From: Tomi Ollila Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 20:38:58 +0000 (+0300) Subject: "quotation" fix & hyperlinks X-Git-Url:;ds=sidebyside;h=aeb851d55ecf79d2e8a8c9a1a99fd73ef1a7ac06;hp=33b367e699bbcc8fecd001fab8033a4e91b13450;p=notmuch-wiki "quotation" fix & hyperlinks --- diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn index 1bdcfe0..f873926 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-1.mdwn @@ -1,39 +1,31 @@



        notmuch - thread-based email index, search, and tagging


        notmuch command [args ...]


        Notmuch  is a command-line based program for indexing, searching, read-
        ing, and tagging large collections of email messages.
        This page describes how to get started using notmuch from  the  command
        line,  and  gives  a brief overview of the commands available. For more
-       information on e.g.  notmuch show consult the notmuch-show(1) man page,
+       information on e.g.  notmuch show consult the notmuch-show(1) man page,
        also accessible via notmuch help show
        The  quickest  way  to get started with Notmuch is to simply invoke the
        notmuch command with no arguments, which will interactively  guide  you
        through the process of indexing your mail.


        While the command-line program notmuch provides powerful functionality,
        it does not provide the most convenient interface for that  functional-
@@ -47,14 +39,11 @@




- +


        The notmuch setup command is used to configure Notmuch for  first  use,
        (or to reconfigure it later).
        The  setup  command  will prompt for your full name, your primary email
        address, any alternate email addresses you use, and the directory  con-
        taining your email archives. Your answers will be written to a configu-
@@ -62,69 +51,49 @@
        This configuration file will be created with descriptive comments, mak-
        ing it easy to edit by hand later to change the configuration.  Or  you
        can run notmuch setup again to change the configuration.
        The  mail  directory you specify can contain any number of sub-directo-
        ries and should primarily contain only files with individual email mes-
        sages  (eg.  maildir  or  mh archives are perfect). If there are other,
        non-email files (such as indexes maintained by  other  email  programs)
        then notmuch will do its best to detect those and ignore them.
        Mail  storage that uses mbox format, (where one mbox file contains many
-       messages), will not work with notmuch. If that's how your mail is  cur-
+       messages), will not work with notmuch. If that's how your mail is  cur-
        rently stored, it is recommended you first convert it to maildir format
        with a utility such as mb2md before running notmuch setup .
        Invoking notmuch with no command argument will run setup if  the  setup
        command has not previously been completed.


- +


        Several  of the notmuch commands accept search terms with a common syn-
        tax. See notmuch-search-terms(7) for more details on the supported syn-
-       The  search,  show  and  count  commands  are  used  to query the email
-       database.
+ The search, show and count commands are used to query the email data- + base. -
        The reply command is useful for  preparing  a  template  for  an  email
        The tag command is the only command available for manipulating database
        The dump and restore commands can be used to create a textual  dump  of
        email tags for backup purposes, and to restore from that dump.
        The  config  command can be used to get or set settings int the notmuch
        configuration file.


        The following environment variables can be used to control the behavior
        of notmuch.
               Specifies  the  location of the notmuch configuration file. Not-
               much will use ${HOME}/.notmuch-config if this  variable  is  not
@@ -132,26 +101,21 @@


-       notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5),
-       notmuch-new(1),    notmuch-reply(1),    notmuch-restore(1),    notmuch-
-       search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+ notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), + notmuch-new(1), notmuch-reply(1), notmuch-restore(1), notmuch- + search(1) +, notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1) -
        The notmuch website:


        Feel  free to send questions, comments, or kudos to the notmuch mailing
-       list  . Subscription is  not  required  before
+       list <> . Subscription is  not  required  before
        posting, but is available from the website.
        Real-time  interaction  with the Notmuch community is available via IRC
        (server:, channel: #notmuch).
diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn index 98e12e1..a831b9f 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-config-1.mdwn @@ -1,139 +1,96 @@



        notmuch-config - Access notmuch configuration file.


