## Chapter 2 A tour of git: the basics ### 2.0 Copyright This document is a modified version originally known as "Distributed revision control with Mercurial" and originally authored by Bryan O’Sullivan. The original document was obtained from . Copyright © 2006, 2007 Bryan O’Sullivan. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in version 1.0 of the Open Publication License. Please refer to Appendix D for the license text. As this is a modified version, the name of Bryan O'Sullivan is used only to properly credit him with the original text. The appearance of his name here explicitly does not assert or imply his endorsement of this modified document. Portions Copyright © 2007 Carl Worth. Changes made by Carl include the following: * 2007-09-27: * Convert from HTML to markdown source syntax * Eliminate all content except Chapter 2 and Appendix D * Eliminate line numbers from examples * Modified to describe git instead of mercurial ### 2.1 Installing git on your system Prebuilt binary packages of git are available for many popular operating systems. These make it easy to start using git on your computer immediately. #### 2.1.1 Linux Because each Linux distribution has its own packaging tools, policies, and rate of development, it’s difficult to give a comprehensive set of instructions on how to install git binaries. The version of git that you will end up with can vary depending on how active the person is who maintains the package for your distribution. To keep things simple, I will focus on installing git from the command line under the most popular Linux distributions. Most of these distributions provide graphical package managers that will let you install git with a single click. The package name to look for is often git, but is sometimes git-core, (due to an unfortunate name with git, meaning GNU Interactive Tools). * Debian apt-get install git-core * Fedora Core yum install git * Gentoo emerge git * OpenSUSE yum install git * Ubuntu apt-get install git #### 2.1.2 Mac OS X A git-core package is available through [macports](http://macports.org). Once macports is enabled, the command to install git is: port install git-core #### 2.1.3 Windows Git has long been available as part of cygwin, and works reasonably well in that environment. Some people find cygwin a particularly inelegant approach to running git and would prefer a "native" solution. To this end, the [msysgit project](http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/) is rapidly putting together a solution including various packages with full installers. These include GitMe, a package to install the entire development environment necessary to work on improving the msysgit port of git, and WinGit, a package for installing just git itself without the development environment, (still in Alpha as of September 2008). ### 2.2 Getting started To begin, we’ll use the “git version” command to find out whether git is actually installed properly. Versions 1.5 and newer of git are much more friendly to new users than versions 1.4 and older. If you aren't yet running version 1.5 or newer, it's highly recommended that you upgrade. $ git version git version #### 2.2.1 Built-in help Git provides a built-in help system. This is invaluable for those times when you find yourself stuck trying to remember how to run a command. If you are completely stuck, simply run “git help”; it will print a brief list of commonly-used commands, along with a description of what each does. If you ask for help on a specific command (such as "git help init"), it prints more detailed information. [XXX: Does "git help " work universally as a built-in or does it expect man to be present and just call out to "man git-"?] [XXX: The original hgbook includes the complete output of "hg help init" at this point. I'm not including the corresponding "git help init" output as it would be excessively long. The description alone is quite reasonable, (other than a not-too-helpful aside about the obsolete git-init-db command), but it only comes after a full screen's worth of options details. Might it make sense to have a more summarized help output for "git help " than all of the documentation available for git-? And perhaps alos provide a "git -v help" similar to "hg -v help" for more?] ### 2.3 Working with a repository In git, everything happens inside a repository. The repository for a project contains all of the files that “belong to” that project, along with a historical record of the project’s files. There’s nothing particularly magical about a repository; it is simply a directory tree in your filesystem that git treats as special. You can rename or delete a repository any time you like, using either the command line or your file browser. #### 2.3.1 Making a local copy of a repository Copying a repository is just a little bit special. While you could use a normal file copying command to make a copy of a repository, it’s best to use a built-in command that git provides. This command is called “git clone”, because it creates an identical copy of an existing repository. $ git clone git://cworth.org/git/hello Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/hello/.git/ remote: Generating pack... remote: Done counting 15 objects. remote: Deltifying 15 objects... remote: 100% (15/15) done remote: Total 15 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) Indexing 15 objects... 100% (15/15) done Resolving 2 deltas... 