X-Git-Url: https://git.cworth.org/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=manpages%2Fnotmuch-config-1.mdwn;h=c06a30795e6d9509e2e4decab0cb20cefcf52562;hb=2736cb3000721a04e4a0e9a80e8761ea79a482b0;hp=e5dfe376695576b981ff6cd3a06a18440bf55387;hpb=316360b4ab00619d2e80d8c18eeaf1ac5cbcaecf;p=notmuch-wiki diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn index e5dfe37..c06a307 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
        notmuch config get <section>.<item>
-       notmuch config set <section>.<item> [value ...]
+       notmuch config set [--database] <section>.<item> [value ...]
        notmuch config list
@@ -17,86 +17,212 @@


        The  config  command  can be used to get or set settings in the notmuch
-       configuration file.
+       configuration file and corresponding database.
-           get The value of the specified configuration  item  is  printed  to
-               stdout.  If  the  item has multiple values (it is a list), each
-               value is separated by a newline character.
+       get    The value of the specified configuration item is printed to std‐
+              out.  If the item has multiple values (it is a list), each value
+              is separated by a newline character.
-           set The specified configuration item is set to the given value.  To
-               specify a multiple-value item (a list), provide each value as a
-               separate command-line argument.
+       set    The specified configuration item is set to the given  value.  To
+              specify  a multiple-value item (a list), provide each value as a
+              separate command-line argument.
-               If no values are provided,  the  specified  configuration  item
-               will be removed from the configuration file.
+              If no values are provided, the specified configuration item will
+              be removed from the configuration file.
-           list
-               Every  configuration item is printed to stdout, each on a sepa-
-               rate line of the form:
+              With  the  --database  option,  updates  configuration  metadata
+              stored in the database, rather than the default (text)  configu‐
+              ration file.
-               section.item=value
+       list   Every  configuration  item is printed to stdout, each on a sepa‐
+              rate line of the form:
-               No additional whitespace surrounds the dot or equals sign char-
-               acters. In a multiple-value item (a list), the values are sepa-
-               rated by semicolon characters.
+                 section.item=value
+              No additional whitespace surrounds the dot or equals sign  char‐
+              acters.  In a multiple-value item (a list), the values are sepa‐
+              rated by semicolon characters.
        The available configuration items are described below.
-           database.path
-               The top-level directory where your mail currently exists and to
-               where  mail  will  be  delivered in the future. Files should be
-               individual email messages.  Notmuch  will  store  its  database
-               within  a sub-directory of the path configured here named .not-
-               much.
-           user.name
-               Your full name.
-           user.primary_email
-               Your primary email address.
-           user.other_email
-               A list of other email addresses at which you receive email.
-           new.tags
-               A list of tags that will be added to all messages  incorporated
-               by notmuch new.
-           new.ignore
-               A list of file and directory names, without path, that will not
-               be searched for messages by notmuch new.   All  the  files  and
-               directories  matching  any  of the names specified here will be
-               ignored, regardless of the location in the mail store directory
-               hierarchy.
-           search.exclude_tags
-               A  list  of  tags  that will be excluded from search results by
-               default. Using an excluded tag in a query  will  override  that
-               exclusion.
-           maildir.synchronize_flags
-               If  true,  then  the  following maildir flags (in message file-
-               names) will be  synchronized  with  the  corresponding  notmuch
-               tags:
-                 Flag    Tag
-                 ----    -------
-                 D       draft
-                 F       flagged
-                 P       passed
-                 R       replied
-                 S       unread (added when 'S' flag is not present)
-               The  notmuch  new command will notice flag changes in filenames
-               and update tags, while the notmuch tag and notmuch restore com-
-               mands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames.
-               If  there  have  been  any changes in the maildir (new messages
-               added, old ones removed  or  renamed,  maildir  flags  changed,
-               etc.), it is advisable to run notmuch new before notmuch tag or
-               notmuch restore commands to ensure the tag changes are properly
