X-Git-Url: https://git.cworth.org/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=manpages%2Fnotmuch-show-1.mdwn;h=4a3831a6d2325e667613d9d1cdcfa859683925aa;hb=33799cf96fa2cede69b6f6e545c4da16f2898b9d;hp=362c2880361adb2602a506b965a305c3f4a45cc9;hpb=01b1bc7553d0b0ebf35ac3016c83240b4151ad59;p=notmuch-wiki diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn index 362c288..4a3831a 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn @@ -1,199 +1,228 @@



-       notmuch-show - Show messages matching the given search terms.
+       notmuch-show - show messages matching the given search terms


-       notmuch show [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch show [option ...] <search-term> ...


        Shows all messages matching the search terms.
-       See  notmuch-search-terms(7)  for  details  of the supported syntax for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        The messages will be grouped and sorted based  on  the  threading  (all
-       replies to a particular message will appear immediately after that mes-
+       replies to a particular message will appear immediately after that mes‐
        sage in date order). The output is not indented by default,  but  depth
-       tags are printed so that proper indentation can be performed by a post-
-       processor (such as the emacs interface to notmuch).
+ tags are printed so that proper indentation can be performed by a + post-processor (such as the emacs interface to notmuch). -
        Supported options for show include
- -
-           --entire-thread
- -
-               By default only those messages that match the search terms will
-               be displayed. With this option, all messages in the same thread
-               as any matched message will be displayed.
- -
-           --format=(text|json|mbox|raw)
- -
-               text (default for messages)
- -
-                   The default plain-text format  has  all  text-content  MIME
-                   parts  decoded. Various components in the output, (message,
-                   header, body, attachment, and MIME part), will be delimited
-                   by  easily-parsed  markers.  Each marker consists of a Con-
-                   trol-L character  (ASCII  decimal  12),  the  name  of  the
-                   marker,  and  then either an opening or closing brace, ('{'
-                   or '}'), to either open or close the component. For a  mul-
-                   tipart MIME message, these parts will be nested.
- -
-               json
- -
-                   The  output  is  formatted  with Javascript Object Notation
-                   (JSON). This format is more robust than the text format for
-                   automated  processing.  The  nested  structure of multipart
-                   MIME messages is reflected in nested JSON output. JSON out-
-                   put  always  includes all messages in a matching thread; in
-                   effect --format=json implies --entire-thread
- -
-               mbox
- -
-                   All matching messages are output in the  traditional,  Unix
-                   mbox  format  with  each  message  being prefixed by a line
-                   beginning with "From " and a  blank  line  separating  each
-                   message.  Lines in the message content beginning with "From
-                   " (preceded by zero or more '>' characters) have  an  addi-
-                   tional  '>'  character  added.  This reversible escaping is
-                   termed "mboxrd" format and described in detail here:
- -
-                   http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/mail-mbox-formats.html
-               raw (default for a single part, see --part)
- -
-                   For a message or an attached message  part,  the  original,
-                   raw  content  of  the email message is output. Consumers of
-                   this format should expect to implement  MIME  decoding  and
-                   similar functions.
- -
-                   For  a  single part (--part) the raw part content is output
-                   after performing any necessary MIME  decoding.   Note  that
-                   messages with a simple body still have two parts: part 0 is
-                   the whole message and part 1 is the body.
- -
-                   For a multipart part, the part headers and body  (including
-                   all child parts) is output.
- -
-                   The raw format must only be used with search terms matching
-                   single message.
- -
-           --part=N
- -
-               Output the single decoded MIME part N of a single message.  The
-               search  terms  must match only a single message.  Message parts
-               are numbered in a depth-first walk of the message  MIME  struc-
-               ture,  and  are  identified in the 'json' or 'text' output for-
-               mats.
- -
-           --verify
- -
-               Compute and report the validity of any MIME cryptographic  sig-
-               natures  found  in the selected content (ie. "multipart/signed"
-               parts). Status of the signature will be reported (currently on-
-               ly supported with --format=json), and the multipart/signed part
-               will be replaced by the signed data.
- -
-           --decrypt
- -
-               Decrypt any MIME encrypted parts found in the selected  content
-               (ie.  "multipart/encrypted"  parts).  Status  of the decryption
-               will be reported (currently only supported with  --format=json)
-               and  the  multipart/encrypted  part will be replaced by the de-
-               crypted content.  Implies --verify.
+       --entire-thread=(true|false)