-       notmuch config get <section>.<item>
+ notmuch config get <section>.<item> -
-       notmuch config set <section>.<item> [value ...]
+ notmuch config set <section>.<item> [value ...] -
        notmuch config list


        The  config  command  can be used to get or set settings in the notmuch
        configuration file.
            get The value of the specified configuration  item  is  printed  to
                stdout.  If  the  item has multiple values (it is a list), each
                value is separated by a newline character.
            set The specified configuration item is set to the given value.  To
                specify a multiple-value item (a list), provide each value as a
                separate command-line argument.
                If no values are provided,  the  specified  configuration  item
                will be removed from the configuration file.
                Every  configuration item is printed to stdout, each on a sepa-
                rate line of the form:
                No additional whitespace surrounds the dot or equals sign char-
                acters. In a multiple-value item (a list), the values are sepa-
                rated by semicolon characters.
        The available configuration items are described below.
                The top-level directory where your mail currently exists and to
                where  mail  will  be  delivered in the future. Files should be
                individual email messages.  Notmuch  will  store  its  database
                within  a sub-directory of the path configured here named .not-
                Your full name.
                Your primary email address.
                A list of other email addresses at which you receive email.
                A list of tags that will be added to all messages  incorporated
                by notmuch new.
                A list of file and directory names, without path, that will not
                be searched for messages by notmuch new.   All  the  files  and
                directories  matching  any  of the names specified here will be
                ignored, regardless of the location in the mail store directory
                A  list  of  tags  that will be excluded from search results by
                default. Using an excluded tag in a query  will  override  that
                If  true,  then  the  following maildir flags (in message file-
                names) will be  synchronized  with  the  corresponding  notmuch
                  Flag    Tag
                  ----    -------
                  D       draft
                  F       flagged
                  P       passed
                  R       replied
-                 S       unread (added when 'S' flag is not present)
+ S unread (added when 'S' flag is not present) -
                The  notmuch  new command will notice flag changes in filenames
                and update tags, while the notmuch tag and notmuch restore com-
                mands will notice tag changes and update flags in filenames.
                If  there  have  been  any changes in the maildir (new messages
                added, old ones removed  or  renamed,  maildir  flags  changed,
                etc.), it is advisable to run notmuch new before notmuch tag or
@@ -143,13 +100,10 @@


        The following environment variables can be used to control the behavior
        of notmuch.
               Specifies  the  location of the notmuch configuration file. Not-
               much will use ${HOME}/.notmuch-config if this  variable  is  not
@@ -157,11 +111,11 @@


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-count(1),  notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
-       much-new(1), notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-count(1),  notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
+       much-new(1)
+, notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-count-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-count-1.mdwn index a0aba8d..9f0190d 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-count-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-count-1.mdwn @@ -1,77 +1,52 @@



        notmuch-count - Count messages matching the given search terms.


-       notmuch count [options... ] <search-term>...
+       notmuch count [options... ] <search-term>...


        Count messages matching the search terms.
        The number of matching messages (or threads) is output to stdout.
-       With  no  search  terms,  a  count  of all messages (or threads) in the
-       database will be displayed.
+ With no search terms, a count of all messages (or threads) in the data- + base will be displayed. -
-       See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of  the  supported  syntax  for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        Supported options for count include
                    Output  the  number  of  matching  messages.  This  is  the
                    Output the number of matching threads.
                Specify whether to omit  messages  matching  search.tag_exclude
                from the count (the default) or not.


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
-       much-new(1), notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
+       much-new(1)
+, notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-dump-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-dump-1.mdwn index 521107c..f2108f8 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-dump-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-dump-1.mdwn @@ -1,52 +1,41 @@



        notmuch-dump - Creates a plain-text dump of the tags of each message.


-       notmuch dump [ <filename> ] [--] [ <search-term>...]
+       notmuch dump [ <filename> ] [--] [ <search-term>...]