-               synchronized  to  the maildir flags, as the commands expect the
-               database and maildir to be in sync.
+       database.path
+              Notmuch will store its database here,  (in  sub-directory  named
+              .notmuch if database.mail_root is unset).
+              Default: $MAILDIR variable if set, otherwise $HOME/mail.
+       database.mail_root
+              The  top-level directory where your mail currently exists and to
+              where mail will be delivered in the future. Files should be  in‐
+              dividual email messages.
+              History:  this  configuration  value  was  introduced in notmuch
+              0.32.
+              Default: For compatibility with older configurations, the  value
+              of database.path is used if database.mail_root is unset.
+       database.hook_dir
+          Directory  containing  hooks  run  by  notmuch  commands.  See  not‐
+          much-hooks(5).
+       user.name
+              Your full name.
+              Default: $NAME variable if set, otherwise read from /etc/passwd.
+       user.primary_email
+              Your primary email address.
+              Default: $EMAIL variable if set, otherwise constructed from  the
+              username and hostname of the current machine.
+       user.other_email
+              A list of other email addresses at which you receive email.
+              Default: not set.
+       new.tags
+              A  list  of tags that will be added to all messages incorporated
+              by notmuch new.
+              Default: unread;inbox.
+       new.ignore
+              A list to  specify  files  and  directories  that  will  not  be
+              searched  for messages by notmuch new. Each entry in the list is
+              either:
+              A file or a directory name, without path, that will be  ignored,
+              regardless  of  the location in the mail store directory hierar‐
+              chy.
+              Or:
+              A regular expression delimited with  //  that  will  be  matched
+              against  the path of the file or directory relative to the data‐
+              base path. Matching files and directories will be  ignored.  The
+              beginning and end of string must be explicitly anchored. For ex‐
+              ample, /.*/foo$/ would match "bar/foo"  and  "bar/baz/foo",  but
+              not "foo" or "bar/foobar".
+              Default: empty list.
+       search.exclude_tags
+              A  list of tags that will be excluded from search results by de‐
+              fault. Using an excluded tag in a query will override  that  ex‐
+              clusion.
+              Default:   empty   list.   Note   that   notmuch-setup(1)   puts
+              deleted;spam here when creating new configuration file.
+       maildir.synchronize_flags
+              If true, then the following maildir flags (in message filenames)
+              will be synchronized with the corresponding notmuch tags:
+                            ┌─────┬────────────────────────────┐
+                            │Flag │ Tag                        │
+                            ├─────┼────────────────────────────┤
+                            │D    │ draft                      │
+                            ├─────┼────────────────────────────┤
+                            │F    │ flagged                    │
+                            ├─────┼────────────────────────────┤
+                            │P    │ passed                     │
+                            ├─────┼────────────────────────────┤
+                            │R    │ replied                    │
+                            ├─────┼────────────────────────────┤
+                            │S    │ unread   (added  when  'S' │
+                            │     │ flag is not present)       │
+                            └─────┴────────────────────────────┘
+              The notmuch new command will notice flag  changes  in  filenames
+              and  update tags, while the notmuch tag and notmuch restore com‐
+              mands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames.
+              If there have been any changes  in  the  maildir  (new  messages
+              added,  old  ones  removed  or  renamed,  maildir flags changed,
+              etc.), it is advisable to run notmuch new before notmuch tag  or
+              notmuch  restore commands to ensure the tag changes are properly
+              synchronized to the maildir flags, as the  commands  expect  the
+              database and maildir to be in sync.
+              Default: true.
+       index.decrypt
+              Policy  for decrypting encrypted messages during indexing.  Must
+              be one of: false, auto, nostash, or true.
+              When indexing an encrypted e-mail message, if this  variable  is
+              set  to  true, notmuch will try to decrypt the message and index
+              the cleartext, stashing a copy of any  discovered  session  keys
+              for the message.  If auto, it will try to index the cleartext if
+              a stashed session key is already known  for  the  message  (e.g.
+              from  a  previous  copy), but will not try to access your secret
