[[!meta title="Carl's rock climbing gear"]] Here's a list of some of the [rock-climbing](../) gear I have purchased. I'm logging it here so that I can track the age of things to know when things should be retired. * 2008-06: Men's shoes (5.10 Coyote, red), Women's shoes (Lilac), Kids shoes (Mad Rock Mad Monkey, 3 pair). * 2008-06: Men's harness, (Black Diamond, gray), Women's harness (Lilac), Large child's harness (orange with hip belt), Small child's harness (colorful Petzl, over-the-shoulder) * 2008-08: Black diamond ATC, auto-locking pear biner (orange), Long lengths of weebing, (dark green and blue), 2 stainless-steel screwlock biners, 4 oval biners * 2008-09: 60m, 10mm non-dry rope (Mammut, yellow/blue with center marks). Climbing log: * Fall 2008: 2 climbing sessions, (toprope only) * 2009-04-18: 1 day of lead-climbing, one small fall (factor .15 or so) * 2008-09: 8mm cordelette (red), assorted biners, (brown wiregate, 2 dark purple screwlock) * 2009-01: 8 quickdraws, 2 locking biners, personal anchor system, helmet (Petzl, white)