        Dump tags for messages matching the given search terms.
        Output is to the given filename, if any, or to stdout.  Note that using
        the filename argument is deprecated.
-       These tags are the only data in the  notmuch  database  that  can't  be
+       These tags are the only data in the  notmuch  database  that  can't  be
        recreated  from the messages themselves.  The output of notmuch dump is
        therefore the only critical thing to backup (and much more friendly  to
        incremental backup than the native database files.)
        With  no  search  terms, a dump of all messages in the database will be
-       generated.  A "--" argument instructs notmuch that the remaining  argu-
+       generated.  A "--" argument instructs notmuch that the remaining  argu-
        ments are search terms.
-       See  notmuch-search-terms(7)  for  details  of the supported syntax for
-       .
+       See  notmuch-search-terms(7)  for  details  of the supported syntax for
+       <search-terms>.


-       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
-       much-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not-
+       much-new(1)
+,  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5.mdwn index b537c0c..f694721 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-hooks-5.mdwn @@ -1,62 +1,49 @@



        notmuch-hooks - hooks for notmuch




        Hooks  are  scripts (or arbitrary executables or symlinks to such) that
        notmuch invokes before and after certain actions. These scripts  reside
        in  the .notmuch/hooks directory within the database directory and must
        have executable permissions.
        The currently available hooks are described below.
                This hook is invoked by the  new  command  before  scanning  or
                importing  new  messages  into the database. If this hook exits
                with a non-zero status, notmuch will abort  further  processing
                of the new command.
                Typically this hook is used for fetching or delivering new mail
                to be imported into the database.
                This hook is invoked by the new command after new messages have
                been  imported  into  the  database  and initial tags have been
                applied. The hook will not be run if there have been any errors
                during the scan or import.
                Typically  this  hook is used to perform additional query-based
                tagging on the imported messages.


-       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not-
-       much-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not-
+       much-new(1)
+,  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-new-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-new-1.mdwn index 81d5edd..a20aa90 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-new-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-new-1.mdwn @@ -1,73 +1,55 @@



        notmuch-new - Incorporate new mail into the notmuch database.


        notmuch new [--no-hooks]


        Find and import any new messages to the database.
        The  new  command scans all sub-directories of the database, performing
        full-text indexing on new messages that are  found.  Each  new  message
        will automatically be tagged with both the inbox and unread tags.
        You  should  run  notmuch new once after first running notmuch setup to
        create the initial database. The first run may take a long time if  you
        have a significant amount of mail (several hundred thousand messages or
        more). Subsequently, you should run notmuch new whenever  new  mail  is
        delivered  and you wish to incorporate it into the database. These sub-
        sequent runs will be much quicker than the initial run.
        Invoking notmuch with no command argument will run new if notmuch setup
        has  previously been completed, but notmuch new has not previously been
        notmuch new updates tags according  to  maildir  flag  changes  if  the
-       maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch-
-       config(1) for details.
+ maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch- + config(1) + for details. -
        The new command supports hooks. See  notmuch-hooks(5) for more  details
        on hooks.
        Supported options for new include
                Prevents hooks from being run.


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5), notmuch-reply(1), notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+, notmuch-reply(1), notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-reply-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-reply-1.mdwn index 5e1e6d7..203b57d 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-reply-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-reply-1.mdwn @@ -1,115 +1,80 @@



        notmuch-reply - Constructs a reply template for a set of messages.


-       notmuch reply [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch reply [options...] <search-term>...


