Xorg miGlyphs 87 82.8571 Xorg miColorRects 53 0.6750 Xorg GetScratchGC 53 50.4762 Xorg GetScratchGC [self] 50 47.6190 Xorg damageChangeClip 2 1.9048 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2.0583 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 571 97.9417 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 50 0.6368 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 250 42.8816 Xorg CreatePicture 95 16.2950 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 89 15.2659 Xorg AddResource 63 10.8062 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 50 8.5763 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture [self] 7 1.2007 Xorg Ones 6 1.0292 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 6 1.0292 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 5 0.8576 Xorg LegalNewID 4 0.6861 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 2 0.3431 Xorg Hash 2 0.3431 Xorg XaceHook 2 0.3431 Xorg AllocatePicture 1 0.1715 Xorg miCreatePicture 1 0.1715 Xorg Xalloc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.5714 Xorg ProcCopyArea 2 1.1429 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 3 1.7143 Xorg ProcCreateGC 10 5.7143 Xorg ProcPolySegment 13 7.4286 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 51 29.1429 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 95 54.2857 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 50 0.6368 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 84 48.0000 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 50 28.5714 Xorg dixLookupDrawable [self] 37 21.1429 Xorg XaceHook 3 1.7143 Xorg Hash 1 0.5714 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 50 0.6368 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 50 48.0769 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip [self] 18 17.3077 Xorg miIntersect 17 16.3462 Xorg miTranslateRegion 9 8.6538 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_intersect 6 5.7692 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_translate 2 1.9231 Xorg .plt 2 1.9231 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.4274 Xorg miCompositeRects 2 0.8547 Xorg miTrapezoids 3 1.2821 Xorg FreeGC 4 1.7094 Xorg FreeResource 34 14.5299 Xorg dixDestroyPixmap 89 38.0342 Xorg FreePicture 101 43.1624 Xorg miGlyphs 45 0.5731 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 176 75.2137 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 45 19.2308 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap [self] 11 4.7009 libfb.so fbDestroyPixmap 2 0.8547 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.4255 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 1 0.4255 Xorg FreeGC 1 0.4255 Xorg miGlyphs 2 0.8511 Xorg miChangeClip 3 1.2766 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 5 2.1277 Xorg miDestroyPicture 6 2.5532 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 36 15.3191 Xorg FreeResource 87 37.0213 Xorg miRegionDestroy 93 39.5745 Xorg FreePicture 44 0.5604 Xorg Xfree 276 80.0000 libc-2.5.so free 44 12.7536 Xorg Xfree [self] 12 3.4783 libc-2.5.so _int_free 9 2.6087 libc-2.5.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 4 1.1594 libc-2.5.so munmap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.4630 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 3 1.3889 Xorg miCompositeRects 8 3.7037 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 20 9.2593 Xorg miRectsToRegion 30 13.8889 Xorg miColorRects 154 71.2963 Xorg miValidatePicture 41 0.5222 Xorg miRegionCreate 111 51.3889 Xorg Xalloc 41 18.9815 Xorg miRegionCreate [self] 33 15.2778 Xorg miRegionInit 10 4.6296 libc-2.5.so malloc 8 3.7037 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init_with_extents 6 2.7778 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 4 1.8519 Xorg .plt 3 1.3889 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 0.5094 Xorg AllocatePixmap 144 76.1905 Xorg Xalloc 40 21.1640 Xorg AllocatePixmap [self] 3 1.5873 libc-2.5.so malloc 1 0.5291 Xorg .plt 1 0.5291 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 5.0000 Xorg miGlyphs 2 5.0000 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 11 27.5000 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 25 62.5000 Xorg CreatePicture 40 0.5094 Xorg ChangePicture 40 100.000 Xorg ChangePicture [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 5.0847 Xorg CreatePicture 26 22.0339 Xorg PictureFindFilter 86 72.8814 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 40 0.5094 Xorg PictureGetFilterId 78 66.1017 Xorg CompareISOLatin1Lowered 40 33.8983 Xorg PictureGetFilterId [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0155 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 7 0.1084 Xorg miCompositeRects 105 1.6264 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 661 10.2385 Xorg miGlyphs 817 12.6549 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 4865 75.3563 Xorg miColorRects 39 0.4967 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 6371 98.6681 libfb.so fbPolyFillRect 39 0.6040 Xorg damagePolyFillRect [self] 18 0.2788 Xorg damageReportPostOp 11 0.1704 libfb.so fbFill 8 0.1239 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 6 0.0929 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 2 0.0310 libfb.so .plt 2 0.0310 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 0.2535 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 5903 99.7465 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 37 0.4712 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 5810 98.1751 Xorg CompositeRects 56 0.9463 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 37 0.6252 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles [self] 6 0.1014 Xorg miCompositeRects 4 0.0676 Xorg ValidatePicture 2 0.0338 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 2 0.0338 Xorg Hash 1 0.0169 Xorg PictOpValid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 0.0372 Xorg Dispatch 45678 99.9628 