nogit: Using git to track files without using git Summary ======= Let's see, nogit is a very simple tool that uses git under the hood to allow for collaboration on files, but without requiring the the collaborators to invoke git commands. Any time a user might invoke "git commit", or "git push", or "git pull", etc. the user instead just invokes "nogit sync". And the user will not be prompted to fill out a commit message or to resolve conflicts, etc. Motivation ========== I originally came up with nogit when I started maintaining a simple TODO file for a project which had a code implementation split across multiple code repositories. I was intentionally keeping my TODO file outside of revision control to be lightweight in a couple of ways: 1. Many TODO items required implementing a feature in multiple repositories (both client and server, say), so having a separate TODO file meant I didn't need to decide which repository to add the TODO file to. And I also didn't need to add the same entriy to TODO files in each of multiple repositories. 2. TODO items are self-descriptive. Any commit message I might have written when adding a TODO item would be adequate as "Add " and similarly for "Remove " so there's inherently no advantage to commit messages for these changes. Of course, a significant disadvantage of my approach was that my TODO file was totally private. I was missing out on the collaborative features that git provides. So, nogit was conceived of as a way to keep my lightweight process of maintaining the TODO file, (simply editing the file and doing nothing more), while also allowing for distributed editing of the file.