        Constructs a reply template for a set of messages.
        To  make  replying to email easier, notmuch reply takes an existing set
        of messages and constructs a  suitable  mail  template.  The  Reply-to:
        header  (if  any,  otherwise From:) is used for the To: address. Unless
        --reply-to=sender is specified, values from the To: and Cc: headers are
-       copied, but not including any of the current user's email addresses (as
+       copied, but not including any of the current user's email addresses (as
        configured in primary_mail or other_email in the .notmuch-config  file)
        in the recipient list.
        It  also  builds a suitable new subject, including Re: at the front (if
        not already present), and adding the message IDs of the messages  being
        replied  to  to  the References list and setting the In-Reply-To: field
        Finally, the original contents of the emails are  quoted  by  prefixing
-       each line with '> ' and included in the body.
+ each line with '> ' and included in the body. -
        The resulting message template is output to stdout.
        Supported options for reply include
                       Includes subject and quoted message body.
                       Produces JSON output containing headers for a reply mes-
                       sage and the contents of the original message. This out-
                       put  can  be  used by a client to create a reply message
                       Only produces In-Reply-To, References, To, Cc,  and  Bcc
                   all (default)
                       Replies to all addresses.
-                      Replies  only  to  the sender. If replying to user's own
-                      message (Reply-to: or From: header is one of the  user's
+                      Replies  only  to  the sender. If replying to user's own
+                      message (Reply-to: or From: header is one of the  user's
                       configured  email  addresses),  try  To:,  Cc:, and Bcc:
                       headers in this order, and copy values  from  the  first
-                      that  contains  something  other  than  only  the user's
+                      that  contains  something  other  than  only  the user's
-                  Decrypt any MIME  encrypted  parts  found  in  the  selected
-                  content  (ie.  "multipart/encrypted"  parts).  Status of the
+                  Decrypt any MIME encrypted parts found in the selected  con-
+                  tent   (ie.  "multipart/encrypted"  parts).  Status  of  the
                   decryption will be reported (currently only  supported  with
                   --format=json)  and  the  multipart/encrypted  part  will be
                   replaced by the decrypted content.
-       See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of  the  supported  syntax  for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        Note:  It  is  most  common  to  use notmuch reply with a search string
-       matching a single message, (such as id:),  but  it  can  be
+       matching a single message, (such as id:<message-id>),  but  it  can  be
        useful to reply to several messages at once. For example, when a series
        of patches are sent in a single thread, replying to the  entire  thread
        allows  for  the  reply to comment on issues found in multiple patches.
@@ -118,11 +83,11 @@


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5), notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+, notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-restore(1),  notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-restore-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-restore-1.mdwn index 39c583e..a30b938 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-restore-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-restore-1.mdwn @@ -1,58 +1,46 @@



        notmuch-restore  -  Restores  the tags from the given file (see notmuch


-       notmuch restore [--accumulate] [ <filename> ]
+       notmuch restore [--accumulate] [ <filename> ]


        Restores the tags from the given file (see notmuch dump).
        The input is read from the given filename, if any, or from stdin.
        Note: The dump file format is specifically chosen to be compatible with
-       the format of files produced by sup-dump.  So if you've previously been
+       the format of files produced by sup-dump.  So if you've previously been
        using sup for mail, then the notmuch restore command provides you a way
        to import all of your tags (or labels as sup calls them).
        The  --accumulate  switch causes the union of the existing and new tags
-       to be applied, instead of replacing each message's  tags  as  they  are
+       to be applied, instead of replacing each message's  tags  as  they  are
        read in from the dump file.
-       See  notmuch-search-terms(7)  for  details  of the supported syntax for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        notmuch restore updates the maildir flags according to tag  changes  if
-       the maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See not-
-       much-config(1) for details.
+       the maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See not-
+       much-config(1)
+ for details.


-       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not-
-       much-hooks(5),   notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-search(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1),  not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+,   notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-search(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-search-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-search-1.mdwn index 88d9fbd..c43a5d4 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-search-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-search-1.mdwn @@ -1,163 +1,108 @@



        notmuch-search - Search for messages matching the given search terms.


-       notmuch search [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch search [options...] <search-term>...


