[[!img notmuch-logo.png alt="Notmuch logo" class="left"]] #Tips and Tricks for using notmuch with Emacs The main Notmuch message reading client is **notmuch.el**, which is an [emacs](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) major mode, and is included in the notmuch package. ## Setup To use the Notmuch emacs mode, first add the following line to your .emacs rc file: (require 'notmuch) Then, either run "emacs -f notmuch", or execute the command "M-x notmuch" from within a running emacs. ## Navigating & reading mails When first starting notmuch in emacs, you will be presented with the notmuch "hello" page. From here you can do searches, see lists of recent searches, saved searches, message tags, help information, etc. Executing a search will open a new buffer in notmuch-search-mode displaying the search results. Each line in the search results represents a message thread. Hitting the '?' key will show help for this mode. In general, the 'q' will kill the current notmuch buffer and return you to the previous buffer (sort of like a 'pop'). In search mode, navigating to a thread and hitting return will then open a new buffer in notmuch-show-mode, which will show the actual message contents of the thread. ## Sending mail In any notmuch mode, you can start a new message by hitting the 'm' key. To reply to a message or thread, just hit the 'r' key. When composing new messages, you will be entered in emacs's "message-mode", which is a powerful mode for composing and sending messages. When in message move, you can type "C-c ?" for help. If you would like to use address autocompletion, see the [address completion howto](#address_completion)" below. When you are ready to send a message, type "C-c C-c". By default message mode will use your sendmail command to send mail, so make sure that works. One annoying standard configuration of message mode is that it will hide the sent mail in your emacs frame stack, but it will not close it. If you type several mails in an emacs session they will accumulate and make switching between buffers more annoying. You can avoid that behavior by adding `(setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)` in your .emacs file which will really close the mail window after sending it. ## Attaching files Using the `M-x mml-attach-file` command, you can attach any file to be send with your mail. By default this command is bound to the menu item `Attachments--Attach File` with the key binding `C-c C-a`. The variable `mml-dnd-attach-options` (M-x customize-variable`mml-dnd-attach-options`) can be set to allow the prompting for various attachment options (such as inline/attachement) if you want to do that. For those who prefer graphics, you can also simply drag and drop files from a file manager into a mail composition window to have it attached (assuming you are using emacs with X support). At least in Ubuntu it works by dragging from the file manager without any modifications. -----

Advanced tips and tweaks

* **Add a keybinding to add/remove/toggle a tag.** Here's an example of how to add a key binding to notmuch-show-mode to toggle a "deleted" tag: (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "d" (lambda () "toggle deleted tag for message" (interactive) (if (member "deleted" (notmuch-show-get-tags)) (notmuch-show-remove-tag "deleted") (notmuch-show-add-tag "deleted")))) You can do the same for threads in notmuch-search-mode by just replacing "show" with "search" in the called functions. This definition makes use of a lambda function, but you could just as easily defined a separate function first: (defun notmuch-show-toggle-deleted-tag() "toggle deleted tag for message" (interactive) (if (member "deleted" (notmuch-show-get-tags)) (notmuch-show-remove-tag "deleted") (notmuch-show-add-tag "deleted"))) (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "d" 'notmuch-show-toggle-deleted-tag) * **How to do FCC/BCC...** Any notmuch reply will automatically include your primary email address in a BCC so that any messages you send will (eventually) end up in your mail store as well. But this doesn't do anything for messages that you compose that are not replies. Another method is to save the file in a folder of your local Maildir, usually called FCC (file carbon copy). You can achieve this by setting the variables `message-directory` (which defines a base directory) and `notmuch-fcc-dirs` which defines the subdirectory relative to message-directory in which to save the mail. Enter a directory (without the maildir /cur ending which will be appended automatically). To customize both variables at the same time, use the fancy command: M-x customize-apropos\(notmuch-fcc-dirs\)\|\(message-directory\) This method will even allow you to select different outboxes depending on your selected from address, if you need that functionality. Please see the documentation on the variable in the customization window for how to do so. * **How to customize notmuch-folders** There's a "notmuch-folder" command available in the emacs client that displays a list of "folders" and the number of messages in each. Each folder is simply a named search specification. To