X-Git-Url: https://git.cworth.org/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=manpages%2Fnotmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn;h=f92b7c4e791b7d3b24bdcac5f7f2bbdd2d8006a4;hb=46b88668029f0f014c4ecf7a220b7a99a13776f3;hp=d7fb66e8aebe1f5f6cec693bebb16aa34b956ad3;hpb=316360b4ab00619d2e80d8c18eeaf1ac5cbcaecf;p=notmuch-wiki diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn index d7fb66e..f92b7c4 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn @@ -7,111 +7,411 @@


-       notmuch count [options...]  <search-term>...
+       notmuch count [option ...] <search-term> ...
-       notmuch dump [ <filename> ] [--] [ <search-term>...]
+       notmuch  dump  [--format=(batch-tag|sup)]  [--]  [--output=<file>] [--]
+       [<search-term> ...]
-       notmuch search [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch search [option ...] <search-term> ...
-       notmuch show [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch show [option ...] <search-term> ...
-       notmuch tag +<tag>|-<tag> [...] [--] <search-term>...
+       notmuch tag +<tag> ... -<tag> [--] <search-term> ...


        Several notmuch commands accept a common syntax for search terms.
-       The  search  terms  can  consist of free-form text (and quoted phrases)
-       which  will  match  all  messages  that  contain  all  of   the   given
-       terms/phrases in the body, the subject, or any of the sender or recipi-
+       The search terms can consist of free-form  text  (and  quoted  phrases)
+       which   will   match  all  messages  that  contain  all  of  the  given
+       terms/phrases in the body, the subject, or any of the sender or recipi‐
        ent headers.
-       As a special case, a search  string  consisting  of  exactly  a  single
+       As  a  special  case,  a  search  string consisting of exactly a single
        asterisk ("*") will match all messages.
-       In  addition  to free text, the following prefixes can be used to force
+       In addition to free text, the following prefixes can be used  to  force
        terms to match against specific portions of an email, (where <brackets>
        indicate user-supplied values):
-            from:<name-or-address>
+       · from:<name-or-address>
-            to:<name-or-address>
+       · from:/<regex>/
-            subject:<word-or-quoted-phrase>
+       · to:<name-or-address>
-            attachment:<word>
+       · subject:<word-or-quoted-phrase>
-            tag:<tag> (or is:<tag>)
+       · subject:/<regex>/
-            id:<message-id>
+       · attachment:<word>
-            thread:<thread-id>
+       · mimetype:<word>
-            folder:<directory-path>
+       · tag:<tag> (or is:<tag>)
-       The  from: prefix is used to match the name or address of the sender of
+       · id:<message-id>
+       · thread:<thread-id>
+       · folder:<maildir-folder>
+       · path:<directory-path> or path:<directory-path>/**
+       · date:<since>..<until>
+       · lastmod:<initial-revision>..<final-revision>
+       · query:<name>
+       · property:<key>=<value>
+       The from: prefix is used to match the name or address of the sender  of
        an email message.
        The to: prefix is used to match the names or addresses of any recipient
        of an email message, (whether To, Cc, or Bcc).
-       Any  term  prefixed with subject: will match only text from the subject
-       of an email. Searching for a phrase in  the  subject  is  supported  by
+       Any term prefixed with subject: will match only text from  the  subject
+       of  an  email.  Searching  for  a phrase in the subject is supported by
        including quotation marks around the phrase, immediately following sub-
+       If  notmuch is built with Xapian Field Processors (see below) the from:
+       and subject prefix can be also used to restrict the  results  to  those
+       whose  from/subject  value  matches a regular expression (see regex(7))
+       delimited with //.
+          notmuch search 'from:/bob@.*[.]example[.]com/'
        The attachment: prefix can be used to search for specific filenames (or
        extensions) of attachments to email messages.
-       For  tag:  and is: valid tag values include inbox and unread by default
-       for new messages added by notmuch new as well as any other  tag  values
