[[meta title="Profiles for Mozilla Trender on i965"]] [[tag exa performance xorg]] I recently [[posted|mozilla_trender]] results showing EXA (and XAA) performing quite badly on the Mozilla Trender benchmarks. As a reminder, here is the chart showing the results on an i965 card: [[mozilla_trender/i965.png]] As a quick followup, here are the top functions when profiling the entire Trender suite in the NoAccel, XAA, and EXA cases. [[NoAccel|noaccel.oprofile]]: CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % image name app name symbol name 1940211 41.7382 libxul.so libxul.so (no symbols) 955760 20.5605 libc-2.5.so libc-2.5.so (no symbols) 115195 2.4781 libfb.so libfb.so fbSolidFillmmx 108663 2.3376 libfb.so libfb.so fbCopyAreammx 78728 1.6936 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_edges 76356 1.6426 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixmanCompositeRect 63186 1.3593 vmlinux vmlinux get_page_from_freelist 59977 1.2902 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 mmxCombineOverU 51859 1.1156 vmlinux vmlinux __d_lookup 49805 1.0714 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_composite 46590 1.0023 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 mmxCombineMaskU As a baseline, this NoAccel profile looks pretty good. Mozilla itself is taking up 40% of the time in its libxul code. I'm not sure if the 20% in libc is on behalf of mozilla or X. Meanwhile, we can see X doing software rasterization and compositing with the pixman code, but no single function is chewing up any large proportion of the time. [[XAA|xaa.oprofile]]: CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % image name app name symbol name 1895990 32.7139 libxul.so libxul.so (no symbols) 1065154 18.3785 libc-2.5.so libc-2.5.so (no symbols) 790802 13.6447 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 mmxCombineOverU 202183 3.4885 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x8888Cmmx 112017 1.9328 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888mmx 94824 1.6361 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixmanCompositeRect 84551 1.4589 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8x8888mmx 76908 1.3270 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_edges 57645 0.9946 vmlinux vmlinux system_call 52950 0.9136 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 mmxCombineMaskU 52265 0.9018 intel_drv.so intel_drv.so I830WaitLpRing 51640 0.8910 vmlinux vmlinux __d_lookup 48207 0.8318 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_image_composite_rect Now, this XAA profile is certainly strange. Why has mmxCombineOverU jumped up from 1% to 13%. Why should there be any more compositing happening here. Is this pixel format conversion we're seeing for some reason? [[EXA|exa.oprofile]]: CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % image name app name symbol name 2465024 27.6332 intel_drv.so intel_drv.so i965_prepare_composite 1951957 21.8817 libxul.so libxul.so (no symbols) 1470150 16.4806 libc-2.5.so libc-2.5.so (no symbols) 382399 4.2867 libexa.so libexa.so ExaOffscreenMarkUsed 375330 4.2075 intel_drv.so intel_drv.so I830WaitLpRing 307074 3.4423 vmlinux vmlinux system_call 104493 1.1714 vmlinux vmlinux do_gettimeofday 97582 1.0939 intel_drv.so intel_drv.so i965_composite 79050 0.8862 libpixman.so.0.0.0 libpixman.so.0.0.0 pixman_rasterize_edges 53810 0.6032 vmlinux vmlinux __copy_to_user_ll 51434 0.5766 vmlinux vmlinux __d_lookup And here with EXA we see some good, and some really bad. The good news is that the pixman functions doing software compositing have disappeared from the top of the profile, leaving only software rasterization. But what's with this new i965_prepare_composite function that's taking even more time than all of libxul? That seems like rather excessive overhead. A quick glimpse at the [function](http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel.git/tree/src/i965_render.c), (starting at line 395 or so), shows that it's just a sequence of assignment statements, and then a "long sequence of commands needed to set up the 3D rendering pipe". Is any of that setup redundant and could it be easily eliminated?