configure this mode, edit your ${HOME}/.emacs file and include text something like the following: (setq notmuch-folders '(("inbox" . "tag:inbox") ("unread" . "tag:inbox AND tag:unread") ("notmuch" . "tag:inbox AND to:notmuchmail.org"))) Of course, you can have any number of folders, each configured with any supported search terms (see "notmuch help search-terms"). Personally, I find it fairly useful to add "not tag:delete" to those views as I use that tag to mark messages as deleted and it automatically removes them from my standard views. Use whatever seems most useful to you. * **Viewing HTML messages with an external viewer** The emacs client can often display an HTML message inline, but it sometimes fails for one reason or another, (or is perhaps inadequate if you really need to see the graphical presentation of the HTML message). In this case, it can be useful to display the message in an external viewer, such as a web browser. Here's a little script that Keith Packard wrote, which he calls view-html: #!/bin/sh dir=3D`mktemp -d` trap "rm -r $dir" 0 cat "$@" > "$dir"/msg if munpack -C "$dir" -t < "$dir"/msg 2>&1 | grep 'Did not find'; then sed -n '/[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]/,$p' "$dir"/msg > $dir/part1.html rm "$dir"/msg fi for i in "$dir"/part*; do if grep -q -i -e '' -e 'text/html' "$i"; then iceweasel "$i" & sleep 3 exit 0 fi done Save that script somewhere in your ${PATH}, make it executable, and change the invocation of iceweasel to any other HTML viewer if necessary. Then within the emacs client, press "|" to pipe the current message, then type "view-html". Keith mentions the following caveat, "Note that if iceweasel isn't already running, it seems to shut down when the script exits. I don't know why." * **msmtp, message mode and multiple accounts** As an alternative to running a mail server such as sendmail or postfix just to send email, it is possible to use [msmtp](http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/). This small application will look like /usr/bin/sendmail to a MUA such as emacs message mode, but will just forward the email to an external SMTP server. It's fairly easy to set up and it support several account for using different SMTP servers. The msmtp pages have several examples. A typical scenario is that you want to use the company SMTP server for email coming from your company email address, and your personal server for personal email. If msmtp is passed the envelope address on the command line (the -f/--from option) it will automatically pick the matching account. The only trick here seems to be getting emacs to actually pass the envelope from. There are a number of overlapping configuration variables that control this, and it's a little confusion, but setting these three works for me: - mail-specify-envelope-from: t - message-sendmail-envelope-from: header - mail-envelope-from: header With that in place, you need a .msmtprc with the accounts configured for the domains you want to send out using specific SMTP servers and the rest will go to the default account. * **how to get email address completion** There are currently two solutions to this: * [bbdb](http://bbdb.sourceforge.net) is a contact database for emacs that works quite nicely together with message mode, including address autocompletion. * You can also use the notmuch database as a mail address book itself. To do this you need a command line tool that outputs likely address candidates based on a search string. There are currently two available: * The python tool notmuch_address.py ('git clone http://jkr.acm.jhu.edu/git/notmuch_addresses.git`) (slower, but no compilation required so good for testing the setup) * The vala-based [addrlookup](http://github.com/spaetz/vala-notmuch) (faster, but needs compiling). This is how you compile the (3rd party) tool "addrlookup" to give you address completion: * you need the addrlookup binary, first of all. Grab http://github.com/spaetz/vala-notmuch/raw/static-sources/src/addrlookup.c and build it with `cc -o addrlookup addrlookup.c ``pkg-config --cflags --libs gobject-2.0`` -lnotmuch`. That should give you the binary that you can test already. * EUDC is integrated into emacs and can be used for tab completion of email addresses. The code I use is here http://gist.github.com/359425. It was announce in [this mail](http://mid.gmane.org/87fx3uflkx.fsf@jhu.edu) (id:87fx3uflkx.fsf@jhu.edu) which contains links to the git repositories which contain the files. * **how to sign/encrypt my messages with gpg** You can manually sign your messages with gpg by invoking `M-x mml-secure-sign-pgpmime` (or `M-x mml-secure-encrypt-pgpmime`). These functions are available via the convenient (*cough cough*) keybindings `C-c C-m s p` and `C-c C-m c p` by default. To sign my outgoing mail by default, I use this hook in my .emacs file: ;;sign messages by default (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-sign-pgpmime) This inserts the blurb `<#part sign=pgpmime>` into the beginning of my mail text body and will be converted into a pgp signature when sending (so I can just manually delete that line if I do not want a mail to be signed).