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 35 0.4457 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 18911 41.3816 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 18190 39.8039 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids 5903 12.9171 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 1127 2.4661 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 571 1.2495 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 537 1.1751 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 136 0.2976 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 96 0.2101 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 81 0.1772 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 53 0.1160 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 35 0.0766 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch [self] 14 0.0306 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 13 0.0284 Xorg FindGlyph 7 0.0153 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 4 0.0088 Xorg AddResource 3 0.0066 Xorg CreatePicture 3 0.0066 Xorg FreeResource 2 0.0044 Xorg PictOpValid 2 0.0044 Xorg ChangePicture 2 0.0044 Xorg SetPictureTransform 2 0.0044 Xorg SetPictureFilter 2 0.0044 Xorg Ones 1 0.0022 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 1 0.0022 Xorg CompositeRects 1 0.0022 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 1 0.0022 Xorg CompositePicture 1 0.0022 Xorg LegalNewID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 25.7143 Xorg CallCallbacks 26 74.2857 Xorg _CallCallbacks 35 0.4457 Xorg SecurityCheckExtAccess 35 100.000 Xorg SecurityCheckExtAccess [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 24.2424 Xorg Dispatch 25 75.7576 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 33 0.4203 Xorg GetExtensionEntry 33 100.000 Xorg GetExtensionEntry [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.5587 Xorg miGlyphs 6 3.3520 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 172 96.0894 Xorg CreatePicture 33 0.4203 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 86 48.0447 Xorg PictureGetFilterId 49 27.3743 libc-2.5.so strlen 33 18.4358 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults [self] 7 3.9106 Xorg CompareISOLatin1Lowered 3 1.6760 Xorg .plt 1 0.5587 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 11.6667 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 53 88.3333 Xorg SetPictureFilter 31 0.3948 Xorg PictureFindFilter 31 51.6667 Xorg PictureFindFilter [self] 26 43.3333 Xorg PictureGetFilterId 2 3.3333 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 1.6667 Xorg CompareISOLatin1Lowered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 18.1818 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 81 81.8182 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 31 0.3948 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture 42 42.4242 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 31 31.3131 Xorg ProcRenderChangePicture [self] 12 12.1212 Xorg Ones 11 11.1111 Xorg ChangePicture 1 1.0101 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 1.0101 Xorg Hash 1 1.0101 Xorg XaceHook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3.2967 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 4 4.3956 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 84 92.3077 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 31 0.3948 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass 46 50.5495 Xorg XaceHook 31 34.0659 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByClass [self] 9 9.8901 Xorg Hash 4 4.3956 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 1.0989 Xorg CallCallbacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.3636 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 537 97.6364 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 30 0.3821 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture 413 75.0909 Xorg FreeResource 95 17.2727 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 30 5.4545 Xorg ProcRenderFreePicture [self] 5 0.9091 Xorg FreePicture 3 0.5455 Xorg Hash 3 0.5455 Xorg Xfree 1 0.1818 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 0.1549 Xorg main 10310 99.8451 Xorg Dispatch 30 0.3821 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 9409 91.1195 Xorg ProcCopyArea 236 2.2855 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 227 2.1983 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 128 1.2396 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 123 1.1912 Xorg ProcPolySegment 52 0.5036 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles 32 0.3099 Xorg ProcChangeGC 30 0.2905 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc [self] 24 0.2324 Xorg ProcFreeGC 20 0.1937 Xorg XaceHook 13 0.1259 Xorg ProcCreateGC 13 0.1259 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 5 0.0484 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 4 0.0387 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 3 0.0291 Xorg LegalNewID 2 0.0194 Xorg dixLookupGC 2 0.0194 Xorg CallCallbacks 1 0.0097 Xorg SetClipRects 1 0.0097 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 1 0.0097 Xorg damageCopyArea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.8889 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 223 99.1111 Xorg CreatePicture 29 0.3693 Xorg AllocatePicture 194 86.2222 Xorg Xalloc 29 12.8889 Xorg AllocatePicture [self] 2 0.8889 Xorg .plt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3.4483 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 2 6.8966 Xorg miCompositeRects 2 6.8966 Xorg damageGlyphs 6 20.6897 Xorg miGlyphs 18 62.0690 Xorg miColorRects 29 0.3693 Xorg FreeScratchGC 29 100.000 Xorg FreeScratchGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.1848 Xorg miValidatePicture 1 0.1848 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 2 0.3697 Xorg CreatePicture 3 0.5545 Xorg SetClipRects 3 0.5545 Xorg miColorRects 82 15.1571 Xorg AddResource 111 20.5176 Xorg miRegionCreate 144 26.6174 Xorg AllocatePixmap 194 35.8595 Xorg AllocatePicture 29 0.3693 Xorg Xalloc 498 91.7127 libc-2.5.so malloc 29 5.3407 Xorg Xalloc [self] 9 1.6575 libc-2.5.