CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.47 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % symbol name 3064 44.6062 image_from_pict 1970 28.6796 fbComposite 767 11.1661 .plt 270 3.9307 __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx 200 2.9116 fbGetImage 123 1.7907 fbBlt 85 1.2374 fbGetWinPrivateIndex 79 1.1501 _fbGetWindowPixmap 61 0.8880 fbBltStip 59 0.8589 fbValidateGC 50 0.7279 __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx 40 0.5823 fbReplicatePixel 29 0.4222 fbCreatePixmap 29 0.4222 fbCreatePixmapBpp 24 0.3494 fbDestroyPixmap 19 0.2766 fbGetGCPrivateIndex