[[!img notmuch-logo.png alt="Notmuch logo" class="left"]] # Tips and Tricks for using notmuch with Emacs One of the more popular notmuch message reading clients is **notmuch.el**, an [emacs](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) major mode for interacting with notmuch. It is included in the notmuch package (notmuch-emacs in Debian). This page goes over some usage tips for using notmuch with Emacs. [[!toc levels=2]] ## Setup Have a look at the [Howto](http://notmuchmail.org/howto/) for prerequisites. Be sure you have done the general setup using the notmuch cli command! To use the Notmuch emacs mode, first add the following line to your `.emacs` rc file: (autoload 'notmuch "notmuch" "notmuch mail" t) or if you always want to load notmuch when you start emacs: (require 'notmuch) Then, either run "emacs -f notmuch", or execute the command `M-x notmuch` from within a running emacs. ### Notmuch Emacs configuration file: (Since Notmuch 0.18) After notmuch is loaded `notmuch-init-file` (typically `~/.emacs.d/notmuch-config.el`) is checked out. If such file exists it is loaded. Most emacs lisp based configuration not suitable via customization can be put there instead of `~/.emacs`. ## Navigating & reading mails When first starting notmuch in emacs, you will be presented with the notmuch "hello" page. If it exits with an error after writing "Welcome to notmutch. You have" you need to do the basic notmuch setup first (see above). From here you can do searches, see lists of recent searches, saved searches, message tags, help information, etc. Executing a search will open a new buffer in `notmuch-search-mode` displaying the search results. Each line in the search results represents a message thread. Hitting the '?' key will show help for this mode. In general, the 'q' will kill the current notmuch buffer and return you to the previous buffer (sort of like a 'pop'). In search mode, navigating to a thread and hitting return will then open a new buffer in `notmuch-show-mode`, which will show the actual message contents of the thread. ## Sending mail In any notmuch mode, you can start a new message by hitting the 'm' key. To reply to a message or thread, just hit the 'r' key. When composing new messages, you will be entered in emacs's `message-mode`, which is a powerful mode for composing and sending messages. When in message mode, you can type `C-c ?` for help. If you would like to use address autocompletion when composing messages, see [address completion](#address_completion). When you are ready to send a message, type `C-c C-c`. By default message mode will use your sendmail command to send mail, so make sure that works. One annoying standard configuration of message mode is that it will hide the sent mail in your emacs frame stack, but it will not close it. If you type several mails in an emacs session they will accumulate and make switching between buffers more annoying. You can avoid that behavior by adding `(setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)` in your `.emacs` file (or doing `M-x customize-variablemessage-kill-buffer-on-exit`) which will really close the mail window after sending it. ## Attaching files Using the `M-x mml-attach-file` command, you can attach any file to be sent with your mail. By default this command is bound to the menu item *Attachments--Attach File* with the key binding `C-c C-a`. The variable `mml-dnd-attach-options` (`M-x customize-variablemml-dnd-attach-options`) can be set to allow the prompting for various attachment options (such as inline/attachment) if you want to do that. For those who prefer a more graphical interface, you can also simply drag and drop files from a file manager into a mail composition window to have them attached. In Ubuntu this works without any modifications if files are dragged from the file manager. And for those who prefer working from command line, the following script opens new emacs window with empty message and attaches files mentioned as script arguments. (Note: The script expects that you have `(server-start)` in your `.emacs` file.) #!