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 7 1.2891 libc-2.5.so _int_malloc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 11.9266 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 96 88.0734 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 28 0.3566 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 49 44.9541 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 28 25.6881 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform [self] 25 22.9358 Xorg SetPictureTransform 4 3.6697 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 2 1.8349 Xorg miChangePictureTransform 1 0.9174 Xorg Hash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 0.1054 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 5689 99.8946 Xorg CompositeRects 28 0.3566 Xorg miCompositeRects 5509 96.7000 Xorg miColorRects 90 1.5798 Xorg CompositePicture 28 0.4915 Xorg miCompositeRects [self] 14 0.2457 Xorg ChangeGC 10 0.1755 Xorg CreatePicture 9 0.1580 Xorg ValidateGC 7 0.1229 Xorg FreePicture 7 0.1229 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 5 0.0878 Xorg PictureMatchFormat 4 0.0702 Xorg GetScratchGC 3 0.0527 Xorg miRegionCreate 2 0.0351 Xorg miRenderColorToPixel 2 0.0351 Xorg FreeScratchGC 2 0.0351 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 2 0.0351 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.0176 Xorg miRegionCopy 1 0.0176 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 1 0.0176 Xorg damageChangeClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 7.4074 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 25 92.5926 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 27 0.3439 Xorg SetPictureTransform 27 100.000 Xorg SetPictureTransform [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.9851 Xorg miCompositeRects 65 97.0149 Xorg miColorRects 27 0.3439 Xorg miRenderColorToPixel 40 59.7015 Xorg Ones 27 40.2985 Xorg miRenderColorToPixel [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.2520 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 30 24.3902 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 89 72.3577 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 25 0.3184 Xorg AddResource 82 66.6667 Xorg Xalloc 25 20.3252 Xorg AddResource [self] 8 6.5041 Xorg Hash 5 4.0650 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 3 2.4390 Xorg .plt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.3478 Xorg AllocatePixmap 2 8.6957 Xorg FreeResource 2 8.6957 Xorg miDestroyClip 2 8.6957 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 2 8.6957 Xorg miRegionDestroy 2 8.6957 Xorg miDestroyPicture 2 8.6957 Xorg AllocatePicture 3 13.0435 Xorg AddResource 3 13.0435 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 4 17.3913 Xorg miRegionCreate 24 0.3057 Xorg .plt 24 100.000 Xorg .plt [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.3378 Xorg miGlyphs 7 2.3649 Xorg miColorRects 288 97.2973 Xorg ValidateGC 23 0.2929 Xorg damageValidateGC 260 87.8378 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 23 7.7703 Xorg damageValidateGC [self] 11 3.7162 libfb.so fbValidateGC 2 0.6757 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 100.000 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds 23 0.2929 Xorg miLineFixedX 51 68.9189 Xorg __divdi3 23 31.0811 Xorg miLineFixedX [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.8130 Xorg CreateGC 14 11.3821 Xorg miCompositeRects 108 87.8049 Xorg miColorRects 22 0.2802 Xorg ChangeGC 98 79.6748 Xorg dixChangeGC 22 17.8862 Xorg ChangeGC [self] 3 2.4390 Xorg damageChangeGC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.0110 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 18180 99.9890 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 22 0.2802 Xorg damageGlyphs 18107 99.5711 Xorg miGlyphs 27 0.1485 Xorg miModifyPixmapHeader 22 0.1210 Xorg damageGlyphs [self] 13 0.0715 Xorg CompositePicture 3 0.0165 Xorg miGlyphExtents 2 0.0110 Xorg FreeScratchPixmapHeader 2 0.0110 Xorg FreeScratchGC 2 0.0110 Xorg FreePicture 2 0.0110 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 2 0.0110 Xorg damageReportPostOp 1 0.0055 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.0055 Xorg ValidateGC 1 0.0055 Xorg CreatePicture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 5.5556 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 136 94.4444 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 21 0.2674 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 76 52.7778 Xorg SetPictureFilter 36 25.0000 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 21 14.5833 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter [self] 7 4.8611 Xorg PictureFindFilter 4 2.7778 Xorg miChangePictureFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.5641 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 76 97.4359 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 21 0.2674 Xorg SetPictureFilter 53 67.9487 Xorg PictureFindFilter 21 26.9231 Xorg SetPictureFilter [self] 4 5.1282 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.9709 Xorg miCompositeRects 7 6.7961 Xorg dixChangeGC 20 19.4175 Xorg SetClipRects 25 24.2718 Xorg miColorRects 50 48.5437 Xorg GetScratchGC 21 0.2674 Xorg damageChangeClip 78 75.7282 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 21 20.3883 Xorg damageChangeClip [self] 4 3.8835 Xorg miChangeClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 10.7143 Xorg ChangeGC 5 17.8571 Xorg SetClipRects 20 71.4286 Xorg dixChangeGC 20 0.2547 Xorg damageChangeGC 20 71.4286 Xorg damageChangeGC [self] 4 14.2857 Xorg miBSCheapChangeGC 3 10.7143 Xorg miChangeGC 1 3.5714 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.6217 Xorg ValidateGC 260 97.3783 Xorg damageValidateGC 20 0.2547 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 