        Search  for  messages  matching  the given search terms, and display as
        results the threads containing the matched messages.
        The output consists of one line per thread, giving  a  thread  ID,  the
        date  of  the  newest (or oldest, depending on the sort option) matched
        message in the thread, the number of matched messages  and  total  mes-
        sages  in  the thread, the names of all participants in the thread, and
        the subject of the newest (or oldest) message.
-       See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of  the  supported  syntax  for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        Supported options for search include
                Presents the results in either JSON or plain-text (default).
                    Output  a  summary of each thread with any message matching
                    the search terms. The summary includes the thread ID, date,
                    the  number  of  messages  in  the  thread (both the number
                    matched and the total number), the authors  of  the  thread
                    and the subject.
                    Output  the  thread  IDs  of  all  threads with any message
                    matching the search terms,  either  one  per  line  (--for-
                    mat=text) or as a JSON array (--format=json).
                    Output  the message IDs of all messages matching the search
                    terms, either one per line (--format=text)  or  as  a  JSON
                    array (--format=json).
                    Output  the  filenames  of all messages matching the search
                    terms, either one per line (--format=text)  or  as  a  JSON
                    array (--format=json).
                    Output  all  tags  that  appear on any message matching the
                    search terms, either one per line (--format=text) or  as  a
                    JSON array (--format=json).
                This option can be used to present results in either chronolog-
-               ical  order  (oldest-first)  or  reverse  chronological   order
-               (newest-first).
+ ical order (oldest-first) or reverse chronological order (new- + est-first). -
                Note:  The  thread  order  will  be  distinct between these two
                options (beyond being simply reversed). When  sorting  by  old-
                est-first  the  threads will be sorted by the oldest message in
                each thread, but when sorting by newest-first the threads  will
                be sorted by the newest message in each thread.
                By  default, results will be displayed in reverse chronological
                order, (that is, the newest results will be displayed first).
-               Skip displaying the first N  results.  With  the  leading  '-',
+               Skip displaying the first N  results.  With  the  leading  '-',
                start at the Nth result from the end.
                Limit the number of displayed results to N.
                Specify  whether  to  omit messages matching search.tag_exclude
                from the search results (the default) or not. The extra  option
                flag  only has an effect when --output=summary In this case all
-               matching threads are returned but the "match count" is the num-
+               matching threads are returned but the "match count" is the num-
                ber of matching non-excluded messages in the thread.


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+,  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
+       notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn index e25f0c6..ff51323 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-search-terms-7.mdwn @@ -1,179 +1,118 @@



        notmuch-search-terms - Syntax for notmuch queries


-       notmuch count [options...]  <search-term>...
+ notmuch count [options...] <search-term>... -
-       notmuch dump [ <filename> ] [--] [ <search-term>...]
+ notmuch dump [ <filename> ] [--] [ <search-term>...] -
-       notmuch search [options...] <search-term>...
+ notmuch search [options...] <search-term>... -
-       notmuch show [options...] <search-term>...