100% (2/2) done If for some reason you are prevented from talking on the git: port, then there is also the capability to clone a repository (less efficiently) over http: $ git clone http://cworth.org/git/hello Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/hello/.git/ got 8e5536eaf0c9313cfcfd3bb915c7ebb63d6f7a91 walk 8e5536eaf0c9313cfcfd3bb915c7ebb63d6f7a91 got e4c1447f272c0f90e0a80e55f495ec377863f6f5 got d884386a016f03bdd6c2c72ceba5621568cc0329 got 350a36688de4ee9dfeba52f09bf02385cb967bb2 walk d884386a016f03bdd6c2c72ceba5621568cc0329 got 9a3ff79a7c30a4b990d49fe7c9095d6bd2eab6c0 got ab82c5460482579faae7841e8da3b98fbb34a41c got e19aeb100a31497481bba401cea42a39fac230ae walk e19aeb100a31497481bba401cea42a39fac230ae got 80b260cae9cec3cd52d27c46741ff59c321b852c got 23f952d3dccd5524c3c1b48b3558a5b7393286c2 got 9fa6a8464b692252de9a3a20c9e579700d613b17 walk 9fa6a8464b692252de9a3a20c9e579700d613b17 got b8937ca165a312157658a67e7d413dd59e6ad377 got b3f85f210ff86d334575f64cb01c5bf49895b63e got 556e69f96b04bff82857ddd7f7c08b2f3231d664 walk 556e69f96b04bff82857ddd7f7c08b2f3231d664 got ed55ec04ebc1736a91997a6ce7d7091010647c3d got 43d727f2f3f2f7cb3b098ddad1d7038464a4cee2 If our clone succeeded, we should now have a local directory called hello. This directory will contain some files. $ ls -l total 4 drwxr-xr-x 3 cworth cworth 4096 2007-09-27 16:40 hello $ ls hello hello.c Makefile These files have the same contents and history in our repository as they do in the repository we cloned. Every git repository is complete, self-contained, and independent. It contains its own private copy of a project’s files and history. A cloned repository remembers the location of the repository it was cloned from, but it does not communicate with that repository, or any other, unless you tell it to. What this means for now is that we’re free to experiment with our repository, safe in the knowledge that it’s a private “sandbox” that won’t affect anyone else. #### 2.3.2 What’s in a repository? When we take a more detailed look inside a repository, we can see that it contains a directory named .git. This is where git keeps all of its metadata for the repository. $ cd hello $ ls -a . .. .git hello.c Makefile The contents of the .git directory and its subdirectories are private to git. Every other file and directory in the repository is yours to do with as you please. To introduce a little terminology, the .git directory is the “real” repository, and all of the files and directories that coexist with it are said to live in the working directory. An easy way to remember the distinction is that the repository contains the history of your project, while the working directory contains a snapshot of your project at a particular point in history. ### 2.4 A tour through history One of the first things we might want to do with a new, unfamiliar repository is understand its history. The “hg log” command gives us a view of history. $ hg log changeset:   4:b57f9a090b62 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 summary:     Trim comments. changeset:   3:ff5d7b70a2a9 user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:58 2005 -0700 summary:     Get make to generate the final binary from a .o file. changeset:   2:057d3c2d823c user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:43 2005 -0700 summary:     Introduce a typo into hello.c. changeset:   1:82e55d328c8c user:        mpm@selenic.com date:        Fri Aug 26 01:21:28 2005 -0700 summary:     Create a makefile changeset:   0:0a04b987be5a user:        mpm@selenic.com date:        Fri Aug 26 01:20:50 2005 -0700 summary:     Create a standard "hello, world" program By default, this command prints a brief paragraph of output for each change to the project that was recorded. In git terminology, we call each of these recorded events a changeset, because it can contain a record of changes to several files. The fields in a record of output from “hg log” are as follows. * changeset This field has the format of a number, followed by a colon, followed by a hexadecimal string. These are identifiers for the changeset. There are two identifiers because the number is shorter and easier to type than the hex string. * user The identity of the person who created the changeset. This is a free-form field, but it most often contains a person’s name and email address. * date The date and time on which the changeset was created, and the timezone in which it was created. (The date and time are local to that timezone; they display what time and date it was for the person who created the changeset.) * summary The first line of the text message that the creator of the changeset entered to describe the changeset. The default output printed by “hg log” is purely a summary; it is missing a lot of detail. Figure [2.1][8] provides a graphical representation of the history of the hello repository, to make it a little easier to see which direction history is “flowing” in. We’ll be returning to this figure several times in this chapter and the chapter that follows. * * * ![PIC][9] Figure 2.1: Graphical history of the hello repository * * * #### 2.4.1 Changesets, revisions, and talking to other people As English is a notoriously sloppy language, and computer science has a hallowed history of terminological confusion (why use one term when four will do?), revision control has a variety of words and phrases that mean the same thing. If you are talking about Mercurial history with other people, you will find that the word “changeset” is often compressed to “change” or (when written) “cset”, and sometimes a changeset is referred to as a “revision” or a “rev”. While it doesn’t