from turbot.blocks import (
section_block, text_block, button_block, actions_block, divider_block
-import turbot.sheets
import turbot.slack
+from turbot.sheets import sheets_create, sheets_create_for_puzzle
from turbot.slack import slack_send_message, slack_channel_members
+from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
The return value is a dictionary suitable to be published to the
Slack views_publish API."""
- # Behave cleanly if there is no hunts table at all yet.
+ # Behave cleanly if there is no "turbot" table at all yet.
- response = turb.db.Table("hunts").scan()
+ response = turb.table.scan()
hunts = response['Items']
except Exception:
hunts = []
events['app_home_opened'] = app_home_opened
def hunt_channel_created(turb, channel_name, channel_id):
- """Creates sheet and a DynamoDB table for a newly-created hunt channel"""
+ """Creates a Google sheet for a newly-created hunt channel"""
# First see if we can find an entry for this hunt in the database.
# If not, simply return an error and let Slack retry
- hunts_table = turb.db.Table("hunts")
- response = hunts_table.get_item(
- Key={'channel_id': channel_id},
- ConsistentRead=True
+ response = turb.table.query(
+ IndexName='channel_id_index',
+ KeyConditionExpression=Key("channel_id").eq(channel_id)
- if 'Item' not in response:
+ if 'Items' not in response:
print("Warning: Cannot find channel_id {} in hunts table. "
.format(channel_id) + "Letting Slack retry this event")
return lambda_error
- item = response['Item']
+ item = response['Items'][0]
if 'sheet_url' in item:
print("Info: channel_id {} already has sheet_url {}. Exiting."
.format(channel_id, item['sheet_url']))
return lambda_success
- # Remove any None items from our item before updating
- if not item['url']:
- del item['url']
# Before launching into sheet creation, indicate that we're doing this
# in the database. This way, if we take too long to create the sheet
# and Slack retries the event, that next event will see this 'pending'
# string and cleanly return (eliminating all future retries).
item['sheet_url'] = 'pending'
- hunts_table.put_item(Item=item)
+ turb.table.put_item(Item=item)
# Also, let the channel users know what we are up to
+ "Please wait a minute or two while I create some backend resources.")
# Create a sheet for the hunt
- sheet = turbot.sheets.sheets_create(turb, item['name'])
+ sheet = sheets_create(turb, item['name'])
# Update the database with the URL of the sheet
item['sheet_url'] = sheet['url']
- hunts_table.put_item(Item=item)
+ turb.table.put_item(Item=item)
# Message the channel with the URL of the sheet
slack_send_message(turb.slack_client, channel_id,
"Sheet created for this hunt: {}".format(sheet['url']))
- # Create a database table for this hunt's puzzles
- table = turb.db.create_table(
- TableName=channel_name,
- KeySchema=[
- {'AttributeName': 'channel_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}
- ],
- AttributeDefinitions=[
- {'AttributeName': 'channel_id', 'AttributeType': 'S'}
- ],
- ProvisionedThroughput={
- 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
- 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5
- }
- )
- # Wait until the table exists
- table.meta.client.get_waiter('table_exists').wait(TableName=channel_name)
# Mark the hunt as active in the database
item['active'] = True
- hunts_table.put_item(Item=item)
+ turb.table.put_item(Item=item)
# Message the hunt channel that the database is ready
# First see if we can find an entry for this puzzle in the database.
# If not, simply return an error and let Slack retry
- puzzle_table = turb.db.Table(hunt_id)
- response = puzzle_table.get_item(
+ response = turb.table.get_item(
Key={'channel_id': puzzle_channel_id},
.format(puzzle_channel_id, item['sheet_url']))
return lambda_success
- # Remove any None items from our item before updating
- if not item['url']:
- del item['url']
# Before launching into sheet creation, indicate that we're doing this
# in the database. This way, if we take too long to create the sheet
# and Slack retries the event, that next event will see this 'pending'
# Create a sheet for the puzzle
- sheet = turbot.sheets.sheets_create_for_puzzle(turb, item)
+ sheet = sheets_create_for_puzzle(turb, item)
# Update the database with the URL of the sheet
item['sheet_url'] = sheet['url']
return lambda_success
def channel_created(turb, event):
- print("In channel_created with event: {}".format(str(event)))
channel = event['channel']
channel_id = channel['id']
"Hunt ID can only contain lowercase letters, "
+ "numbers, and underscores")
- # Check to see if the hunts table exists
- hunts_table = turb.db.Table("hunts")
+ # Check to see if the turbot table exists
- exists = hunts_table.table_status in ("CREATING", "UPDATING",
+ exists = turb.table.table_status in ("CREATING", "UPDATING",
except ClientError:
exists = False
- # Create the hunts table if necessary.
+ # Create the turbot table if necessary.
if not exists:
- hunts_table = turb.db.create_table(
- TableName='hunts',
+ turb.table = turb.db.create_table(
+ TableName='turbot',
- {'AttributeName': 'channel_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'},
+ {'AttributeName': 'PK', 'KeyType': 'HASH'},
+ {'AttributeName': 'SK', 'KeyType': 'RANGE'},
+ {'AttributeName': 'PK', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
+ {'AttributeName': 'SK', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
{'AttributeName': 'channel_id', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
'WriteCapacityUnits': 5
- }
+ },
+ GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[
+ {
+ 'IndexName': 'channel_id_index',
+ 'KeySchema': [
+ {'AttributeName': 'channel_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}
+ ],
+ 'Projection': {
+ 'ProjectionType': 'ALL'
+ },
+ 'ProvisionedThroughput': {
+ 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
+ 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5
+ }
+ }
+ ]
return submission_error("hunt_id",
- "Still bootstrapping hunts table. Try again.")
+ "Still bootstrapping turbot table. Try again.")
# Create a channel for the hunt
# Insert the newly-created hunt into the database
# (leaving it as non-active for now until the channel-created handler
# finishes fixing it up with a sheet and a companion table)
- hunts_table.put_item(
+ turb.table.put_item(
- 'channel_id': channel_id,
+ "PK": "hunt-{}".format(hunt_id),
+ "SK": "hunt-{}".format(hunt_id),
+ "channel_id": channel_id,
"active": False,
"name": name,
- "hunt_id": hunt_id,
"url": url
Returns a dict (filled with database entries) if there is a hunt
for this channel, otherwise returns None."""
- return get_table_item(turb, "hunts", 'channel_id', channel_id)
+ return get_table_item(turb, "channel_id_index", 'channel_id', channel_id)
def find_hunt_for_hunt_id(turb, hunt_id):
"""Given a hunt ID find the database for for that hunt
(channel_id, active, hunt_id, name, url, sheet_url, etc.).
- hunts_table = turb.db.Table("hunts")
+ turbot_table = turb.db.Table("turbot")
- response = hunts_table.scan(
- FilterExpression='hunt_id = :hunt_id',
- ExpressionAttributeValues={':hunt_id': hunt_id}
- )
+ response = turbot_table.get_item(Key={'PK': 'hunt-{}'.format(hunt_id)})
- if 'Items' in response and len(response['Items']):
- item = response['Items'][0]
- return item
- return None
+ if 'Item' in response:
+ return response['Item']
+ else:
+ return None
def find_hunt_for_channel(turb, channel_id, channel_name):
"""Given a channel ID/name find the id/name of the hunt for this channel