+       The  mimetype: prefix will be used to match text from the content-types
+       of MIME parts within email messages (as specified by the sender).
+       For tag: and is: valid tag values include inbox and unread  by  default
+       for  new  messages added by notmuch new as well as any other tag values
        added manually with notmuch tag.
-       For  id:, message ID values are the literal contents of the Message-ID:
+       For id:, message ID values are the literal contents of the  Message-ID:
        header of email messages, but without the '<', '>' delimiters.
-       The thread: prefix can be used with the thread ID values that are  gen-
-       erated  internally  by  notmuch  (and do not appear in email messages).
-       These thread ID values can be seen in the first column of  output  from
+       The  thread: prefix can be used with the thread ID values that are gen‐
+       erated internally by notmuch (and do not  appear  in  email  messages).
+       These  thread  ID values can be seen in the first column of output from
        notmuch search
-       The  folder:  prefix can be used to search for email message files that
-       are contained within particular directories within the mail store. Only
-       the  directory  components  below  the top-level mail database path are
-       available to be searched.
+       The path: prefix searches for email messages  that  are  in  particular
+       directories within the mail store. The directory must be specified rel‐
+       ative to the top-level maildir (and  without  the  leading  slash).  By
+       default,  path:  matches  messages in the specified directory only. The
+       "/**" suffix can be used to match messages in the  specified  directory
+       and  all  its  subdirectories recursively.  path:"" matches messages in
+       the root of the mail store and, likewise, path:** matches all messages.
+       The folder: prefix searches for email messages by maildir or MH folder.
+       For  MH-style  folders,  this is equivalent to path:. For maildir, this
+       includes messages in the "new" and "cur" subdirectories. The exact syn‐
+       tax  for  maildir  folders  depends  on  your  mail  configuration. For
+       maildir++, folder:"" matches the inbox folder (which  is  the  root  in
+       maildir++),  other folder names always start with ".", and nested fold‐
+       ers are separated by "."s, such as folder:.classes.topology. For  "file
+       system" maildir, the inbox is typically folder:INBOX and nested folders
+       are separated by slashes, such as folder:classes/topology.
+       Both path: and folder: will find a message if any copy of that  message
+       is in the specific directory/folder.
+       The  date:  prefix can be used to restrict the results to only messages
+       within a particular time range (based on the Date: header) with a range
+       syntax of:
+       date:<since>..<until>
+       See DATE AND TIME SEARCH below for details on the range expression, and
+       supported syntax for <since> and <until> date and time expressions.
+       The time range can also be specified using timestamps with a syntax of:
+       <initial-timestamp>..<final-timestamp>
+       Each timestamp is a number representing the  number  of  seconds  since
+       1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
+       The  lastmod: prefix can be used to restrict the result by the database
+       revision  number  of  when  messages  were  last  modified  (tags  were
+       added/removed  or filenames changed).  This is usually used in conjunc‐
+       tion with the --uuid argument to notmuch search to find  messages  that
+       have changed since an earlier query.
+       The  query:  prefix allows queries to refer to previously saved queries
+       added with notmuch-config(1). Named queries are only available if  not‐
+       much is built with Xapian Field Processors (see below).
+       The   property:   prefix   searches  for  messages  with  a  particular
+       <key>=<value> property pair. Properties are used internally by  notmuch
+       (and  extensions)  to  add  metadata  to  messages.  A given key can be
+       present on a given message with several different values.
+ +


