[[!pagetemplate template=indexpage.tmpl]] # Family [[!img carl-stacy-peru.jpg size="405x304" alt="Family photo" class="right"]] My family is the greatest source of joy in my life. Stacy and I have been married since December 30, 1995 and have had so many adventures raising our four sons, Cameron, Hyrum, Andrew, and Scott to adulthood (or at least getting there). I'm really looking forward to seeing what each of them will do in the next phase of their lives. # Software When I was about 10 years old, my Dad bought us our first computer, (an Apple ][e), and I started teaching myself how to program. I found software truly fascinating because it allowed for creating something where nothing had existed before and working in a medium of pure thoughtstuff. I've had the good fortune to spend a large part of my career in the world of "Free Software" where a worldwide community collaborates together on software. [[!img cairo-logo.png alt="Cairo logo" class="left"]] I'll mention two software projects which I created from scratch: The [cairo graphics library](https://cairographics.org) and the [notmuch](https://notmuchmail.org) mail system. I'm really pleased with both because not only did I build a succesful piece of software, but I was able to form a vibrant community project around the software. It's been very satisying to watch those projects have a life of their own beyond when I could dedicate much of my own time to them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started writing some simple games for family and friends to play together while isolated in our own homes. These are hosted at [LMNO games](https://lmno.games). Other little toy projects I have worked on are in various states of completion and can be found at my [personal git server](https://git.cworth.org). I've presented [[talks]] about several of my software projects which might be interesting to read about. I've always posted the slides I've presented, and I've recently started doing much better writeups so people that didn't hear me speak alongside the slides can still understand them. # Search and Rescue Since 2017 I've been active on Search and Rescue teams, currently on the [Clackamas County Search and Rescue](https://www.clackamas.us/sheriff/sar.html) team also known as CSAR. The work we do is hard, often thankless, but also hugely rewarding. I'm on specialty teams for both technical rope rescue and for trail-running. The friendships I've made through search and rescue are priceless. So many people volunteering so much time, money, and effort and strictly to help others. # Fitness I started [rock climbing](rock_climbing) in 2008 and I love the puzzle-solving nature of climbing and the many disciplines it leads to (toproping, lead climbing, sport climbing, trad climbing). In 2019 I started running, initially to rehabilitate my knee after a surgery. I found that my knee felt best as long I kept running several days a week, so I've tried to never stop. I've really fallen in love with doing long trail runs to cover in a single day what many people would backpack in 2 or 3 days. I get to see all the same things as the backpackers, but I have a lighter pack and I get to sleep in my own bed. My first 50k (31.1 miles) race was in November 2021 at Silver Falls. So that was my first ultramarathon without having competed in a marathon, (I had registered for one in 2020 but it was canceled for the pandemic). Ultrarunning introduced me to the crazy concept of the "backyard ultra". I thought it would be fun to test my own limits by participating in one. But when I found that none existed in Oregon, I decided to put one together myself, so now I'm the race director of the [Banana Slug Backyard Ultra](https://slug.run). # Contact and resume I may be reached by email to cworth@cworth.org . And if you're here because you might be interested in hiring me, you will likely want to see my [resume](carl_worth.pdf). # Old news I once tried to write somewhat regularly in a [[blog]] but it is now just an archive of things I wrote quite some time ago.