matter what word you use to refer to the concept of “a changeset”, the identifier that you use to refer to “a specific changeset” is of great importance. Recall that the changeset field in the output from “hg log” identifies a changeset using both a number and a hexadecimal string. * The revision number is only valid in that repository, * while the hex string is the permanent, unchanging identifier that will always identify that exact changeset in every copy of the repository. This distinction is important. If you send someone an email talking about “revision 33”, there’s a high likelihood that their revision 33 will not be the same as yours. The reason for this is that a revision number depends on the order in which changes arrived in a repository, and there is no guarantee that the same changes will happen in the same order in different repositories. Three changes a,b,c can easily appear in one repository as 0,1,2, while in another as 1,0,2. Mercurial uses revision numbers purely as a convenient shorthand. If you need to discuss a changeset with someone, or make a record of a changeset for some other reason (for example, in a bug report), use the hexadecimal identifier. #### 2.4.2 Viewing specific revisions To narrow the output of “hg log” down to a single revision, use the -r (or --rev) option. You can use either a revision number or a long-form changeset identifier, and you can provide as many revisions as you want. $ hg log -r 3 changeset:   3:ff5d7b70a2a9 user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:58 2005 -0700 summary:     Get make to generate the final binary from a .o file. $ hg log -r ff5d7b70a2a9 changeset:   3:ff5d7b70a2a9 user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:58 2005 -0700 summary:     Get make to generate the final binary from a .o file. $ hg log -r 1 -r 4 changeset:   1:82e55d328c8c user:        mpm@selenic.com date:        Fri Aug 26 01:21:28 2005 -0700 summary:     Create a makefile changeset:   4:b57f9a090b62 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 summary:     Trim comments. If you want to see the history of several revisions without having to list each one, you can use range notation; this lets you express the idea “I want all revisions between a and b, inclusive”. $ hg log -r 2:4 changeset:   2:057d3c2d823c user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:43 2005 -0700 summary:     Introduce a typo into hello.c. changeset:   3:ff5d7b70a2a9 user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:58 2005 -0700 summary:     Get make to generate the final binary from a .o file. changeset:   4:b57f9a090b62 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 summary:     Trim comments. Mercurial also honours the order in which you specify revisions, so “hg log -r 2:4” prints 2,3,4 while “hg log -r 4:2” prints 4,3,2. #### 2.4.3 More detailed information While the summary information printed by “hg log” is useful if you already know what you’re looking for, you may need to see a complete description of the change, or a list of the files changed, if you’re trying to decide whether a changeset is the one you’re looking for. The “hg log” command’s -v (or --verbose) option gives you this extra detail. $ hg log -v -r 3 changeset:   3:ff5d7b70a2a9 user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:58 2005 -0700 files:       Makefile description: Get make to generate the final binary from a .o file. If you want to see both the description and content of a change, add the -p (or --patch) option. This displays the content of a change as a unified diff (if you’ve never seen a unified diff before, see section [12.4][10] for an overview). $ hg log -v -p -r 2 changeset:   2:057d3c2d823c user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:43 2005 -0700 files:       hello.c description: Introduce a typo into hello.c. diff -r 82e55d328c8c -r 057d3c2d823c hello.c --- a/hello.c Fri Aug 26 01:21:28 2005 -0700 +++ b/hello.c Tue Sep 06 13:15:43 2005 -0700 @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ int main(int argc, char ⋆⋆argv) { - printf("hello, world!∖n"); + printf("hello, world!∖"); return 0; } ### 2.5 All about command options Let’s take a brief break from exploring Mercurial commands to discuss a pattern in the way that they work; you may find this useful to keep in mind as we continue our tour. Mercurial has a consistent and straightforward approach to dealing with the options that you can pass to commands. It follows the conventions for options that are common to modern Linux and Unix systems. * Every option has a long name. For example, as we’ve already seen, the “hg log” command accepts a --rev option. * Most options have short names, too. Instead of --rev, we can use -r. (The reason that some options don’t have short names is that the options in question are rarely used.) * Long options start with two dashes (e.g. --rev), while short options start with one (e.g. -r). * Option naming and usage is consistent across commands. For example, every command that lets you specify a changeset ID or revision number accepts both -r and --rev arguments. In the examples throughout this book, I use short options instead of long. This just reflects my own preference, so don’t read anything significant into it. Most commands that print output of some kind will print more output when passed a -v (or --verbose) option, and less when passed -q (or --quiet). ### 2.6 Making and reviewing changes Now that we have a grasp of viewing history in Mercurial, let’s take a look at making some changes