        In addition to individual terms, multiple terms can  be  combined  with
-       Boolean  operators  ( and, or, not , etc.). Each term in the query will
+       Boolean  operators (and, or, not, and xor). Each term in the query will
        be implicitly connected by a logical AND if  no  explicit  operator  is
-       provided,  (except  that  terms with a common prefix will be implicitly
-       combined with OR until we get Xapian defect #402 fixed).
-       Parentheses can also be used to control the combination of the  Boolean
-       operators,  but  will  have  to be protected from interpretation by the
-       shell, (such as by putting quotation  marks  around  any  parenthesized
+       provided  (except  that  terms  with a common prefix will be implicitly
+       combined with OR).  The  shorthand  '-<term>'  can  be  used  for  'not
+       <term>' but unfortunately this does not work at the start of an expres‐
+       sion.  Parentheses can also be used to control the combination  of  the
+       Boolean operators, but will have to be protected from interpretation by
+       the shell, (such as by putting quotation marks around any parenthesized
-       Finally, results can be restricted to only messages within a particular
-       time range, (based on the Date: header) with a syntax of:
+       In  addition to the standard boolean operators, Xapian provides several
+       operators specific to text searching.
-            <initial-timestamp>..<final-timestamp>
+          notmuch search term1 NEAR term2
-       Each timestamp is a number representing the  number  of  seconds  since
-       1970-01-01  00:00:00  UTC.  This  is  not  the most convenient means of
-       expressing date ranges, but until notmuch is fixed  to  accept  a  more
-       convenient  form, one can use the date program to construct timestamps.
-       For example, with the bash shell the following syntax would  specify  a
-       date range to return messages from 2009-10-01 until the current time:
+       will return results where term1  is  within  10  words  of  term2.  The
+       threshold can be set like this:
+          notmuch search term1 NEAR/2 term2
+       The search
+          notmuch search term1 ADJ term2
+       will return results where term1 is within 10 words of term2, but in the
+       same order as in the query. The threshold can be set the same  as  with
+       NEAR:
+          notmuch search term1 ADJ/7 term2
+ +


+       Stemming in notmuch means that these searches
+          notmuch search detailed
+          notmuch search details
+          notmuch search detail
+       will  all  return identical results, because Xapian first "reduces" the
+       term to the common stem (here 'detail') and then performs the search.
+       There are two ways to turn this off: a search for  a  capitalized  word
+       will  be performed unstemmed, so that one can search for "John" and not
+       get results for "Johnson"; phrase  searches  are  also  unstemmed  (see
+       below  for details).  Stemming is currently only supported for English.
+       Searches for words in other languages will be performed unstemmed.
+ +


+       It is possible to use a trailing  '*'  as  a  wildcard.  A  search  for
+       'wildc*' will match 'wildcard', 'wildcat', etc.
+ +

  Boolean and Probabilistic Prefixes

+       Xapian  (and  hence  notmuch)  prefixes  are either boolean, supporting
+       exact matches like "tag:inbox"  or  probabilistic,  supporting  a  more
+       flexible  term  based searching. Certain special prefixes are processed
+       by notmuch in a way not stricly fitting either  of  Xapian's  built  in
+       styles. The prefixes currently supported by notmuch are as follows.
+       Boolean
+              tag:, id:, thread:, folder:, path:, property:
+       Probabilistic
+              to:, attachment:, mimetype:
+       Special
+              from:, query:, subject:
+ +

  Terms and phrases

+       In  general  Xapian  distinguishes  between lists of terms and phrases.
+       Phrases are indicated by double quotes (but beware you probably need to
+       protect  those  from  your shell) and insist that those unstemmed words
+       occur in that order. One useful, but initially  surprising  feature  is
+       that the following are equivalant ways to write the same phrase.
+       · "a list of words"
+       · a-list-of-words
+       · a/list/of/words
+       · a.list.of.words
+       Both parenthesised lists of terms and quoted phrases are ok with proba‐
+       bilisitic prefixes such as to:, from:, and subject:. In particular
+          subject:(pizza free)
+       is equivalent to
+          subject:pizza and subject:free
+       Both of these will match a subject "Free Delicious Pizza" while
+          subject:"pizza free"
-            $(date +%s -d 2009-10-01)..$(date +%s)
+       will not.
+ +


+       notmuch understands a variety of standard and natural ways of  express‐
+       ing dates and times, both in absolute terms ("2012-10-24") and in rela‐
+       tive terms ("yesterday"). Any number of relative terms can be  combined
+       ("1  hour  25  minutes") and an absolute date/time can be combined with
+       relative terms to further adjust it. A  non-exhaustive  description  of
+       the syntax supported for absolute and relative terms is given below.
+ +

