const MAX_PROMPT_ITEMS = 20; function undisplay(element) {"none"; } function add_message(severity, message) { message = `
× ${message}
`; const message_area = document.getElementById('message-area'); message_area.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', message); } /********************************************************* * Handling server-sent event stream * *********************************************************/ const events = new EventSource("events"); events.onerror = function(event) { if ( === EventSource.CLOSED) { setTimeout(() => { add_message("danger", "Connection to server lost."); }, 1000); } }; events.addEventListener("game-info", event => { const info = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-info", event => { const info = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-enter", event => { const info = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-exit", event => { const info = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-update", event => { const info = JSON.parse(; if ( ===; else; }); events.addEventListener("game-state", event => { const state = JSON.parse(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; }); events.addEventListener("prompt", event => { const prompt = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("start", event => { const prompt = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-answered", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-answering", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("answering-idle", event => { const value = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("vote-end-answers", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("unvote-end-answers", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("ambiguities", event => { const ambiguities = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-judged", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("player-judging", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("judging-idle", event => { const value = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("vote-end-judging", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("unvote-end-judging", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("scores", event => { const scores = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("vote-new-game", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); events.addEventListener("unvote-new-game", event => { const player = JSON.parse(;; }); /********************************************************* * Game and supporting classes * *********************************************************/ function copy_to_clipboard(id) { const tmp = document.createElement("input"); tmp.setAttribute("value", document.getElementById(id).innerHTML); document.body.appendChild(tmp);; document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(tmp); } const GameInfo = React.memo(props => { if (! return null; return (
{} {" "} Share this link to invite friends:{" "} {props.url} {" "}
); }); const PlayerInfo = React.memo(props => { if (! return null; const all_players = [props.player, ...props.other_players]; const sorted_players = all_players.sort((a,b) => { return b.score - a.score; }); const names_and_scores = => { if (player.score) return `${} (${player.score})`; else return; }).join(', '); return (
Players: {names_and_scores}
); }); function fetch_method_json(method, api = '', data = {}) { const response = fetch(api, { method: method, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }); return response; } function fetch_post_json(api = '', data = {}) { return fetch_method_json('POST', api, data); } async function fetch_put_json(api = '', data = {}) { return fetch_method_json('PUT', api, data); } class CategoryRequest extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.category = React.createRef(); this.handle_change = this.handle_change.bind(this); this.handle_submit = this.handle_submit.bind(this); } handle_change(event) { const category_input = this.category.current; const category = category_input.value; const match = category.match(/[0-9]+/); if (match) { const num_items = parseInt(match[0], 10); if (num_items <= MAX_PROMPT_ITEMS) category_input.setCustomValidity(""); } } async handle_submit(event) { const form = event.currentTarget; const category_input = this.category.current; const category = category_input.value; /* Prevent the default page-changing form-submission behavior. */ event.preventDefault(); const match = category.match(/[0-9]+/); if (match === null) { category_input.setCustomValidity("Category must include a number"); form.reportValidity(); return; } const num_items = parseInt(match[0], 10); if (num_items > MAX_PROMPT_ITEMS) { category_input.setCustomValidity(`Maximum number of items is ${MAX_PROMPT_ITEMS}`); form.reportValidity(); return; } const response = await fetch_post_json("prompts", { items: num_items, prompt: category }); if (response.status === 200) { const result = await response.json(); if (! result.valid) { add_message("danger", result.message); return; } } else { add_message("danger", "An error occurred submitting your category"); } form.reset(); } render() { return (

Submit a Category

Suggest a category to play. Don't forget to include the number of items for each person to submit.

); } } const PromptOptions = React.memo(props => { if (props.prompts.length === 0) return null; return (

Vote on Categories

Select any categories below that you'd like to play. You can choose as many as you'd like.

{ => { return ( ); })}
); }); const LetsPlay = React.memo(props => { const quorum = Math.round((props.num_players + 1) / 2); const max_votes = props.prompts.reduce( (max_so_far, v) => Math.max(max_so_far, v.votes.length), 0); if (max_votes < quorum) return null; const candidates = props.prompts.filter(p => p.votes.length >= quorum); const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * candidates.length); const winner = candidates[index]; return (

Let's Play

That should be enough voting. If you're not waiting for any other players to join, then let's start.

