/* This file is part of QJSon * * Copyright (C) 2008 Flavio Castelli * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ %skeleton "lalr1.cc" %defines %define "parser_class_name" "json_parser" %{ #include "parser_p.h" #include "json_scanner.h" #include "qjson_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include class JSonScanner; namespace QJson { class Parser; } #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 %} %parse-param { QJson::ParserPrivate* driver } %lex-param { QJson::ParserPrivate* driver } %locations %debug %error-verbose %token END 0 "end of file" %token CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN 1 "{" %token CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE 2 "}" %token SQUARE_BRACKET_OPEN 3 "[" %token SQUARE_BRACKET_CLOSE 4 "]" %token COLON 5 ":" %token COMMA 6 "," %token MINUS 7 "-" %token DOT 8 "." %token DIGIT 9 "digit" %token E 10 "exponential" %token TRUE_VAL 11 "true" %token FALSE_VAL 12 "false" %token NULL_VAL 13 "null" %token QUOTMARKOPEN 14 "open quotation mark" %token QUOTMARKCLOSE 15 "close quotation mark" %token STRING 16 "string" %token INFINITY_VAL 17 "Infinity" %token NAN_VAL 18 "NaN" // define the initial token %start start %% // grammar rules start: data { driver->m_result = $1; qjsonDebug() << "json_parser - parsing finished"; }; data: value { $$ = $1; } | error { qCritical()<< "json_parser - syntax error found, " << "forcing abort, Line" << @$.begin.line << "Column" << @$.begin.column; YYABORT; } | END; object: CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN members CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE { $$ = $2; }; members: /* empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QVariantMap()); } | pair r_members { QVariantMap members = $2.toMap(); $2 = QVariant(); // Allow reuse of map $$ = QVariant(members.unite ($1.toMap())); }; r_members: /* empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QVariantMap()); } | COMMA pair r_members { QVariantMap members = $3.toMap(); $3 = QVariant(); // Allow reuse of map $$ = QVariant(members.unite ($2.toMap())); }; pair: string COLON value { QVariantMap pair; pair.insert ($1.toString(), QVariant($3)); $$ = QVariant (pair); }; array: SQUARE_BRACKET_OPEN values SQUARE_BRACKET_CLOSE { $$ = $2; }; values: /* empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QVariantList()); } | value r_values { QVariantList members = $2.toList(); $2 = QVariant(); // Allow reuse of list members.prepend ($1); $$ = QVariant(members); }; r_values: /* empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QVariantList()); } | COMMA value r_values { QVariantList members = $3.toList(); $3 = QVariant(); // Allow reuse of list members.prepend ($2); $$ = QVariant(members); }; value: string { $$ = $1; } | special_or_number { $$ = $1; } | object { $$ = $1; } | array { $$ = $1; } | TRUE_VAL { $$ = QVariant (true); } | FALSE_VAL { $$ = QVariant (false); } | NULL_VAL { QVariant null_variant; $$ = null_variant; }; special_or_number: MINUS INFINITY_VAL { $$ = QVariant(QVariant::Double); $$.setValue( -std::numeric_limits::infinity() ); } | INFINITY_VAL { $$ = QVariant(QVariant::Double); $$.setValue( std::numeric_limits::infinity() ); } | NAN_VAL { $$ = QVariant(QVariant::Double); $$.setValue( std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() ); } | number; number: int { if ($1.toByteArray().startsWith('-')) { $$ = QVariant (QVariant::LongLong); $$.setValue($1.toLongLong()); } else { $$ = QVariant (QVariant::ULongLong); $$.setValue($1.toULongLong()); } } | int fract { const QByteArray value = $1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray(); $$ = QVariant(QVariant::Double); $$.setValue(value.toDouble()); } | int exp { $$ = QVariant ($1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray()); } | int fract exp { const QByteArray value = $1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray() + $3.toByteArray(); $$ = QVariant (value); }; int: DIGIT digits { $$ = QVariant ($1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray()); } | MINUS DIGIT digits { $$ = QVariant (QByteArray("-") + $2.toByteArray() + $3.toByteArray()); }; digits: /* empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QByteArray("")); } | DIGIT digits { $$ = QVariant($1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray()); }; fract: DOT digits { $$ = QVariant(QByteArray(".") + $2.toByteArray()); }; exp: E digits { $$ = QVariant($1.toByteArray() + $2.toByteArray()); }; string: QUOTMARKOPEN string_arg QUOTMARKCLOSE { $$ = $2; }; string_arg: /*empty */ { $$ = QVariant (QString(QLatin1String(""))); } | STRING { $$ = $1; }; %% int yy::yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, yy::location *yylloc, QJson::ParserPrivate* driver) { JSonScanner* scanner = driver->m_scanner; yylval->clear(); int ret = scanner->yylex(yylval, yylloc); qjsonDebug() << "json_parser::yylex - calling scanner yylval==|" << yylval->toByteArray() << "|, ret==|" << QString::number(ret) << "|"; return ret; } void yy::json_parser::error (const yy::location& yyloc, const std::string& error) { /*qjsonDebug() << yyloc.begin.line; qjsonDebug() << yyloc.begin.column; qjsonDebug() << yyloc.end.line; qjsonDebug() << yyloc.end.column;*/ qjsonDebug() << "json_parser::error [line" << yyloc.end.line << "] -" << error.c_str() ; driver->setError(QString::fromLatin1(error.c_str()), yyloc.end.line); }