202 75.6554 libfb.so fbValidateGC 24 8.9888 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx 20 7.4906 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC [self] 15 5.6180 libfb.so fbGetGCPrivateIndex 4 1.4981 libfb.so .plt 1 0.3745 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 1 0.3745 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.5152 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip 4 3.0303 Xorg FreePicture 8 6.0606 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip 29 21.9697 Xorg miDestroyClip 89 67.4242 Xorg miDestroyPicture 19 0.2420 Xorg miRegionDestroy 87 65.9091 Xorg Xfree 19 14.3939 Xorg miRegionDestroy [self] 13 9.8485 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_fini 5 3.7879 libc-2.5.so free 4 3.0303 libpixman.so.0.0.0 __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 2 1.5152 Xorg .plt 2 1.5152 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 5.5556 Xorg ProcFreeGC 4 22.2222 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 13 72.2222 Xorg FreeResource 18 0.2292 Xorg FlushClientCaches 18 100.000 Xorg FlushClientCaches [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3.8462 Xorg miGlyphs 2 7.6923 Xorg FreeResource 8 30.7692 Xorg miChangePictureClip 15 57.6923 Xorg FreePicture 18 0.2292 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip 18 69.2308 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip [self] 8 30.7692 Xorg miRegionDestroy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.5641 Xorg miColorRects 5 12.8205 Xorg miValidatePicture 33 84.6154 Xorg miRegionCreate 17 0.2165 Xorg miRegionInit 17 43.5897 Xorg miRegionInit [self] 14 35.8974 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init_with_extents 8 20.5128 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 6.2500 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 3 18.7500 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 5 31.2500 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 7 43.7500 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 16 0.2038 Xorg LegalNewID 16 100.000 Xorg LegalNewID [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 4.6218 Xorg Dispatch 227 95.3782 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 16 0.2038 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 169 71.0084 Xorg FreeResource 44 18.4874 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 16 6.7227 Xorg ProcFreePixmap [self] 4 1.6807 Xorg FlushClientCaches 2 0.8403 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.4202 Xorg Hash 1 0.4202 Xorg dixDestroyPixmap 1 0.4202 Xorg Xfree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.3175 Xorg damageGlyphs 4 1.2698 Xorg ProcCopyArea 7 2.2222 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 9 2.8571 Xorg ProcPolySegment 9 2.8571 Xorg miCompositeRects 15 4.7619 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 54 17.1429 Xorg miGlyphs 216 68.5714 Xorg miColorRects 16 0.2038 Xorg ValidateGC 288 91.4286 Xorg damageValidateGC 16 5.0794 Xorg ValidateGC [self] 7 2.2222 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 4 1.2698 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5.7971 Xorg damageChangeClip 65 94.2029 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 15 0.1910 Xorg miChangeClip 39 56.5217 Xorg miDestroyClip 15 21.7391 Xorg miChangeClip [self] 13 18.8406 Xorg miRectsToRegion 2 2.8986 Xorg Xfree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0055 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 18254 99.9945 Xorg ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs 14 0.1783 Xorg CompositeGlyphs 18180 99.5728 Xorg damageGlyphs 58 0.3177 Xorg ValidatePicture 14 0.0767 Xorg CompositeGlyphs [self] 3 0.0164 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 1 0.0055 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 0.0055 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 1 0.0055 Xorg damageReportPostOp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2346 Xorg miColorRects 2 2.4691 Xorg GetScratchGC 78 96.2963 Xorg damageChangeClip 13 0.1656 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 65 80.2469 Xorg miChangeClip 13 16.0494 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip [self] 2 2.4691 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 1.2346 Xorg miRectsToRegion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 100.000 Xorg miTrapezoids 11 0.1401 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds 74 81.3187 Xorg miLineFixedX 11 12.0879 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds [self] 3 3.2967 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 3 3.2967 Xorg __divdi3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0172 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 5810 99.9828 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 10 0.1274 Xorg CompositeRects 5689 97.9005 Xorg miCompositeRects 98 1.6865 Xorg ValidatePicture 10 0.1721 Xorg CompositeRects [self] 8 0.1377 Xorg miColorRects 3 0.0516 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 2 0.0344 Xorg PictureMatchFormat 1 0.0172 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.8475 Xorg miTrapezoids 2 1.6949 Xorg FreeResource 2 1.6949 Xorg miGlyphs 113 95.7627 Xorg FreePicture 10 0.1274 Xorg miDestroyPicture 89 75.4237 Xorg miRegionDestroy 10 8.4746 Xorg miDestroyPicture [self] 8 6.7797 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_fini 5 4.2373 Xorg Xfree 4 3.3898 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 2 1.6949 Xorg .plt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3.2258 Xorg miBSCheapChangeClip 2 6.4516 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 13 41.9355 Xorg miChangeClip 15 48.3871 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 10 0.1274 Xorg miRectsToRegion 20 64.5161 Xorg miRegionCreate 10 32.2581 Xorg miRectsToRegion [self] 1 3.2258 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 