By creating a new entry in the hunts table.
As part of this change we rework turbot/ so that the block
functions it had are now in turbot/ (where they are usefully
shared). Meanwhile, the actual views that were being created are now
created above in,, etc. where they can be
associated with functions to handle the submission of those views,
-import turbot.views
+from turbot.blocks import input_block
+import uuid
+submission_handlers = {}
def new_hunt(turb, payload):
+ """Handler for the action of user pressing the new_hunt button"""
+ view = {
+ "type": "modal",
+ "title": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "New Hunt" },
+ "submit": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "Create" },
+ "blocks": [
+ input_block("Hunt name", "name", "Name of the hunt"),
+ input_block("Hunt ID", "slug", "Short prefix for hunt (no spaces)"),
+ input_block("Hunt URL", "url", "External URL of hunt")
+ ],
+ }
- print("In new_hunt function")
- view = turbot.views.new_hunt()
- turb.slack_client.views_open(trigger_id=payload['trigger_id'],
- view=view)
+ result = turb.slack_client.views_open(trigger_id=payload['trigger_id'],
+ view=view)
+ if (result['ok']):
+ submission_handlers[result['view']['id']] = new_hunt_submission
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': 'OK'
+def new_hunt_submission(turb, payload):
+ """Handler for the user submitting the new hunt modal
+ This is the modal view presented to the user by the new_hunt
+ function above."""
+ state = payload['view']['state']['values']
+ name = state['name']['name']['value']
+ slug = state['slug']['slug']['value']
+ url = state['url']['url']['value']
+ table = turb.db.Table("hunts")
+ table.put_item(
+ Item={
+ 'channel_id': "placeholder-" + str(uuid.uuid4()),
+ "active": True,
+ "name": name,
+ "slug": slug,
+ "url": url
+ }
+ )
+ return {
+ 'statusCode': 200,
+ }
+def view_submission(turb, payload):
+ """Handler for Slack interactive view submission
+ Specifically, those that have a payload type of 'view_submission'"""
+ view_id = payload['view']['id']
+ if view_id in submission_handlers:
+ return submission_handlers[view_id](turb, payload)
+ print("Error: Unknown view ID: {}".format(view_id))
+ return {
+ 'statusCode': 400
+ }
actions = {
"button": {
"new_hunt": new_hunt
--- /dev/null
+def text_block(body):
+ return {
+ "text": {
+ "type": "mrkdwn",
+ "text": body
+ }
+ }
+def section_block(block):
+ return {
+ "type": "section",
+ **block
+ }
+def actions_block(*elements):
+ return {
+ "type": "actions",
+ "elements": list(elements)
+ }
+def button_block(label, name):
+ return {
+ "type": "button",
+ "text": {
+ "type": "plain_text",
+ "text": label,
+ "emoji": True
+ },
+ "value": name
+ }
+def input_block(label, name, placeholder):
+ return {
+ "type": "input",
+ "block_id": name,
+ "element": {
+ "type": "plain_text_input",
+ "action_id": name,
+ "placeholder": {
+ "type": "plain_text",
+ "text": placeholder,
+ }
+ },
+ "label": {
+ "type": "plain_text",
+ "text": label
+ }
+ }
-import turbot.views
+from turbot.blocks import section_block, text_block, button_block, actions_block
+def hunt_block(hunt):
+ text = "{}: <#{}>".format(hunt['name'], hunt['channel_id'])
+ return section_block(text_block(text))
+def home(turb, user_id, body):
+ """Returns a view to be published as the turbot home tab for user_id
+ The body argument is a dictionary as provided by the Slack request.
+ The return value is a dictionary suitable to be published to the
+ Slack views_publish API."""
+ response = turb.db.Table("hunts").scan()
+ hunts = response['Items']
+ return {
+ "type": "home",
+ "blocks": [
+ section_block(text_block("*Active hunts*")),
+ *[hunt_block(hunt) for hunt in hunts if hunt['active']],
+ actions_block(button_block("New hunt", "new_hunt"))
+ ]
+ }
def app_home_opened(turb, body):
user_id = body['event']['user']
- view = turbot.views.home(turb, user_id, body)
+ view = home(turb, user_id, body)
turb.slack_client.views_publish(user_id=user_id, view=view)
return "OK"
+++ /dev/null
-def text_block(body):
- return {
- "text": {
- "type": "mrkdwn",
- "text": body
- }
- }
-def section(block):
- return {
- "type": "section",
- **block
- }
-def actions(*elements):
- return {
- "type": "actions",
- "elements": list(elements)
- }
-def button(label, name):
- return {
- "type": "button",
- "text": {
- "type": "plain_text",
- "text": label,
- "emoji": True
- },
- "value": name
- }
-def input(label, name, placeholder):
- return {
- "type": "input",
- "element": {
- "type": "plain_text_input",
- "action_id": name,
- "placeholder": {
- "type": "plain_text",
- "text": placeholder,
- }
- },
- "label": {
- "type": "plain_text",
- "text": label
- }
- }
-def hunt_block(hunt):
- text = "{}: <#{}>".format(hunt['name'], hunt['channel_id'])
- return section(text_block(text))
-def home(turb, user_id, body):
- """Returns a view to be published as the turbot home tab for user_id
- The body argument is a dictionary as provided by the Slack request.
- The return value is a dictionary suitable to be published to the
- Slack views_publish API."""
- response = turb.db.Table("hunts").scan()
- hunts = response['Items']
- return {
- "type": "home",
- "blocks": [
- section(text_block("*Active hunts*")),
- *[hunt_block(hunt) for hunt in hunts if hunt['active']],
- actions(button("New hunt", "new_hunt"))
- ]
- }
-def new_hunt():
- """Returns a view to be published as the new_hunt modal"""
- return {
- "type": "modal",
- "title": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "New Hunt" },
- "submit": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "Create" },
- "blocks": [
- input("Hunt name", "name", "Name of the hunt"),
- input("Hunt ID", "slug", "Short prefix for hunt (no spaces)"),
- input("Hunt URL", "url", "External URL of hunt")
- ]
- }
import turbot.actions
import turbot.commands
-import turbot.views
ssm = boto3.client('ssm')
if type == 'block_actions':
return turbot_block_action(turb, payload)
+ if type == 'view_submission':
+ return turbot.actions.view_submission(turb, payload)
return error("Unrecognized interactive type: {}".format(type))
def turbot_block_action(turb, payload):