+ notmuch show [options...] <search-term>... -
-       notmuch tag +<tag>|-<tag> [...] [--] <search-term>...
+       notmuch tag +<tag&gt;|-<tag> [...] [--] <search-term>...


        Several notmuch commands accept a common syntax for search terms.
        The  search  terms  can  consist of free-form text (and quoted phrases)
        which  will  match  all  messages  that  contain  all  of   the   given
        terms/phrases in the body, the subject, or any of the sender or recipi-
        ent headers.
        As a special case, a search  string  consisting  of  exactly  a  single
-       asterisk ("*") will match all messages.
+ asterisk ("*") will match all messages. -
        In  addition  to free text, the following prefixes can be used to force
-       terms to match against specific portions of an email, (where 
+       terms to match against specific portions of an email, (where <brackets>
        indicate user-supplied values):
-            from:
+ from:<name-or-address> -
-            to:
+ to:<name-or-address> -
-            subject:
+ subject:<word-or-quoted-phrase> -
-            attachment:
+ attachment:<word> -
-            tag: (or is:)
+ tag:<tag> (or is:<tag>) -
-            id:
+ id:<message-id> -
-            thread:
+ thread:<thread-id> -
-            folder:
+ folder:<directory-path> -
        The  from: prefix is used to match the name or address of the sender of
        an email message.
        The to: prefix is used to match the names or addresses of any recipient
        of an email message, (whether To, Cc, or Bcc).
        Any  term  prefixed with subject: will match only text from the subject
        of an email. Searching for a phrase in  the  subject  is  supported  by
        including quotation marks around the phrase, immediately following sub-
        The attachment: prefix can be used to search for specific filenames (or
        extensions) of attachments to email messages.
        For  tag:  and is: valid tag values include inbox and unread by default
        for new messages added by notmuch new as well as any other  tag  values
        added manually with notmuch tag.
        For  id:, message ID values are the literal contents of the Message-ID:
-       header of email messages, but without the '<', '>' delimiters.
+ header of email messages, but without the '<', '>' delimiters. -
        The thread: prefix can be used with the thread ID values that are  gen-
        erated  internally  by  notmuch  (and do not appear in email messages).
        These thread ID values can be seen in the first column of  output  from
        notmuch search
        The  folder:  prefix can be used to search for email message files that
        are contained within particular directories within the mail store. Only
        the  directory  components  below  the top-level mail database path are
        available to be searched.
        In addition to individual terms, multiple terms can  be  combined  with
        Boolean  operators  ( and, or, not , etc.). Each term in the query will
        be implicitly connected by a logical AND if  no  explicit  operator  is
        provided,  (except  that  terms with a common prefix will be implicitly
        combined with OR until we get Xapian defect #402 fixed).
        Parentheses can also be used to control the combination of the  Boolean
        operators,  but  will  have  to be protected from interpretation by the
        shell, (such as by putting quotation  marks  around  any  parenthesized
        Finally, results can be restricted to only messages within a particular
        time range, (based on the Date: header) with a syntax of:
-            ..
+ <initial-timestamp>..<final-timestamp> -
        Each timestamp is a number representing the  number  of  seconds  since
        1970-01-01  00:00:00  UTC.  This  is  not  the most convenient means of
        expressing date ranges, but until notmuch is fixed  to  accept  a  more
        convenient  form, one can use the date program to construct timestamps.
        For example, with the bash shell the following syntax would  specify  a
        date range to return messages from 2009-10-01 until the current time:
             $(date +%s -d 2009-10-01)..$(date +%s)


