+*notmuch.txt* Plug-in to make vim a nice email client using notmuch
+Author: Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
+Overview |notmuch-intro|
+Usage |notmuch-usage|
+Mappings |notmuch-mappings|
+Configuration |notmuch-config|
+OVERVIEW *notmuch-intro*
+This is a vim plug-in that provides a fully usable mail client interface,
+utilizing the notmuch framework.
+It has three main views: folders, search, and thread. In the folder view you
+can find a summary of saved searches, In the search view you can see all the
+threads that comprise the selected search, and in the thread view you can read
+every mail in the thread.
+USAGE *notmuch-usage*
+To use it, simply run the `:NotMuch` command.
+By default you start in the folder view which shows you default searches and
+the number of threads that match those:
+ 10 new (tag:inbox and tag:unread)
+ 20 inbox (tag:inbox)
+ 30 unread (tag:unread)
+You can see the threads of each by clicking `enter`, which sends you to the
+search view. In both the search and folder views you can type `s` to type a
+new search, or `=` to refresh. To see a thread, type `enter` again.
+To exit a view, click `q`.
+Also, you can specify a search directly:
+ :NotMuch is:inbox and date:yesterday..
+MAPPINGS *notmuch-mappings*
+Folder view~
+<enter> Show selected search
+s Enter a new search
+= Refresh
+c Compose a new mail
+Search view~
+q Quit view
+<enter> Show selected search
+<space> Show selected search with filter
+A Archive (-inbox -unread)
+I Mark as read (-unread)
+t Tag (prompted)
+s Search
+= Refresh
+? Show search information
+c Compose a new mail
+Thread view~
+q Quit view
+A Archive (-inbox -unread)
+I Mark as read (-unread)
+t Tag (prompted)
+s Search
+p Save patches
+r Reply
+? Show thread information
+<tab> Show next message
+c Compose a new mail
+Compose view~
+q Quit view
+s Send
+CONFIGURATION *notmuch-config*
+You can add the following configurations to your `.vimrc`, or
+ *g:notmuch_folders*
+The first thing you might want to do is set your custom searches.
+ let g:notmuch_folders = [
+ \ [ 'new', 'tag:inbox and tag:unread' ],
+ \ [ 'inbox', 'tag:inbox' ],
+ \ [ 'unread', 'tag:unread' ],
+ \ [ 'to-do', 'tag:to-do' ],
+ \ [ 'to-me', 'to:john.doe and tag:new' ],
+ \ ]
+ *g:notmuch_custom_search_maps*
+ *g:notmuch_custom_show_maps*
+You can also configure the keyboard mappings for the different views:
+ let g:notmuch_custom_search_maps = {
+ \ 't': 'search_tag("+to-do -inbox")',
+ \ 'd': 'search_tag("+deleted -inbox -unread")',
+ \ }
+ let g:notmuch_custom_show_maps = {
+ \ 't': 'show_tag("+to-do -inbox")',
+ \ 'd': 'show_tag("+deleted -inbox -unread")',
+ \ }
+ *g:notmuch_date_format*
+To configure the date format you want in the search view:
+ let g:notmuch_date_format = '%d.%m.%y'
+ *g:notmuch_datetime_format*
+You can do the same for the thread view:
+ let g:notmuch_datetime_format = '%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S'
+ *g:notmuch_folders_count_threads*
+If you want to count the threads instead of the messages in the folder view:
+ let g:notmuch_folders_count_threads = 0
+ *g:notmuch_reader*
+ *g:notmuch_sendmail*
+You can also configure your externail mail reader and sendemail program:
+ let g:notmuch_reader = 'mutt -f %s'
+ let g:notmuch_sendmail = 'sendmail'