+              If true, notmuch show outputs all messages in the thread of  any
+              message matching the search terms; if false, it outputs only the
+              matching messages. For --format=json and --format=sexp this  de‐
+              faults to true. For other formats, this defaults to false.
+       --format=(text|json|sexp|mbox|raw)
+              text (default for messages)
+                     The  default  plain-text format has all text-content MIME
+                     parts decoded. Various components in  the  output,  (mes-
+                     sage,  header,  body, attachment, and MIME part), will be
+                     delimited by easily-parsed markers. Each marker  consists
+                     of  a Control-L character (ASCII decimal 12), the name of
+                     the marker, and then either an opening or closing  brace,
+                     ('{'  or '}'), to either open or close the component. For
+                     a multipart MIME message, these parts will be nested.
+              json   The output is formatted with Javascript  Object  Notation
+                     (JSON).  This  format is more robust than the text format
+                     for automated processing. The nested structure of  multi‐
+                     part MIME messages is reflected in nested JSON output. By
+                     default JSON output includes all messages in  a  matching
+                     thread;  that  is,  by  default, --format=json sets --en-
+                     tire-thread. The caller can  disable  this  behaviour  by
+                     setting --entire-thread=false.  The JSON output is always
+                     encoded as UTF-8 and any message content included in  the
+                     output will be charset-converted to UTF-8.
+              sexp   The  output  is formatted as the Lisp s-expression (sexp)
+                     equivalent of the JSON format above. Objects are  format‐
+                     ted  as  property  lists whose keys are keywords (symbols
+                     preceded by a colon). True is formatted  as  t  and  both
+                     false  and  null  are  formatted as nil. As for JSON, the
+                     s-expression output is always encoded as UTF-8.
+              mbox   All matching messages are output in the traditional, Unix
+                     mbox  format  with  each message being prefixed by a line
+                     beginning with "From " and a blank line  separating  each
+                     message.  Lines  in  the  message  content beginning with
+                     "From " (preceded by zero or more '>' characters) have an
+                     additional  '>' character added. This reversible escaping
+                     is termed "mboxrd" format and described in detail here:
+                        http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/mail-mbox-formats.html
+              raw (default if --part is given)
+                     Write  the  raw bytes of the given MIME part of a message
+                     to standard out. For this format, it is an error to spec‐
+                     ify a query that matches more than one message.
+                     If  the  specified  part is a leaf part, this outputs the
+                     body of the part after performing content transfer decod‐
+                     ing  (but  no  charset  conversion). This is suitable for
+                     saving attachments, for example.
+                     For a multipart or message part, the output includes  the
+                     part  headers  as  well  as the body (including all child
+                     parts). No decoding is performed  because  multipart  and
+                     message  parts  cannot  have non-trivial content transfer
+                     encoding. Consumers of this may need  to  implement  MIME
+                     decoding and similar functions.
+       --format-version=N
+              Use  the specified structured output format version. This is in‐
+              tended for programs that invoke notmuch(1) internally. If  omit‐
+              ted, the latest supported version will be used.
+       --part=N
+              Output  the  single decoded MIME part N of a single message. The
+              search terms must match only a single message. Message parts are
+              numbered  in  a  depth-first walk of the message MIME structure,
+              and are identified in the 'json', 'sexp' or 'text'  output  for‐
+              mats.
+              Note that even a message with no MIME structure or a single body
+              part still has two MIME parts:  part  0  is  the  whole  message
+              (headers and body) and part 1 is just the body.
+       --verify
+              Compute and report the validity of any MIME cryptographic signa‐
+              tures found in the selected  content  (e.g.,  "multipart/signed"
+              parts). Status of the signature will be reported (currently only
+              supported with --format=json and --format=sexp), and the  multi‐
+              part/signed part will be replaced by the signed data.
+       --decrypt=(false|auto|true|stash)
+              If  true, decrypt any MIME encrypted parts found in the selected
+              content (e.g., "multipart/encrypted" parts). Status of  the  de‐
+              cryption  will be reported (currently only supported with --for-
+              mat=json and --format=sexp) and  on  successful  decryption  the
+              multipart/encrypted  part will be replaced by the decrypted con‐
+              tent.
+              stash behaves like true, but upon successful decryption it  will
