# The first two steps are just as in cli-diff-images. Dump images from # a trace into an empty directory. rm_and_mkdir ./tri-out apitrace dump-images --call-nos=no -o ./tri-out/tri tri.trace # Compare the dumped image with a doctored image to provoke a failure. # The EXPECT_FAILURE attribute causes the test driver to look for a # non-zero return value from apitrace and fail the test if it is not # seen. EXPECT_FAILURE: apitrace diff-images -v ./tri-ref-mismatch ./tri-out # In addition to getting the return value indicating an error, let's # also require that "apitrace diff-images" gave us the output we # expect. expect "Comparing ./tri-ref-mismatch/tri0000000000.png and ./tri-out/tri0000000000.png ... MISMATCH\n"