and examining them. The first thing we’ll do is isolate our experiment in a repository of its own. We use the “hg clone” command, but we don’t need to clone a copy of the remote repository. Since we already have a copy of it locally, we can just clone that instead. This is much faster than cloning over the network, and cloning a local repository uses less disk space in most cases, too. $ cd .. $ hg clone hello my-hello 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ cd my-hello As an aside, it’s often good practice to keep a “pristine” copy of a remote repository around, which you can then make temporary clones of to create sandboxes for each task you want to work on. This lets you work on multiple tasks in parallel, each isolated from the others until it’s complete and you’re ready to integrate it back. Because local clones are so cheap, there’s almost no overhead to cloning and destroying repositories whenever you want. In our my-hello repository, we have a file hello.c that contains the classic “hello, world” program. Let’s use the ancient and venerable sed command to edit this file so that it prints a second line of output. (I’m only using sed to do this because it’s easy to write a scripted example this way. Since you’re not under the same constraint, you probably won’t want to use sed; simply use your preferred text editor to do the same thing.) $ sed -i '/printf/a∖∖tprintf("hello again!∖∖n");' hello.c Mercurial’s “hg status” command will tell us what Mercurial knows about the files in the repository. $ ls Makefile  hello.c $ hg status M hello.c The “hg status” command prints no output for some files, but a line starting with “M” for hello.c. Unless you tell it to, “hg status” will not print any output for files that have not been modified. The “M” indicates that Mercurial has noticed that we modified hello.c. We didn’t need to inform Mercurial that we were going to modify the file before we started, or that we had modified the file after we were done; it was able to figure this out itself. It’s a little bit helpful to know that we’ve modified hello.c, but we might prefer to know exactly what changes we’ve made to it. To do this, we use the “hg diff” command. $ hg diff diff -r b57f9a090b62 hello.c --- a/hello.c Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 +++ b/hello.c Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 @@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ int main(int argc, char ⋆⋆argv) int main(int argc, char ⋆⋆argv) { printf("hello, world!∖"); + printf("hello again!∖n"); return 0; } ### 2.7 Recording changes in a new changeset We can modify files, build and test our changes, and use “hg status” and “hg diff” to review our changes, until we’re satisfied with what we’ve done and arrive at a natural stopping point where we want to record our work in a new changeset. The “hg commit” command lets us create a new changeset; we’ll usually refer to this as “making a commit” or “committing”. #### 2.7.1 Setting up a username When you try to run “hg commit” for the first time, it is not guaranteed to succeed. Mercurial records your name and address with each change that you commit, so that you and others will later be able to tell who made each change. Mercurial tries to automatically figure out a sensible username to commit the change with. It will attempt each of the following methods, in order: 1. If you specify a -u option to the “hg commit” command on the command line, followed by a username, this is always given the highest precedence. 2. If you have set the HGUSER environment variable, this is checked next. 3. If you create a file in your home directory called .hgrc, with a username entry, that will be used next. To see what the contents of this file should look like, refer to section [2.7.1][11] below. 4. If you have set the EMAIL environment variable, this will be used next. 5. Mercurial will query your system to find out your local user name and host name, and construct a username from these components. Since this often results in a username that is not very useful, it will print a warning if it has to do this. If all of these mechanisms fail, Mercurial will fail, printing an error message. In this case, it will not let you commit until you set up a username. You should think of the HGUSER environment variable and the -u option to the “hg commit” command as ways to override Mercurial’s default selection of username. For normal use, the simplest and most robust way to set a username for yourself is by creating a .hgrc file; see below for details. ##### Creating a Mercurial configuration file To set a user name, use your favourite editor to create a file called .hgrc in your home directory. Mercurial will use this file to look up your personalised configuration settings. The initial contents of your .hgrc should look like this. # This is a Mercurial configuration file. [ui] username = Firstname Lastname  The “[ui]” line begins a section of the config file, so you can read the “username = ...” line as meaning “set the value of the username item in the ui section”. A section continues until a new section begins, or the end of the file. Mercurial ignores empty lines and treats any text from “#” to the end of a line as a comment. ##### Choosing a user name You can use any text you like as the value of the username config item, since this information is for reading by other people, but for interpreting by Mercurial. The convention that most people follow is to use their name and email address, as in the example above. Note: Mercurial’s built-in web server obfuscates email addresses, to make it more difficult for the email harvesting tools that spammers use. This reduces the likelihood that you’ll start receiving more junk email if you publish a Mercurial repository on the web. #### 2.7.2 Writing a commit message When we commit a change, Mercurial drops us into a text editor, to enter a message that will describe the modifications we’ve made in this changeset. This is called the commit message. It will be a record for readers of what we did and why, and it will be printed by “hg log” after we’ve finished committing. $ hg commit The editor that the “hg commit” command drops us into will contain an empty line, followed by a number of lines starting with “HG:”. empty line HG: changed hello.c Mercurial ignores the lines that start with “HG:”; it uses them only to tell us which files it’s recording changes to. Modifying or deleting these lines has no effect. #### 2.7.3 Writing a good commit message Since “hg log” only prints the first line of a commit message by default, it’s best to write a commit message whose first line stands alone. Here’s a real example of a commit message that doesn’t follow this guideline, and hence has a summary that is not readable. changeset:   73:584af0e231be user:        Censored Person  date:        Tue Sep 26 21:37:07 2006 -0700 summary:     include buildmeister/commondefs.   Add an exports and install As far as the remainder of the contents of the commit message are concerned, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Mercurial itself doesn’t interpret or care about the contents of the commit message, though your project may have policies that dictate a certain kind of formatting. My personal preference is for short, but informative, commit messages that tell me something that I can’t figure out with a quick glance at the output of “hg log --patch”. #### 2.7.4 Aborting a commit If you decide that you don’t want to commit while in the middle of editing a commit message, simply exit from your editor without saving the file that it’s editing. This will cause nothing to happen to either the repository or the working directory. If we run the “hg commit” command without any arguments, it records all of the changes we’ve made, as reported by “hg status” and “hg diff”. #### 2.7.5 Admiring our new handiwork Once we’ve finished the commit, we can use the “hg tip” command to display the changeset we just created. This command produces output that is identical to “hg log”, but it only displays the newest revision in the repository. $ hg tip -vp changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 files:       hello.c description: Added an extra line of output diff -r b57f9a090b62 -r fa1321bf0c80 hello.c --- a/hello.c Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 +++ b/hello.c Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 @@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ int main(int argc, char ⋆⋆argv) int main(int argc, char ⋆⋆argv) { printf("hello, world!∖"); + printf("hello again!∖n"); return 0; } We refer to the newest revision in the repository as the tip revision, or simply the tip. ### 2.8 Sharing changes We mentioned earlier that repositories in Mercurial are self-contained. This means that the changeset we just created exists only in our my-hello repository. Let’s look at a few ways that we can propagate this change into other repositories. #### 2.8.1 Pulling changes from another repository To get started, let’s clone our original hello repository, which does not contain the change we just committed. We’ll call our temporary repository hello-pull. $ cd .. $ hg clone hello hello-pull 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved We’ll use the “hg pull” command to bring changes from my-hello into hello-pull. However, blindly pulling unknown changes into a repository is a somewhat scary prospect. Mercurial provides the “hg incoming” command to tell us what changes the “hg pull” command would pull into the repository, without actually pulling the changes in. $ cd hello-pull $ hg incoming ../my-hello comparing with ../my-hello searching for changes changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 summary:     Added an extra line of output (Of course, someone could cause more changesets to appear in the repository that we ran “hg incoming” in, before we get a chance to “hg pull” the changes, so that we could end up pulling changes that we didn’t expect.) Bringing changes into a repository is a simple matter of running the “hg pull” command, and telling it which repository to pull from. $ hg tip changeset:   4:b57f9a090b62 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 15:43:07 2005 -0700 summary:     Trim comments. $ hg pull ../my-hello pulling from ../my-hello searching for changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (run 'hg update' to get a working copy) $ hg tip changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 summary:     Added an extra line of output As you can see from the before-and-after output of “hg tip”, we have successfully pulled changes into our repository. There remains one step before we can see these changes in the working directory. #### 2.8.2 Updating the working directory We have so far glossed over the relationship between a repository and its working directory. The “hg pull” command that we ran in section [2.8.1][12] brought changes into the repository, but if we check, there’s no sign of those changes in the working directory. This is because “hg pull” does not (by default) touch the working directory. Instead, we use the “hg update” command to do this. $ grep printf hello.c printf("hello, world!