10.1695 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 53 89.8305 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 9 0.1146 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 37 62.7119 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 10 16.9492 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 9 15.2542 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles [self] 2 3.3898 Xorg miRectsToRegion 1 1.6949 Xorg miChangePictureClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4.6512 Xorg ProcFreeGC 2 4.6512 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 4 9.3023 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 10 23.2558 Xorg ProcPolySegment 11 25.5814 Xorg ProcChangeGC 14 32.5581 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles 9 0.1146 Xorg dixLookupGC 33 76.7442 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 9 20.9302 Xorg dixLookupGC [self] 1 2.3256 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 44.4444 Xorg damageChangeGC 5 55.5556 Xorg dixChangeGC 9 0.1146 Xorg miBSCheapChangeGC 9 100.000 Xorg miBSCheapChangeGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 5.8824 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 16 94.1176 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 9 0.1146 Xorg miChangePictureClip 9 52.9412 Xorg miChangePictureClip [self] 8 47.0588 Xorg miDestroyPictureClip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3.8462 Xorg ValidateOnePicture 7 26.9231 Xorg miValidatePicture 18 69.2308 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 9 0.1146 Xorg miIntersect 22 70.9677 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_intersect 9 29.0323 Xorg miIntersect [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0.2655 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 1127 99.7345 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 8 0.1019 Xorg ProcRenderComposite 1101 97.3475 Xorg CompositePicture 17 1.5031 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 8 0.7073 Xorg ProcRenderComposite [self] 4 0.3537 Xorg damageComposite 1 0.0884 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 100.000 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 8 0.1019 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx 8 100.000 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4.8780 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip 39 95.1220 Xorg miChangeClip 8 0.1019 Xorg miDestroyClip 29 70.7317 Xorg miRegionDestroy 8 19.5122 Xorg miDestroyClip [self] 2 4.8780 Xorg .plt 2 4.8780 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_fini ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18176 100.000 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 8 0.1019 Xorg miTrapezoids 14282 78.5675 Xorg CompositePicture 2908 15.9974 libfb.so fbRasterizeTrapezoid 850 4.6760 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 91 0.5006 Xorg miTrapezoidBounds 26 0.1430 Xorg FreePicture 8 0.0440 Xorg miTrapezoids [self] 2 0.0110 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 2 0.0110 Xorg damageComposite 2 0.0110 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_unref 2 0.0110 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_trapezoid 2 0.0110 libfb.so .plt 2 0.0110 libfb.so image_from_pict 1 0.0055 Xorg miDestroyPicture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 100.000 Xorg ProcCreateGC 7 0.0891 Xorg CreateGC 7 77.7778 Xorg CreateGC [self] 1 11.1111 Xorg AllocateGC 1 11.1111 Xorg ChangeGC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 28.5714 Xorg CompositeRects 5 71.4286 Xorg miCompositeRects 7 0.0891 Xorg PictureMatchFormat 7 100.000 Xorg PictureMatchFormat [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 26.0870 Xorg miValidatePicture 17 73.9130 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 7 0.0891 Xorg miTranslateRegion 16 61.5385 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_translate 7 26.9231 Xorg miTranslateRegion [self] 3 11.5385 libpixman.so.0.0.0 __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 33.3333 Xorg damageGlyphs 4 66.6667 Xorg miGlyphs 6 0.0764 Xorg FreeScratchPixmapHeader 6 100.000 Xorg FreeScratchPixmapHeader [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 5.8824 Xorg Dispatch 32 94.1176 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 6 0.0764 Xorg ProcChangeGC 17 50.0000 Xorg dixChangeGC 11 32.3529 Xorg dixLookupGC 6 17.6471 Xorg ProcChangeGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.6316 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 37 97.3684 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles 6 0.0764 Xorg SetPictureClipRects 16 42.1053 Xorg miChangePictureClip 15 39.4737 Xorg miRectsToRegion 6 15.7895 Xorg SetPictureClipRects [self] 1 2.6316 Xorg miRegionCreate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.6000 Xorg Dispatch 123 98.4000 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 5 0.0637 Xorg ProcPolySegment 90 72.0000 Xorg damagePolySegment 10 8.0000 Xorg dixLookupGC 10 8.0000 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 9 7.2000 Xorg ValidateGC 5 4.0000 Xorg ProcPolySegment [self] 1 0.8000 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 16.6667 Xorg Dispatch 10 83.3333 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 5 0.0637 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 5 41.6667 Xorg _XSERVTransRead [self] 3 25.0000 libc-2.5.so read 3 25.0000 libc-2.5.so __read_nocancel 1 8.3333 Xorg _XSERVTransSocketRead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 100.000 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureFilter 4 0.0509 Xorg miChangePictureFilter 4 100.000 Xorg miChangePictureFilter [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 850 100.000 Xorg miTrapezoids 4 0.0509 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 817 96.1176 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 13 1.5294 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 