/bin/sh attach_cmds="" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do fullpath=$(readlink --canonicalize "$1") attach_cmds="$attach_cmds (mml-attach-file \"$fullpath\")" shift done emacsclient -a '' -c -e "(progn (compose-mail) $attach_cmds)" ## Controlling external handlers for attachements You can choose e.g. which pdf viewer to invoke from notmuch-show mode by adding a .mailcap file in your home directory. Here is an example: application/pdf; /usr/bin/mupdf %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf application/x-pdf; /usr/bin/mupdf %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf ## Issues with Emacs 24 If notmuch-show-mode behaves badly for you in emacs 24.x try adding one of (setq gnus-inhibit-images nil) or (require 'gnus-art) to your .emacs file. ----- # Advanced tips and tweaks ## Initial cursor position in notmuch 0.15 hello window In notmuch version 0.15 emacs client the handling of cursor position in notmuch hello window has been simplified to a version which suits best most cases. Initially the cursor is positioned at the beginning of buffer. Some users liked the "ancient" version where cursor was moved to the first `Saved searches` button. Add the following code to your notmuch emacs configuration file in case you want this behaviour: (add-hook 'notmuch-hello-refresh-hook (lambda () (if (and (eq (point) (point-min)) (search-forward "Saved searches:" nil t)) (progn (forward-line) (widget-forward 1)) (if (eq (widget-type (widget-at)) 'editable-field) (beginning-of-line))))) ## Add a key binding to add/remove/toggle a tag The `notmuch-{search,show,tree}-tag` functions are very useful for making quick tag key bindings. The arguments to these functions have changed as notmuch has evolved but the following should work on all versions of notmuch from 0.13 on. These functions take a list of tag changes as argument. For example, an argument of (list "+spam" "-inbox") adds the tag spam and deletes the tag inbox. Note the argument must be a list even if there is only a single tag change e.g., use (list "+deleted") to add the deleted tag. For instance, here's an example of how to make a key binding to add the "spam" tag and remove the "inbox" tag in notmuch-show-mode: (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "S" (lambda () "mark message as spam" (interactive) (notmuch-show-tag (list "+spam" "-inbox")))) You can do the same for threads in `notmuch-search-mode` by just replacing "show" with "search" in the keymap and called functions, or for messages in `notmuch-tree-mode` by replacing "show" by "tree". If you want to tag a whole thread in `notmuch-tree-mode` use `notmuch-tree-tag-thread` instead of `notmuch-tree-tag`. You may also want the function in search mode apply to the all threads in the selected region (if there is one). For notmuch prior to 0.17 this behaviour will occur automatically with the functions given above. To get this behaviour on 0.17+ do the following: (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "S" (lambda (&optional beg end) "mark thread as spam" (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region)) (notmuch-search-tag (list "+spam" "-inbox") beg end))) The analogous functionality in notmuch-tree is currently missing. The definitions above make use of a lambda function, but you could also define a separate function first: (defun notmuch-show-tag-spam () "mark message as spam" (interactive) (notmuch-show-add-tag (list "+spam" "-inbox"))) (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "S" 'notmuch-show-tag-spam) Here's a more complicated example of how to add a toggle "deleted" key: (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "d" (lambda () "toggle deleted tag for message" (interactive) (if (member "deleted" (notmuch-show-get-tags)) (notmuch-show-tag (list "-deleted")) (notmuch-show-tag (list "+deleted"))))) ## Adding many tagging keybindings If you want to have have many tagging keybindings, you can save the typing the few lines of boilerplate for every binding (for versions before 0.12, you will need to change notmuch-show-apply-tag-macro). (eval-after-load 'notmuch-show '(define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "`" 'notmuch-show-apply-tag-macro)) (setq notmuch-show-tag-macro-alist (list '("m" "+notmuch::patch" "+notmuch::moreinfo" "-notmuch::needs-review") '("n" "+notmuch::patch" "+notmuch::needs-review" "-notmuch::pushed") '("o" "+notmuch::patch" "+notmuch::obsolete" "-notmuch::needs-review" "-notmuch::moreinfo") '("p" "-notmuch::pushed" "-notmuch::needs-review" "-notmuch::moreinfo" "+pending") '("P" "-pending" "-notmuch::needs-review" "-notmuch::moreinfo" "+notmuch::pushed") '("r" "-notmuch::patch" "+notmuch::review") '("s" "+notmuch::patch" "-notmuch::obsolete" "-notmuch::needs-review" "-notmuch::moreinfo" "+notmuch::stale") '("t" "+notmuch::patch" "-notmuch::needs-review" "+notmuch::trivial") '("w" "+notmuch::patch" "+notmuch::wip" "-notmuch::needs-review"))) (defun