################################################################################################## # # CMake script for finding TinyXML. # # Input variables: # # - TinyXML_ROOT_DIR (optional): When specified, header files and libraries will be searched for in # ${TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}/include # ${TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}/libs # respectively, and the default CMake search order will be ignored. When unspecified, the default # CMake search order is used. # This variable can be specified either as a CMake or environment variable. If both are set, # preference is given to the CMake variable. # Use this variable for finding packages installed in a nonstandard location, or for enforcing # that one of multiple package installations is picked up. # # # Cache variables (not intended to be used in CMakeLists.txt files) # # - TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR: Absolute path to package headers. # - TinyXML_LIBRARY: Absolute path to library. # # # Output variables: # # - TinyXML_FOUND: Boolean that indicates if the package was found # - TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS: Paths to the necessary header files # - TinyXML_LIBRARIES: Package libraries # # # Example usage: # # find_package(TinyXML) # if(NOT TinyXML_FOUND) # # Error handling # endif() # ... # include_directories(${TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS} ...) # ... # target_link_libraries(my_target ${TinyXML_LIBRARIES}) # ################################################################################################## #from: https://github.com/ros/cmake_modules/blob/0.3-devel/cmake/Modules/FindTinyXML.cmake # Get package location hint from environment variable (if any) if(NOT TinyXML_ROOT_DIR AND DEFINED ENV{TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}) set(TinyXML_ROOT_DIR "$ENV{TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}" CACHE PATH "TinyXML base directory location (optional, used for nonstandard installation paths)") endif() # Search path for nonstandard package locations if(TinyXML_ROOT_DIR) set(TinyXML_INCLUDE_PATH PATHS "${TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}/include" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(TinyXML_LIBRARY_PATH PATHS "${TinyXML_ROOT_DIR}/lib" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() # Find headers and libraries find_path(TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES tinyxml.h PATH_SUFFIXES "tinyxml" ${TinyXML_INCLUDE_PATH}) find_library(TinyXML_LIBRARY NAMES tinyxml PATH_SUFFIXES "tinyxml" ${TinyXML_LIBRARY_PATH}) mark_as_advanced(TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR TinyXML_LIBRARY) # Output variables generation include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(TinyXML DEFAULT_MSG TinyXML_LIBRARY TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR) set(TinyXML_FOUND ${TINYXML_FOUND}) # Enforce case-correctness: Set appropriately cased variable... unset(TINYXML_FOUND) # ...and unset uppercase variable generated by find_package_handle_standard_args if(TinyXML_FOUND) set(TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIRS ${TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(TinyXML_LIBRARIES ${TinyXML_LIBRARY}) endif()