8 0.9412 Xorg CreatePicture 7 0.8235 Xorg ValidateGC 4 0.4706 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture [self] 1 0.1176 Xorg FreeScratchGC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 25.0000 Xorg CreatePicture 1 25.0000 Xorg ProcRenderCreatePicture 2 50.0000 Xorg miGlyphs 4 0.0509 Xorg miCreatePicture 4 100.000 Xorg miCreatePicture [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 100.000 Xorg miGlyphs 3 0.0382 Xorg GetScratchPixmapHeader 16 80.0000 Xorg miModifyPixmapHeader 3 15.0000 Xorg GetScratchPixmapHeader [self] 1 5.0000 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 33.3333 Xorg ProcRenderFillRectangles 2 66.6667 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 3 0.0382 Xorg PictOpValid 3 100.000 Xorg PictOpValid [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.7752 Xorg Dispatch 128 99.2248 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 3 0.0382 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle 105 81.3953 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 15 11.6279 Xorg ValidateGC 4 3.1008 Xorg dixLookupGC 3 2.3256 Xorg ProcPolyFillRectangle [self] 2 1.5504 Xorg dixLookupDrawable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0055 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 18190 99.9945 Xorg ProcRenderDispatch 3 0.0382 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids 18187 99.9670 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 3 0.0165 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids [self] 2 0.0110 Xorg SecurityLookupIDByType 1 0.0055 Xorg XaceHook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 100.000 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 3 0.0382 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles 33 63.4615 Xorg SetClipRects 14 26.9231 Xorg dixLookupGC 3 5.7692 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles [self] 2 3.8462 libc-2.5.so memmove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.9412 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 33 97.0588 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles 3 0.0382 Xorg SetClipRects 20 58.8235 Xorg damageChangeClip 5 14.7059 Xorg damageChangeGC 3 8.8235 Xorg Xalloc 3 8.8235 libc-2.5.so memmove 3 8.8235 Xorg SetClipRects [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 33.3333 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 2 66.6667 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 3 0.0382 Xorg _XSERVTransSocketRead 3 100.000 Xorg _XSERVTransSocketRead [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0106 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 9403 99.9894 Xorg ProcCopyArea 3 0.0382 Xorg damageCopyArea 9391 99.8511 libfb.so fbCopyArea 7 0.0744 Xorg damageReportPostOp 3 0.0319 Xorg damageCopyArea [self] 2 0.0213 libfb.so fbDoCopy 1 0.0106 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 1 0.0106 libfb.so _fbGetWindowPixmap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 28.5714 Xorg FreeGC 5 71.4286 Xorg damageDestroyClip 3 0.0382 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip 3 42.8571 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip [self] 2 28.5714 Xorg miDestroyClip 2 28.5714 Xorg miRegionDestroy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 100.000 Xorg damageChangeGC 3 0.0382 Xorg miChangeGC 3 100.000 Xorg miChangeGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg FreeGC 2 0.0255 Xorg CloseFont 2 100.000 Xorg CloseFont [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 28.5714 Xorg FreeResource 5 71.4286 Xorg FreeGC 2 0.0255 Xorg damageDestroyClip 5 71.4286 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip 2 28.5714 Xorg damageDestroyClip [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg CreatePicture 2 0.0255 Xorg miChangePicture 2 100.000 Xorg miChangePicture [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg ProcRenderSetPictureTransform 2 0.0255 Xorg miChangePictureTransform 2 100.000 Xorg miChangePictureTransform [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 16.6667 Xorg miCompositeRects 5 83.3333 Xorg miColorRects 2 0.0255 Xorg miRegionCopy 4 66.6667 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_copy 2 33.3333 Xorg miRegionCopy [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg CreateGC 1 0.0127 Xorg AllocateGC 1 100.000 Xorg AllocateGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 100.000 Xorg FreeResource 1 0.0127 Xorg FreeGC 5 33.3333 Xorg damageDestroyClip 3 20.0000 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 2 13.3333 Xorg CloseFont 2 13.3333 Xorg miBSCheapDestroyClip 1 6.6667 Xorg Xfree 1 6.6667 Xorg damageDestroyGC 1 6.6667 Xorg FreeGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.0000 Xorg Dispatch 24 96.0000 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 1 0.0127 Xorg ProcFreeGC 21 84.0000 Xorg FreeResource 2 8.0000 Xorg dixLookupGC 1 4.0000 Xorg FlushClientCaches 1 4.0000 Xorg ProcFreeGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0127 Xorg SmartScheduleTimer 1 100.000 Xorg SmartScheduleTimer [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 100.000 Xorg Dispatch 1 0.0127 Xorg WaitForSomething 3 60.0000 Xorg WakeupHandler 1 20.0000 Xorg BlockHandler 1 20.0000 Xorg WaitForSomething [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 100.000 Xorg WaitForSomething 1 0.0127 Xorg WakeupHandler 1 33.3333 Xorg xf86VTSwitchPending 1 33.3333 Xorg xf86Wakeup 1 33.3333 Xorg WakeupHandler [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg ProcCreateGC 1 0.0127 Xorg damageCreateGC 1 100.000 Xorg damageCreateGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.8571 Xorg ProcFreePixmap 34 97.1429 Xorg FreeResource 1 0.0127 Xorg dixDestroyPixmap 34 97.1429 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 1 2.8571 Xorg dixDestroyPixmap [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg damageDestroyGC 1 0.0127 Xorg miDestroyGC 1 100.000 Xorg miDestroyGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg ProcessInputEvents 1 0.0127 Xorg miPointerUpdateSprite 1 100.000 Xorg miPointerUpdateSprite [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg compBlockHandler 1 0.0127 Xorg miSpriteBlockHandler 1 100.000 Xorg miSpriteBlockHandler [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg WakeupHandler 1 0.0127 Xorg xf86VTSwitchPending 1 100.000 Xorg xf86VTSwitchPending [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg WakeupHandler 1 0.0127 Xorg xf86Wakeup 1 100.000 Xorg xf86Wakeup [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg WaitForSomething 0 0 Xorg BlockHandler 1 100.000 Xorg compBlockHandler 0 0 Xorg BlockHandler [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18187 100.000 Xorg ProcRenderTrapezoids 0 0 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 18176 99.9340 Xorg miTrapezoids 7 0.0385 Xorg ValidatePicture 4 0.0220 libfb.so fbRasterizeTrapezoid 1 0.0055 Xorg CompositePicture 0 0 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg xf86PostMotionEventP 0 0 Xorg GetPointerEvents 1 100.000 libc-2.5.so gettimeofday 0 0 Xorg GetPointerEvents [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9409 100.000 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 0 0 Xorg ProcCopyArea 9403 99.9362 Xorg damageCopyArea 4 0.0425 Xorg ValidateGC 1 0.0106 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 1 0.0106 libfb.so fbCopyArea 0 0 Xorg ProcCopyArea [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 100.000 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 0 0 Xorg ProcCreateGC 9 69.2308 Xorg CreateGC 3 23.0769 Xorg dixLookupDrawable 1 7.6923 Xorg damageCreateGC 0 0 Xorg ProcCreateGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg Dispatch 0 0 Xorg ProcessInputEvents 1 100.000 Xorg miPointerUpdateSprite 0 0 Xorg ProcessInputEvents [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 Xorg XisbRead 1 100.000 libc-2.5.so ___newselect_nocancel 0 0 Xorg XisbRead [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 Xorg _start 57213 100.000 libc-2.5.so __libc_start_main 0 0 Xorg _start [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg BlockHandler 0 0 Xorg compBlockHandler 1 100.000 Xorg miSpriteBlockHandler 0 0 Xorg compBlockHandler [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg FreeGC 0 0 Xorg damageDestroyGC 1 100.000 Xorg miDestroyGC 0 0 Xorg damageDestroyGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 100.000 Xorg ProcPolySegment 0 0 Xorg damagePolySegment 88 97.7778 libfb.so fbPolySegment 1 1.1111 Xorg __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 1 1.1111 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 0 0 Xorg damagePolySegment [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 Xorg main 57166 99.8917 Xorg Dispatch 24 0.0419 Xorg XaceHook 16 0.0280 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 15 0.0262 Xorg XaceCatchExtProc 7 0.0122 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 0 0 Xorg main [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 Xorg xf86PostMotionEvent 1 100.000 Xorg xf86PostMotionEventP 0 0 Xorg xf86PostMotionEvent [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg xf86PostMotionEvent 0 0 Xorg xf86PostMotionEventP 1 100.000 Xorg GetPointerEvents 0 0 Xorg xf86PostMotionEventP [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 Xorg xf86SIGIO 2 100.000 Xorg xf86SigioReadInput 0 0 Xorg xf86SIGIO [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg xf86SIGIO 0 0 Xorg xf86SigioReadInput 2 100.000 mouse_drv.so MouseReadInput 0 0 Xorg xf86SigioReadInput [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg XisbRead 0 0 libc-2.5.so ___newselect_nocancel 0 0 libc-2.5.so ___newselect_nocancel [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg Dispatch 0 0 libc-2.5.so __errno_location 0 0 libc-2.5.so __errno_location [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 50.0000 Xorg Xfree 9 50.0000 Xorg Xalloc 0 0 libc-2.5.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 0 0 libc-2.5.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57213 100.000 Xorg _start 0 0 libc-2.5.so __libc_start_main 0 0 libc-2.5.so __libc_start_main [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 100.000 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 0 0 libc-2.5.so __read_nocancel 0 0 libc-2.5.so __read_nocancel [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 100.000 Xorg Xfree 0 0 libc-2.5.so _int_free 0 0 libc-2.5.so _int_free [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 100.000 Xorg Xalloc 0 0 libc-2.5.so _int_malloc 0 0 libc-2.5.so _int_malloc [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.6993 Xorg FreePicture 3 1.0490 Xorg FreeResource 5 1.7483 Xorg miRegionDestroy 276 96.5035 Xorg Xfree 0 0 libc-2.5.so free 0 0 libc-2.5.so free [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg GetPointerEvents 0 0 libc-2.5.so gettimeofday 0 0 libc-2.5.so gettimeofday [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0.5871 Xorg AllocatePixmap 10 1.9569 Xorg miRegionCreate 498 97.4560 Xorg Xalloc 0 0 libc-2.5.so malloc 0 0 libc-2.5.so malloc [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 18.1818 Xorg ProcSetClipRectangles 3 27.2727 Xorg Dispatch 3 27.2727 Xorg SetClipRects 3 27.2727 Xorg ReadRequestFromClient 0 0 libc-2.5.so memmove 0 0 libc-2.5.so memmove [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 100.000 Xorg Xfree 0 0 libc-2.5.so munmap 0 0 libc-2.5.so munmap [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 100.000 Xorg _XSERVTransRead 0 0 libc-2.5.so read 0 0 libc-2.5.so read [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 100.000 Xorg SetPictureToDefaults 0 0 libc-2.5.so strlen 0 0 libc-2.5.so strlen [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.8519 Xorg miGlyphs 2 1.8519 Xorg miTrapezoids 2 1.8519 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 2 1.8519 