); }); class Ambiguities extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); const word_sets = => { const set = new Set(); set.add(word); return set; }); this.state = { word_sets: word_sets, selected: null }; this.submitted = false; this.judging_sent_recently = false; } async handle_submit() { /* Don't submit a second time. */ if (this.submitted) return; const response = await fetch_post_json( `judged/${}`,{ word_groups: => Array.from(set)) } ); if (response.status === 200) { const result = await response.json(); if (! result.valid) { add_message("danger", result.message); return; } } else { add_message("danger", "An error occurred submitting the results of your judging"); return; } this.submitted = true; } handle_click(word) { /* Let the server know we are doing some judging, (but rate limit * this so we don't send a "judging" notification more frquently * than necessary. */ if (! this.judging_sent_recently) { fetch_post_json(`judging/${}`); this.judging_sent_recently = true; setTimeout(() => { this.judging_sent_recently = false; }, 1000); } if (this.state.selected == word) { /* Second click on same word removes the word from the group. */ const idx = this.state.word_sets.findIndex(s => s.has(word)); const set = this.state.word_sets[idx]; if (set.size === 1) { /* When the word is already alone, there's nothing to do but * to un-select it. */ this.setState({ selected: null }); return; } const new_set = new Set([...set].filter(w => w !== word)); this.setState({ selected: null, word_sets: [...this.state.word_sets.slice(0, idx), new_set, new Set().add(word), ...this.state.word_sets.slice(idx+1)] }); } else if (this.state.selected) { /* Click of a second word groups the two together. */ const idx1 = this.state.word_sets.findIndex(s => s.has(this.state.selected)); const idx2 = this.state.word_sets.findIndex(s => s.has(word)); const set1 = this.state.word_sets[idx1]; const set2 = this.state.word_sets[idx2]; const new_set = new Set([...set2, ...set1]); if (idx1 < idx2) { this.setState({ selected: null, word_sets: [...this.state.word_sets.slice(0, idx1), ...this.state.word_sets.slice(idx1 + 1, idx2), new_set, ...this.state.word_sets.slice(idx2 + 1)] }); } else { this.setState({ selected: null, word_sets: [...this.state.word_sets.slice(0, idx2), new_set, ...this.state.word_sets.slice(idx2 + 1, idx1), ...this.state.word_sets.slice(idx1 + 1)] }); } } else { /* First click of a word selects it. */ this.setState({ selected: word }); } } render() { let move_on_button = null; if (this.props.idle) { move_on_button = ( ); } if (this.props.players_judged.has( { return (

Submission received

The following players have completed judging:{' '} {[...this.props.players_judged].join(', ')}

Still waiting for the following players:

); } const btn_class = "ambiguity-button"; const btn_selected_class = btn_class + " selected"; return (

Judging Answers

Click on each pair of answers that should be scored as equivalent, (and click any word twice to split it out from a group). Remember, what goes around comes around, so it's best to be generous when judging.

{ => { return (
{Array.from(set).map(word => { return ( ); })}
); })}

Click here when done judging:

); } } class ActivePrompt extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); const items = props.prompt.items; this.submitted = false; this.answers = [...Array(items)].map(() => React.createRef()); this.answering_sent_recently = false; this.handle_submit = this.handle_submit.bind(this); this.handle_change = this.handle_change.bind(this); } handle_change(event) { /* We don't care (or even look) at what the player is typing at * this point. We simply want to be informed that the player _is_ * typing so that we can tell the server (which will tell other * players) that there is activity here. */ /* Rate limit so that we don't send an "answering" notification * more frequently than necessary. */ if (! this.answering_sent_recently) { fetch_post_json(`answering/${}`); this.answering_sent_recently = true; setTimeout(() => { this.answering_sent_recently = false; }, 1000); } } async handle_submit(event) { const form = event.currentTarget; /* Prevent the default page-changing form-submission behavior. */ event.preventDefault(); /* And don't submit a second time. */ if (this.submitted) return; const response = await fetch_post_json(`answer/${}`, { answers: => r.current.value) }); if (response.status === 200) { const result = await response.json(); if (! result.valid) { add_message("danger", result.message); return; } } else { add_message("danger", "An error occurred submitting your answers"); return; } /* Everything worked. Server is happy with our answers. */ form.reset(); this.submitted = true; } render() { let move_on_button = null; if (this.props.idle) { move_on_button =( ); } if (this.props.players_answered.has( { return (

Submission received

The following players have submitted their answers:{' '} {[...this.props.players_answered].join(', ')}

Still waiting for the following players:

); } return (

The Game of Empathy

Remember, you're trying to match your answers with what the other players submit. Give {this.props.prompt.items} answers for the following prompt:


{[...Array(this.props.prompt.items)].map((whocares,i) => { return (
); })}
); } } class Game extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { game_info: {}, player_info: {}, other_players: [], prompts: [], active_prompt: null, players_answered: new Set(), players_answering: {}, answering_idle: false, end_answers_votes: new Set(), ambiguities: null, players_judged: new Set(), players_judging: {}, judging_idle: false, end_judging_votes: new Set(), scores: null, new_game_votes: new Set(), ready: false }; } set_game_info(info) { this.setState({ game_info: info }); } set_player_info(info) { this.setState({ player_info: info }); } set_other_player_info(info) { const other_players_copy = [...this.state.other_players]; const idx = other_players_copy.findIndex(o => ===; if (idx >= 0) { other_players_copy[idx] = info; } else { other_players_copy.push(info); } this.setState({ other_players: other_players_copy }); } remove_player(info) { this.setState({ other_players: this.state.other_players.filter(o => !== }); } reset_game_state() { this.setState({ prompts: [], active_prompt: null, players_answered: new Set(), players_answering: {}, answering_idle: false, end_answers_votes: new Set(), ambiguities: null, players_judged: new Set(), players_judging: {}, judging_idle: false, end_judging_votes: new Set(), scores: null, new_game_votes: new Set(), ready: false }); } set_prompts(prompts) { this.setState({ prompts: prompts }); } add_or_update_prompt(prompt) { const prompts_copy = [...this.state.prompts]; const idx = prompts_copy.findIndex(p => ===; if (idx >= 0) { prompts_copy[idx] = prompt; } else { prompts_copy.push(prompt); } this.setState({ prompts: prompts_copy }); } set_active_prompt(prompt) { this.setState({ active_prompt: prompt }); } set_players_answered(players) { this.setState({ players_answered: new Set(players) }); } set_player_answered(player) { const new_players_answering = {...this.state.players_answering}; delete new_players_answering[player]; this.setState({ players_answered: new Set([...this.state.players_answered, player]), players_answering: new_players_answering }); } set_players_answering(players) { const players_answering = {}; for (let player of players) { players_answering[player] = {active: false}; } this.setState({ players_answering: players_answering }); } set_player_answering(player) { this.setState({ players_answering: { ...this.state.players_answering, [player]: {active: true} } }); } set_answering_idle(value) { this.setState({ answering_idle: value }); } set_end_answers(players) { this.setState({ end_answers_votes: new Set(players) }); } set_player_vote_end_answers(player) { this.setState({ end_answers_votes: new Set([...this.state.end_answers_votes, player]) }); } set_player_unvote_end_answers(player) { this.setState({ end_answers_votes: new Set([...this.state.end_answers_votes].filter(p => p !== player)) }); } set_ambiguities(ambiguities) { this.setState({ ambiguities: ambiguities }); } set_players_judged(players) { this.setState({ players_judged: new Set(players) }); } set_player_judged(player) { const new_players_judging = {...this.state.players_judging}; delete new_players_judging[player]; this.setState({ players_judged: new Set([...this.state.players_judged, player]), players_judging: new_players_judging }); } set_players_judging(players) { const players_judging = {}; for (let player of players) { players_judging[player] = {active: false}; } this.setState({ players_judging: players_judging }); } set_player_judging(player) { this.setState({ players_judging: { ...this.state.players_judging, [player]: {active: true} } }); } set_judging_idle(value) { this.setState({ judging_idle: value }); } set_end_judging(players) { this.setState({ end_judging_votes: new Set(players) }); } set_player_vote_end_judging(player) { this.setState({ end_judging_votes: new Set([...this.state.end_judging_votes, player]) }); } set_player_unvote_end_judging(player) { this.setState({ end_judging_votes: new Set([...this.state.end_judging_votes].filter(p => p !== player)) }); } set_scores(scores) { this.setState({ scores: scores }); } set_new_game_votes(players) { this.setState({ new_game_votes: new Set(players) }); } set_player_vote_new_game(player) { this.setState({ new_game_votes: new Set([...this.state.new_game_votes, player]) }); } set_player_unvote_new_game(player) { this.setState({ new_game_votes: new Set([...this.state.new_game_votes].filter(p => p !== player)) }); } state_ready() { this.setState({ ready: true }); } render() { const state = this.state; const players_total = 1 + state.other_players.length; if (state.scores) { return (


Words submitted

); } if (state.ambiguities){ return ; } if (state.active_prompt) { return ; } if (! state.ready) return null; return [ , ,

, , , ]; } } ReactDOM.render( = me} />, document.getElementById("empathy"));