  The range expression

+       date:<since>..<until>
+       The  above  expression  restricts  the  results  to  only messages from
+       <since> to <until>, based on the Date: header.
+       <since> and <until> can describe imprecise times, such as  "yesterday".
+       In  this  case, <since> is taken as the earliest time it could describe
+       (the beginning of yesterday) and <until> is taken as the latest time it
+       could  describe (the end of yesterday). Similarly, date:january..febru‐
+       ary matches from the beginning of January to the end of February.
+       date:<expr>..! can be used as a shorthand for date:<expr>..<expr>.  The
+       expansion  takes  place  before  interpretation, and thus, for example,
+       date:monday..! matches from the beginning of Monday until  the  end  of
+       Monday.   With  Xapian  Field  Processor support (see below), non-range
+       date queries such as date:yesterday will work, but otherwise will  give
+       unexpected results; if in doubt use date:yesterday..!
+       Currently,  we  do  not  support  spaces  in range expressions. You can
+       replace the spaces with '_', or (in most cases) '-', or (in some cases)
+       leave  the  spaces out altogether. Examples in this man page use spaces
+       for clarity.
+       Open-ended ranges are supported (since Xapian 1.2.1), i.e. it's  possi‐
+       ble  to specify date:..<until> or date:<since>.. to not limit the start
+       or end time, respectively. Pre-1.2.1 Xapian does not report an error on
+       open ended ranges, but it does not work as expected either.
+ +

  Relative date and time

+       [N|number]         (years|months|weeks|days|hours|hrs|minutes|mins|sec‐
+       onds|secs) [...]
+       All refer to past, can be repeated and will be accumulated.
+       Units can be abbreviated to any length, with  the  otherwise  ambiguous
+       single m being m for minutes and M for months.
+       Number  can  also  be  written  out one, two, ..., ten, dozen, hundred.
+       Additionally, the unit may be preceded by "last" or "this" (e.g., "last
+       week" or "this month").
+       When  combined  with absolute date and time, the relative date and time
+       specification will be relative from the  specified  absolute  date  and
+       time.
+       Examples: 5M2d, two weeks
+ +

  Supported absolute time formats

+       · H[H]:MM[:SS] [(am|a.m.|pm|p.m.)]
+       · H[H] (am|a.m.|pm|p.m.)
+       · HHMMSS
+       · now
+       · noon
+       · midnight
+       · Examples: 17:05, 5pm
+ +

  Supported absolute date formats

+       · YYYY-MM[-DD]
+       · DD-MM[-[YY]YY]
+       · MM-YYYY
+       · M[M]/D[D][/[YY]YY]
+       · M[M]/YYYY
+       · D[D].M[M][.[YY]YY]
+       · D[D][(st|nd|rd|th)] Mon[thname] [YYYY]
+       · Mon[thname] D[D][(st|nd|rd|th)] [YYYY]
+       · Wee[kday]
+       Month names can be abbreviated at three or more characters.
+       Weekday names can be abbreviated at three or more characters.
+       Examples: 2012-07-31, 31-07-2012, 7/31/2012, August 3
+ +

  Time zones

+       · (+|-)HH:MM
+       · (+|-)HH[MM]
+       Some time zone codes, e.g. UTC, EET.
+ +


+       Certain  optional  features  of the notmuch query processor rely on the
+       presence of the Xapian field processor API. You can determine  if  your
+       notmuch  was  built  against a sufficiently recent version of Xapian by
+       running
+          % notmuch config get built_with.field_processor
+       Currently the following features require field processor support:
+       · non-range date queries, e.g. "date:today"
+       · named queries e.g. "query:my_special_query"
+       · regular expression searches, e.g. "subject:/^\[SPAM\]/"


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not‐
+       much-hooks(5),   notmuch-insert(1),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),
+       notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+ +


+       Carl Worth and many others
+ +


+       2009-2017, Carl Worth and many others

Notmuch 0.13.2