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 4 3.7037 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 96 88.8889 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libfb.so .plt 0 0 libfb.so .plt [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.1667 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 1 4.1667 Xorg miGlyphs 1 4.1667 Xorg damagePolySegment 2 8.3333 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 19 79.1667 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 0 0 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 100.000 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 0 0 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx 0 0 libfb.so __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg damageCopyArea 0 0 libfb.so _fbGetWindowPixmap 0 0 libfb.so _fbGetWindowPixmap [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 0.0677 Xorg CompositePicture 29513 99.9323 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libfb.so fbComposite 0 0 libfb.so fbComposite [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0106 Xorg ProcCopyArea 9391 99.9894 Xorg damageCopyArea 0 0 libfb.so fbCopyArea 0 0 libfb.so fbCopyArea [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.8163 Xorg miCompositeRects 5 2.0408 Xorg XaceCatchDispatchProc 13 5.3061 Xorg miCreateAlphaPicture 90 36.7347 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 135 55.1020 Xorg miGlyphs 0 0 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap 0 0 libfb.so fbCreatePixmap [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 33.3333 Xorg miGlyphs 6 66.6667 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 0 0 libfb.so fbCreatePixmapBpp 0 0 libfb.so fbCreatePixmapBpp [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 8.4615 Xorg ShmDestroyPixmap 119 91.5385 Xorg damageDestroyPixmap 0 0 libfb.so fbDestroyPixmap 0 0 libfb.so fbDestroyPixmap [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg damageCopyArea 0 0 libfb.so fbDoCopy 0 0 libfb.so fbDoCopy [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 100.000 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 0 0 libfb.so fbFill 0 0 libfb.so fbFill [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 100.000 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 0 0 libfb.so fbGetGCPrivateIndex 0 0 libfb.so fbGetGCPrivateIndex [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 100.000 Xorg ProcCreatePixmap 0 0 libfb.so fbGetScreenPrivateIndex 0 0 libfb.so fbGetScreenPrivateIndex [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 100.000 Xorg getDrawableDamageRef 0 0 libfb.so fbGetWinPrivateIndex 0 0 libfb.so fbGetWinPrivateIndex [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0157 Xorg miColorRects 2 0.0314 Xorg miGlyphs 6371 99.9529 Xorg damagePolyFillRect 0 0 libfb.so fbPolyFillRect 0 0 libfb.so fbPolyFillRect [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 100.000 Xorg damagePolySegment 0 0 libfb.so fbPolySegment 0 0 libfb.so fbPolySegment [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 0.1374 Xorg CompositeTrapezoids 2908 99.8626 Xorg miTrapezoids 0 0 libfb.so fbRasterizeTrapezoid 0 0 libfb.so fbRasterizeTrapezoid [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 5.1643 Xorg damageValidateGC 202 94.8357 Xorg miBSCheapValidateGC 0 0 libfb.so fbValidateGC 0 0 libfb.so fbValidateGC [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 7.4074 Xorg miTrapezoids 25 92.5926 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libfb.so image_from_pict 0 0 libfb.so image_from_pict [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 42.8571 Xorg miTranslateRegion 4 57.1429 Xorg miRegionDestroy 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 100.000 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_composite 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_composite [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 8.3333 Xorg miTrapezoids 22 91.6667 Xorg damageComposite 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_unref 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_unref [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg miTrapezoids 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_trapezoid 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_trapezoid [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 26.6667 Xorg miRegionCopy 11 73.3333 Xorg miColorRects 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_copy 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_copy [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 8.6957 Xorg miDestroyClip 8 34.7826 Xorg miDestroyPicture 13 56.5217 Xorg miRegionDestroy 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_fini 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_fini [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 27.2727 Xorg miRegionCreate 8 72.7273 Xorg miRegionInit 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 36.3636 Xorg miRegionCreate 14 63.6364 Xorg miRegionInit 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init_with_extents 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_init_with_extents [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 8.8235 Xorg miValidatePicture 9 26.4706 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 22 64.7059 Xorg miIntersect 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_intersect 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_intersect [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.3478 Xorg miValidatePicture 6 26.0870 Xorg miComputeCompositeClip 16 69.5652 Xorg miTranslateRegion 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_translate 0 0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_region_translate [self] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 100.000 Xorg xf86SigioReadInput 0 0 mouse_drv.so MouseReadInput 0 0 mouse_drv.so MouseReadInput [self] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------