Empathy ======= Features (likely) requiring only client changes ----------------------------------------------- * Make new categories appear at the top of the list Note: We may not want this for sake of keeping the UI stable---this is already a bit of a problem with the "Start Game" button which is now appearing at the top of the list of categories. What I mean by "stability" of the UI is that we don't want a user to be reaching out to tap a vote button for a category and then have the category vote button shift to a different location before they reach it. * Make the "vote_against" button move a prompt down to the bottom of the list and gray it out. This could be a better approach than making the category entirely disappear. * Un-gray-out a prompt when a player votes for it * Make scores available at screens other than the category-selection screen Add a TWINNER achievement Add support for an initial number spelled out, such as "three little words" Add support for item counts as words Allow clients to see previous round scores by swiping left Figure out why Nancy's computer doesn't work at all Auto-focus first text field Style focus highlight for TAB-based navigation Empires ======= Convert HTML/JavaScript client to React Add UI for combining/splitting empires, (modeled after the judging interface in Empathy). Add a chat interface for sending messages to the current empire (with no history beyond a single message per sender)