Use the first letter of your name to indicate you are in the middle of working on something. /----- Server, implemented in ttt-server / /---- Client, implemented in ttt S C 1. Requests ✓ 1.1 HELO 1.2. Global commands ✓ 1.2.1. WHO ✓ 1.2.2. MESSAGE 1.2.3. HELP ✓ 1.2.4. QUIT 1.2.5. VERSION 1.3. Game management commands 1.3.1. INVITE 1.3.2. ACCEPT 1.4. In-game commands 1.4.1. SHOW 1.4.2. PART 1.4.3. MOVE 2. Asynchronous notification. 2.1. Global notices ✓ 2.1.1. NOTICE USER ✓ 2.1.2. NOTICE QUIT 2.1.3. NOTICE INVITE 2.1.4. NOTICE DISPOSE ✓ 2.1.5. NOTICE MESSAGE 2.2. Game notices 2.2.1. Global game notices NOTICE NEWGAME NOTICE GAMEOVER 2.2.2. Move notices NOTICE MOVE 3. Errors 3.1. Connection setup errors ✓ 3.1.1. ERROR NONAMESET ✓ 3.1.2. ERROR INVALIDNAME 3.2. Command format errors 3.2.1. ERROR COMMAND ✓ 3.2.2. ERROR SYNTAX 3.2.3. ERROR NOTNUMBER 3.2.4. ERROR NOTGRID 3.3. Global command errors. 3.4. Game management errors. 3.4.1. ERROR NOGAME 3.5. User information errors 3.5.1. ERROR NOUSER 3.6. In-game errors 3.6.1. Global game errors ERROR NOTINGAME ERROR NOTPLAYING 3.6.2. Moving errors ERROR NOTYOURTURN