+              also  stash the message's session key in the database, and index
+              the cleartext of the message, enabling automatic  decryption  in
+              the future.
+              If  auto,  and  a  session key is already known for the message,
+              then it will be decrypted, but notmuch will not  try  to  access
+              the user's keys.
+              Use false to avoid even automatic decryption.
+              Non-automatic  decryption  (stash  or  true, in the absence of a
+              stashed session key) expects a functioning gpg-agent(1) to  pro‐
+              vide  any  needed  credentials. Without one, the decryption will
+              fail.
+              Note: setting either true or stash here implies --verify.
+              Here is a table that summarizes each of these policies:
+                       ┌──────────────┬───────┬──────┬──────┬───────┐
+                       │              │ false │ auto │ true │ stash │
+                       ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼──────┼───────┤
+                       │Show  cleart‐ │       │ X    │ X    │ X     │
+                       │ext  if  ses‐ │       │      │      │       │
+                       │sion  key  is │       │      │      │       │
+                       │already known │       │      │      │       │
+                       ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼──────┼───────┤
+                       │Use    secret │       │      │ X    │ X     │
+                       │keys to  show │       │      │      │       │
+                       │cleartext     │       │      │      │       │
+                       ├──────────────┼───────┼──────┼──────┼───────┤
+                       │Stash     any │       │      │      │ X     │
+                       │newly  recov‐ │       │      │      │       │
+                       │ered  session │       │      │      │       │
+                       │keys,   rein‐ │       │      │      │       │
+                       │dexing   mes‐ │       │      │      │       │
+                       │sage if found │       │      │      │       │
+                       └──────────────┴───────┴──────┴──────┴───────┘
+              Note: --decrypt=stash requires write  access  to  the  database.
+              Otherwise, notmuch show operates entirely in read-only mode.
+              Default: auto
+       --exclude=(true|false)
+              Specify   whether  to  omit  threads  only  matching  search.ex‐
+              clude_tags from the search results (the default) or not. In  ei‐
+              ther  case  the excluded message will be marked with the exclude
+              flag (except when output=mbox when there is nowhere to  put  the
+              flag).
+              If  --entire-thread  is  specified then complete threads are re‐
+              turned regardless (with the excluded flag being set when  appro‐
+              priate)  but  threads that only match in an excluded message are
+              not returned when --exclude=true.
+              The default is --exclude=true.
+       --body=(true|false)
+              If true (the default) notmuch show includes the  bodies  of  the
+              messages   in   the   output;  if  false,  bodies  are  omitted.
+              --body=false is only implemented for the  text,  json  and  sexp
+              formats and it is incompatible with --part > 0.
+              This is useful if the caller only needs the headers as body-less
+              output is much faster and substantially smaller.
+       --include-html
+              Include "text/html" parts as part of the output (currently  only
+              supported  with --format=text, --format=json and --format=sexp).
+              By default, unless --part=N is used to select a specific part or
+              --include-html is used to include all "text/html" parts, no part
+              with content type "text/html" is included in the output.
+       A common use of notmuch show is to display a  single  thread  of  email
+       messages. For this, use a search term of "thread:<thread-id>" as can be
+       seen in the first column of output from the notmuch search command.


-           --exclude=(true|false)
+ This command supports the following special exit status codes -
-               Specify whether to omit threads  only  matching  search.tag_ex-
-               clude  from  the search results (the default) or not. In either
-               case the excluded message will be marked with the exclude  flag
-               (except  when  output=mbox  when  there  is  nowhere to put the
-               flag).
+ 20 The requested format version is too old. -
-               If --entire-thread is specified then complete threads  are  re-
-               turned regardless (with the excluded flag being set when appro-
-               priate) but threads that only match in an excluded message  are
-               not returned when --exclude=true.
+       21     The requested format version is too new.


-               The default is --exclude=true.
+       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not‐
+       much-hooks(5),   notmuch-insert(1),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),
+       notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),  notmuch-search-terms(7),  not‐
+       much-tag(1)


-       A  common  use  of  notmuch show is to display a single thread of email
-       messages. For this, use a search term of "thread:" as can be
-       seen in the first column of output from the notmuch search command.
+       Carl Worth and many others


- +


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-tag(1)
+       2009-2021, Carl Worth and many others

Notmuch 0.13.2