∖"); $ hg update tip 1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ grep printf hello.c printf("hello, world!∖"); printf("hello again!∖n"); It might seem a bit strange that “hg pull” doesn’t update the working directory automatically. There’s actually a good reason for this: you can use “hg update” to update the working directory to the state it was in at any revision in the history of the repository. If you had the working directory updated to an old revision—to hunt down the origin of a bug, say—and ran a “hg pull” which automatically updated the working directory to a new revision, you might not be terribly happy. However, since pull-then-update is such a common thing to do, Mercurial lets you combine the two by passing the -u option to “hg pull”. hg pull -u If you look back at the output of “hg pull” in section [2.8.1][12] when we ran it without -u, you can see that it printed a helpful reminder that we’d have to take an explicit step to update the working directory: (run 'hg update' to get a working copy) To find out what revision the working directory is at, use the “hg parents” command. $ hg parents changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 summary:     Added an extra line of output If you look back at figure [2.1][8], you’ll see arrows connecting each changeset. The node that the arrow leads from in each case is a parent, and the node that the arrow leads to is its child. The working directory has a parent in just the same way; this is the changeset that the working directory currently contains. To update the working directory to a particular revision, give a revision number or changeset ID to the “hg update” command. $ hg update 2 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ hg parents changeset:   2:057d3c2d823c user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Tue Sep 06 13:15:43 2005 -0700 summary:     Introduce a typo into hello.c. $ hg update 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved If you omit an explicit revision, “hg update” will update to the tip revision, as shown by the second call to “hg update” in the example above. #### 2.8.3 Pushing changes to another repository Mercurial lets us push changes to another repository, from the repository we’re currently visiting. As with the example of “hg pull” above, we’ll create a temporary repository to push our changes into. $ cd .. $ hg clone hello hello-push 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved The “hg outgoing” command tells us what changes would be pushed into another repository. $ cd my-hello $ hg outgoing ../hello-push comparing with ../hello-push searching for changes changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 summary:     Added an extra line of output And the “hg push” command does the actual push. $ hg push ../hello-push pushing to ../hello-push searching for changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files As with “hg pull”, the “hg push” command does not update the working directory in the repository that it’s pushing changes into. (Unlike “hg pull”, “hg push” does not provide a -u option that updates the other repository’s working directory.) What happens if we try to pull or push changes and the receiving repository already has those changes? Nothing too exciting. $ hg push ../hello-push pushing to ../hello-push searching for changes no changes found #### 2.8.4 Sharing changes over a network The commands we have covered in the previous few sections are not limited to working with local repositories. Each works in exactly the same fashion over a network connection; simply pass in a URL instead of a local path. $ hg outgoing http://hg.serpentine.com/tutorial/hello comparing with http://hg.serpentine.com/tutorial/hello searching for changes changeset:   5:fa1321bf0c80 tag:         tip user:        Bryan O'Sullivan  date:        Sun Jun 17 18:05:50 2007 +0000 summary:     Added an extra line of output In this example, we can see what changes we could push to the remote repository, but the repository is understandably not set up to let anonymous users push to it. $ hg push http://hg.serpentine.com/tutorial/hello pushing to http://hg.serpentine.com/tutorial/hello searching for changes ssl required [1]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch3.html [2]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch1.html [3]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch1.html#tailhgbookch1.html [4]: #tailhgbookch2.html [5]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbook.html#hgbookch2.html [6]: http://mercurial.berkwood.com/ [7]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookli4.html#Xweb:macpython [8]: #x6-340581 [9]: hgbookch2_files/tour-history.png [10]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch12.html#x16-27100012.4 [11]: #x6-420002.7.1 [12]: #x6-490002.8.1 [13]: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch2.html ## Appendix D Open Publication License Version 1.0, 8 June 1999 ### D.1 Requirements on both unmodified and modified versions The Open Publication works may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, provided that the terms of this license are adhered to, and that this license or an incorporation of it by reference (with any options elected by the author(s) and/or publisher) is displayed in the reproduction. 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