+              keys.  Use false to avoid decrypting even when a stashed session
+              key is already present.
+              nostash  is  the  same  as  true  except  that it will not stash
+              newly-discovered session keys in the database.
+              From the command line (i.e. during  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-in‐
+              sert(1), or notmuch-reindex(1)), the user can override the data‐
+              base's stored decryption policy with the --decrypt= option.
+              Here is a table that summarizes the  functionality  of  each  of
+              these policies:
+                      ┌──────────────┬───────┬──────┬─────────┬──────┐
+                      │              │ false │ auto │ nostash │ true │
+                      ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼─────────┼──────┤
+                      │Index cleart‐ │       │ X    │ X       │ X    │
+                      │ext     using │       │      │         │      │
+                      │stashed  ses‐ │       │      │         │      │
+                      │sion keys     │       │      │         │      │
+                      ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼─────────┼──────┤
+                      │Index cleart‐ │       │      │ X       │ X    │
+                      │ext using se‐ │       │      │         │      │
+                      │cret keys     │       │      │         │      │
+                      ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼─────────┼──────┤
+                      │Stash session │       │      │         │ X    │
+                      │keys
+                      ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼─────────┼──────┤
+                      │Delete
+                      │stashed  ses‐ │       │      │         │      │
+                      │sion  keys on │       │      │         │      │
+                      │reindex       │       │      │         │      │
+                      └──────────────┴───────┴──────┴─────────┴──────┘
+              Stashed session keys are kept in the database as properties  as‐
+              sociated  with  the message.  See session-key in notmuch-proper‐
+              ties(7) for more details about how they can be useful.
+              Be aware that the notmuch index  is  likely  sufficient  (and  a
+              stashed  session key is certainly sufficient) to reconstruct the
+              cleartext of the message itself, so please ensure that the  not‐
+              much  message  index  is  adequately  protected.  DO NOT USE in-
+              dex.decrypt=true or  index.decrypt=nostash  without  considering
+              the security of your index.
+              Default: auto.
+       index.header.<prefix>
+              Define  the  query  prefix <prefix>, based on a mail header. For
+              example index.header.List=List-Id will add a probabilistic  pre‐
+              fix  List:  that  searches the List-Id field.  User defined pre‐
+              fixes must not start with 'a'...'z'; in particular adding a pre‐
+              fix  with same name as a predefined prefix is not supported. See
+              notmuch-search-terms(7) for a list of existing prefixes, and  an
+              explanation of probabilistic prefixes.
+       built_with.<name>
+              Compile  time  feature  <name>.  Current  possibilities  include
+              "retry_lock" (configure option, included  by  default).   (since
+              notmuch  0.30,  "compact"  and  "field_processor" are always in‐
+              cluded.)
+       query.<name>
+              Expansion   for   named   query   called   <name>.   See    not‐
+              much-search-terms(7) for more information about named queries.


@@ -105,16 +231,51 @@ of notmuch. NOTMUCH_CONFIG - Specifies the location of the notmuch configuration file. Not- - much will use ${HOME}/.notmuch-config if this variable is not - set. + Specifies the location of the notmuch configuration file. + + NOTMUCH_PROFILE + Selects among notmuch configurations. + + +


+ +


+       If NOTMUCH_CONFIG is unset, notmuch tries (in order)
+       • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/notmuch/<profile>/config where <profile> is  defined
+         by $NOTMUCH_PROFILE or "default"
+       • ${HOME}/.notmuch-config<profile> where <profile> is .$NOTMUCH_PROFILE
+         or ""
+ +


+       If database.hook_dir is unset, notmuch tries (in order)
+       • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/notmuch/<profile>/hooks where <profile>  is  defined
+         by $NOTMUCH_PROFILE or "default"
+       • <database.path>/.notmuch/hooks


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-count(1),  notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
-       much-new(1), notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-count(1),  notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not‐
+       much-insert(1), notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
+       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-properties(7), not‐
+       much-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+ +


+       Carl Worth and many others
+ +


+       2009-2021, Carl Worth and many others

Notmuch 0.13.2

