X-Git-Url: https://git.cworth.org/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=manpages%2Fnotmuch-1.mdwn;h=0c00d2f147d99b64cb44a25d68a2e65196af4f09;hb=39aab76514c6f6f2b6769b9fd45fd9570664fa49;hp=1bdcfe0e1a54d6c5491c5bee11c790611a734d40;hpb=33b367e699bbcc8fecd001fab8033a4e91b13450;p=notmuch-wiki diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn index 1bdcfe0..0c00d2f 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn @@ -1,159 +1,168 @@



        notmuch - thread-based email index, search, and tagging


-       notmuch command [args ...]
+       notmuch [option ...] command [arg ...]


-       Notmuch  is a command-line based program for indexing, searching, read-
+       Notmuch  is a command-line based program for indexing, searching, read‐
        ing, and tagging large collections of email messages.
        This page describes how to get started using notmuch from  the  command
        line,  and  gives  a brief overview of the commands available. For more
-       information on e.g.  notmuch show consult the notmuch-show(1) man page,
+       information on e.g. notmuch show consult the notmuch-show(1) man  page,
        also accessible via notmuch help show
        The  quickest  way  to get started with Notmuch is to simply invoke the
        notmuch command with no arguments, which will interactively  guide  you
        through the process of indexing your mail.


        While the command-line program notmuch provides powerful functionality,
-       it does not provide the most convenient interface for that  functional-
+       it does not provide the most convenient interface for that  functional‐
        ity.  More  sophisticated interfaces are expected to be built on top of
-       either the command-line interface, or more likely, on top of  the  not-
-       much  library  interface.  See  http://notmuchmail.org  for  more about
+       either the command-line interface, or more likely, on top of  the  not‐
+       much  library  interface.  See  https://notmuchmail.org  for  more about
        alternate interfaces to notmuch. The emacs-based interface  to  notmuch
        (available under emacs/ in the Notmuch source distribution) is probably
        the most widely used at this time.




+       Supported global options for notmuch include


+ --help [command-name] + Print a synopsis of available commands and exit. With an + optional command name, show the man page for that subcommand. -
-       The notmuch setup command is used to configure Notmuch for  first  use,
-       (or to reconfigure it later).
+          --version
+                 Print the installed version of notmuch, and exit.
+          --config=FILE
+                 Specify the configuration file to  use.  This  overrides  any
+                 configuration file specified by ${NOTMUCH_CONFIG}.
+          --uuid=HEX
+                 Enforce that the database UUID  (a  unique  identifier  which
+                 persists  until  e.g. the database is compacted) is HEX; exit
+                 with an error if it is not. This is useful to detect rollover
+                 in  modification  counts  on messages. You can find this UUID
+                 using e.g. notmuch count --lastmod
+       All global options except --config can also be specified after the com‐
+       mand.  For example, notmuch subcommand --uuid=HEX is equivalent to not-
+       much --uuid=HEX subcommand.


+ +


-       The  setup  command  will prompt for your full name, your primary email
-       address, any alternate email addresses you use, and the directory  con-
-       taining your email archives. Your answers will be written to a configu-
-       ration file in ${NOTMUCH_CONFIG} (if set) or ${HOME}/.notmuch-config  .
-       This configuration file will be created with descriptive comments, mak-
-       ing it easy to edit by hand later to change the configuration.  Or  you
+       The  notmuch  setup command is used to configure Notmuch for first use,
+       (or to reconfigure it later).
+       The setup command will prompt for your full name,  your  primary  email
+       address,  any alternate email addresses you use, and the directory con‐
+       taining your email archives. Your answers will be written to a configu‐
+       ration  file in ${NOTMUCH_CONFIG} (if set) or ${HOME}/.notmuch-config .
+       This configuration file will be created with descriptive comments, mak‐
+       ing  it  easy to edit by hand later to change the configuration. Or you
        can run notmuch setup again to change the configuration.
-       The  mail  directory you specify can contain any number of sub-directo-
-       ries and should primarily contain only files with individual email mes-
-       sages  (eg.  maildir  or  mh archives are perfect). If there are other,
-       non-email files (such as indexes maintained by  other  email  programs)
+       The mail directory you specify can contain any number  of  sub-directo‐
+       ries and should primarily contain only files with individual email mes‐
+       sages (eg. maildir or mh archives are perfect).  If  there  are  other,
+       non-email  files  (such  as indexes maintained by other email programs)
        then notmuch will do its best to detect those and ignore them.
-       Mail  storage that uses mbox format, (where one mbox file contains many
-       messages), will not work with notmuch. If that's how your mail is  cur-
+       Mail storage that uses mbox format, (where one mbox file contains  many
+       messages),  will not work with notmuch. If that's how your mail is cur‐
        rently stored, it is recommended you first convert it to maildir format
        with a utility such as mb2md before running notmuch setup .
-       Invoking notmuch with no command argument will run setup if  the  setup
+       Invoking  notmuch  with no command argument will run setup if the setup
        command has not previously been completed.


- +


-       Several  of the notmuch commands accept search terms with a common syn-
-       tax. See notmuch-search-terms(7) for more details on the supported syn-
+       Several of the notmuch commands accept search terms with a common  syn‐
+       tax. See notmuch-search-terms(7) for more details on the supported syn‐
-       The  search,  show  and  count  commands  are  used  to query the email
-       database.
+ The search, show, address and count commands are used to query the + email database. -
-       The reply command is useful for  preparing  a  template  for  an  email
+       The  reply  command  is  useful  for  preparing a template for an email
        The tag command is the only command available for manipulating database
-       The dump and restore commands can be used to create a textual  dump  of
+       The  dump  and restore commands can be used to create a textual dump of
        email tags for backup purposes, and to restore from that dump.
-       The  config  command can be used to get or set settings int the notmuch
+       The config command can be used to get or set settings  in  the  notmuch
        configuration file.


        The following environment variables can be used to control the behavior
        of notmuch.
-              Specifies  the  location of the notmuch configuration file. Not-
-              much will use ${HOME}/.notmuch-config if this  variable  is  not
+              Specifies the location of the notmuch configuration  file.  Not‐
+              much  will  use  ${HOME}/.notmuch-config if this variable is not


+ NOTMUCH_TALLOC_REPORT + Location to write a talloc memory usage report. See tal- + loc_enable_leak_report_full in talloc(3) for more information. -
-       notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5),
-       notmuch-new(1),    notmuch-reply(1),    notmuch-restore(1),    notmuch-
-       search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+              If  set to a non-empty value, the notmuch library will print (to
+              stderr) Xapian queries it constructs.


-       The notmuch website: http://notmuchmail.org
+       notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5),
+       notmuch-insert(1),      notmuch-new(1),      notmuch-reply(1),     not‐
+       much-restore(1),   notmuch-search(1),   notmuch-search-terms(7),   not‐
+       much-show(1), notmuch-tag(1), notmuch-address(1)
+       The notmuch website: https://notmuchmail.org


        Feel  free to send questions, comments, or kudos to the notmuch mailing
-       list  . Subscription is  not  required  before
+       list <notmuch@notmuchmail.org> . Subscription is  not  required  before
        posting, but is available from the notmuchmail.org website.
        Real-time  interaction  with the Notmuch community is available via IRC
        (server: irc.freenode.net, channel: #notmuch).

Notmuch 0.13.2



+       Carl Worth and many others
+ +


+       2009-2016, Carl Worth and many others
+ +