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+,  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
+       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-show(1), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn index 6a5d8ca..b002066 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-show-1.mdwn @@ -1,199 +1,138 @@



        notmuch-show - Show messages matching the given search terms.


-       notmuch show [options...] <search-term>...
+       notmuch show [options...] <search-term>...


        Shows all messages matching the search terms.
-       See  notmuch-search-terms(7)  for  details  of the supported syntax for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
        The messages will be grouped and sorted based  on  the  threading  (all
        replies to a particular message will appear immediately after that mes-
        sage in date order). The output is not indented by default,  but  depth
        tags are printed so that proper indentation can be performed by a post-
        processor (such as the emacs interface to notmuch).
        Supported options for show include
                By default only those messages that match the search terms will
                be displayed. With this option, all messages in the same thread
                as any matched message will be displayed.
                text (default for messages)
                    The default plain-text format  has  all  text-content  MIME
                    parts  decoded. Various components in the output, (message,
                    header, body, attachment, and MIME part), will be delimited
                    by  easily-parsed  markers.  Each marker consists of a Con-
                    trol-L character  (ASCII  decimal  12),  the  name  of  the
-                   marker,  and  then either an opening or closing brace, ('{'
-                   or '}'), to either open or close the component. For a  mul-
+                   marker,  and  then either an opening or closing brace, ('{'
+                   or '}'), to either open or close the component. For a  mul-
                    tipart MIME message, these parts will be nested.
                    The  output  is  formatted  with Javascript Object Notation
                    (JSON). This format is more robust than the text format for
                    automated  processing.  The  nested  structure of multipart
                    MIME messages is reflected in nested JSON output. JSON out-
                    put  always  includes all messages in a matching thread; in
                    effect --format=json implies --entire-thread
                    All matching messages are output in the  traditional,  Unix
                    mbox  format  with  each  message  being prefixed by a line
-                   beginning with "From " and a  blank  line  separating  each
-                   message.  Lines in the message content beginning with "From
-                   " (preceded by zero or more '>' characters) have  an  addi-
-                   tional  '>'  character  added.  This reversible escaping is
-                   termed "mboxrd" format and described in detail here:
+ beginning with "From " and a blank line separating each + message. Lines in the message content beginning with "From + " (preceded by zero or more '>' characters) have an addi- + tional '>' character added. This reversible escaping is + termed "mboxrd" format and described in detail here: -
                raw (default for a single part, see --part)
                    For a message or an attached message  part,  the  original,
                    raw  content  of  the email message is output. Consumers of
                    this format should expect to implement  MIME  decoding  and
                    similar functions.
                    For  a  single part (--part) the raw part content is output
                    after performing any necessary MIME  decoding.   Note  that
                    messages with a simple body still have two parts: part 0 is
                    the whole message and part 1 is the body.
                    For a multipart part, the part headers and body  (including
                    all child parts) is output.
                    The raw format must only be used with search terms matching
                    single message.
                Output the single decoded MIME part N of a single message.  The
                search  terms  must match only a single message.  Message parts
                are numbered in a depth-first walk of the message  MIME  struc-
-               ture,  and  are  identified in the 'json' or 'text' output for-
+               ture,  and  are  identified in the 'json' or 'text' output for-
                Compute and report the validity of any MIME cryptographic  sig-
-               natures  found  in the selected content (ie. "multipart/signed"
+               natures  found  in the selected content (ie. "multipart/signed"
                parts). Status of the signature will be reported (currently on-
                ly supported with --format=json), and the multipart/signed part
                will be replaced by the signed data.
                Decrypt any MIME encrypted parts found in the selected  content
-               (ie.  "multipart/encrypted"  parts).  Status  of the decryption
+               (ie.  "multipart/encrypted"  parts).  Status  of the decryption
                will be reported (currently only supported with  --format=json)
                and  the  multipart/encrypted  part will be replaced by the de-
                crypted content.  Implies --verify.
                Specify whether to omit threads  only  matching  search.tag_ex-
                clude  from  the search results (the default) or not. In either
                case the excluded message will be marked with the exclude  flag
                (except  when  output=mbox  when  there  is  nowhere to put the
                If --entire-thread is specified then complete threads  are  re-
                turned regardless (with the excluded flag being set when appro-
                priate) but threads that only match in an excluded message  are
                not returned when --exclude=true.
                The default is --exclude=true.
        A  common  use  of  notmuch show is to display a single thread of email
-       messages. For this, use a search term of "thread:" as can be
+       messages. For this, use a search term of "thread:<thread-id>" as can be
        seen in the first column of output from the notmuch search command.


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-tag(1)
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+,  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
+       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-tag(1)

Notmuch 0.13.2

diff --git a/manpages/notmuch-tag-1.mdwn b/manpages/notmuch-tag-1.mdwn index 5930096..dbd99a5 100644 --- a/manpages/notmuch-tag-1.mdwn +++ b/manpages/notmuch-tag-1.mdwn @@ -1,53 +1,43 @@



        notmuch-tag  -  Add/remove  tags  for  all messages matching the search


-       notmuch tag +<tag>|-<tag> [...] [--] <search-term>...
+       notmuch tag +<tag&gt;|-<tag> [...] [--] <search-term>...


        Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms.
-       See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of  the  supported  syntax  for
-       .
+ See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for + <search-terms>. -
-       Tags prefixed by '+' are added while those prefixed by '-' are removed.
+       Tags prefixed by '+' are added while those prefixed by '-' are removed.
        For each message, tag removal is performed before tag addition.
-       The beginning of  is recognized  by  the  first  argument
-       that  begins  with  neither  '+' nor '-'. Support for an initial search
-       term beginning with '+' or '-' is provided  by  allowing  the  user  to
-       specify a "--" argument to separate the tags from the search terms.
+ The beginning of <search-terms> is recognized by the first argument + that begins with neither '+' nor '-'. Support for an initial search + term beginning with '+' or '-' is provided by allowing the user to + specify a "--" argument to separate the tags from the search terms. -
        notmuch  tag  updates the maildir flags according to tag changes if the
-       maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch-
-       config(1) for details.
+       maildir.synchronize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch-
+       config(1)
+ for details.


-       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
-       much-hooks(5),  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
-       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1),
+       notmuch(1),  notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), not-
+       much-hooks(5)
+,  notmuch-new(1),  notmuch-reply(1),  notmuch-restore(1),
+       notmuch-search(1), notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1),

Notmuch 0.13.2