notmuch-show-apply-tag-macro (key) (interactive "k") (let ((macro (assoc key notmuch-show-tag-macro-alist))) (apply 'notmuch-show-tag-message (cdr macro)))) ## Restore reply-to-all key binding to 'r' Starting from notmuch 0.12 the 'r' key is bound to reply-to-sender instead of reply-to-all. Here's how to swap the reply to sender/all bindings in show mode: (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "r" 'notmuch-show-reply) (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "R" 'notmuch-show-reply-sender) And in search mode: (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "r" 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread) (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "R" 'notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender) ## How to do FCC/BCC... The Emacs interface to notmuch will automatically add an `Fcc` header to your outgoing mail so that any messages you send will also be saved in your mail store. You can control where this copy of the message is saved by setting the variable `notmuch-fcc-dirs` which defines the subdirectory relative to the `database.path` setting from your notmuch configuration in which to save the mail. Enter a directory (without the maildir `/cur` ending which will be appended automatically). Additional information can be found as usual using: M-x describe-variable notmuch-fcc-dirs An additional variable that can affect FCC settings in some cases is `message-directory`. Emacs message-mode uses this variable for postponed messages. To customize both variables at the same time, use the fancy command: M-x customize-apropos\(notmuch-fcc-dirs\)\|\(message-directory\) This mechanism also allows you to select different folders to be used for the outgoing mail depending on your selected `From` address. Please see the documentation for the variable `notmuch-fcc-dirs` in the customization window for how to arrange this. ## How to customize `notmuch-saved-searches` When starting notmuch, a list of saved searches and message counts is displayed, replacing the older `notmuch-folders` command. The set of saved searches displayed can be modified directly from the notmuch interface (using the `[save]` button next to a previous search) or by customising the variable `notmuch-saved-searches`. An example setting for notmuch versions up to 0.17.x might be: (setq notmuch-saved-searches '(("inbox" . "tag:inbox") ("unread" . "tag:inbox AND tag:unread") ("notmuch" . "tag:inbox AND to:notmuchmail.org"))) Starting from notmuch 0.18 the variable changed. It is backwards compatible so the above will still work but the new style will be used if you use customize and there are some new features available. The above would become (setq notmuch-saved-searches '((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox") (:name "unread" :query "tag:inbox AND tag:unread") (:name "notmuch" :query "tag:inbox AND to:notmuchmail.org"))) The additional features are the possibility to set the search order for the search, and the possibility to specify a different query for displaying the count for the saved-search. For example (setq notmuch-saved-searches '((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox" :count-query "tag:inbox and tag:unread" :sort-order 'oldest-first))) specifies a single saved search for inbox, but the number displayed by the search will be the number of unread messages in the inbox, and the sort order for this search will be oldest-first. Of course, you can have any number of saved searches, each configured with any supported search terms (see "notmuch help search-terms"), and in the new style variable they can each have different count-queries and sort orders. Some users find it useful to add `and not tag:delete` to those searches, as they use the `delete` tag to mark messages as deleted. This causes messages that are marked as deleted to be removed from the commonly used views of messages. Use whatever seems most useful to you. ## Viewing HTML messages with an external viewer The emacs client can display an HTML message inline using either the `html2text` library or some text browser, like w3m or lynx. This is controlled by the `mm-text-html-renderer` variable. The first option is theorically better, because it can generate strings formatted for emacs and do whatever you want, e.g., substitute text inside <b> tags for bold text in the buffer. The library, however is still in a very early development phase and cannot yet process properly many elements, like tables and